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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 Her shares would be managed by her brother, and Paula was totally cool with that. She'd never been the corporate type- just show her the money and she was golden. As far as she was concerned, it didn’t matter whose hands her shares were in, as long as they were well taken care of. She trusted her brother completely. He wouldn't let her starve, she was sure. He'd look out for his little sis.

After skimming through the agreement, Paula immediately sided with Erin, “Dad, Erin's right. Just sign on the dotted line, will ya?” With Exi With Erin stepping in to handle the situation, Janie felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

Hunter furrowed his brow, “Erin, my heart has always been in this family, and every bit of the Lamont family is surely yours and Paula’s. But I'm only 53 now. Don’t you think it’s a bit too early forto sign the stock transfer?” Hunter was hesitating, but Erin kept his cool, “I'm not in a rush. You sign when you feel like it.” But Hunter wouldn't be seeing Ruby or the twins until those papers were signed, Erin's calm demeanor unnerved Hunter. Erin didn’t say much, but that didn’t mean Hunter didn’t get the message.

Erin was tougher, more decisive than Hunter ever was, and Hunter had seen that even before the kid was fully grown. Plus, Lamont Corporation owed its success to Erin's hard. work.

After weighing the pros and cons, and thinking of Ruby and his young sons in Erin's hands, Hunter's voice trembled as he conceded, “I'll sign. Right now.” No sooner had Hunter agreed than Paula handed him a pen.

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Janie was seething with and frustration, but she didn’t dare speak out with Erin taking charge. And as for Ruby, that bitch caught in her son’s net, Janie knew she'd have her chance for revenge.

Hunter took the pen, signed the papers, and looked up at Erin, “Erin, I've signed. Now, about Ruby and the boys...” Before he could finish, Erin cut him off, “Once the transfer is effective, you'll see them.” Hunter stared at Erin for a long moment, eventually realizing he had nothing left to say, and left the house, drained.

As soon as Hunter was gone, Janie started her waterworks again, crying about all her hardships over the years.

While comforting Janie, Paula looked up at Erin, “Aren't you mad about the crazy stuff Dad pulled?” 1/4 12:49 Chapter 51 Erin was as cool as a cucumber, “Getting angry doesn’t solve anything Fixing the problem does. Mom, pull yourself together. We'll have a press conference tomorrow morning to clear the air about tonight's drama. Say you were misled.” Janie’s tears stopped as if they'd never been, and she looked up at Erin. He clarified, “The company’s interests cfirst.” “I got it,” Janie said.

With the family drama handled, Erin didn’t linger. He had a mess to clean up tonight. As he started the car, a sinister smile played on Erin's lips. Estrella, things were getting interesting.


Estrella had barely stepped through the door when Bryce dropped his gaming phone and enveloped her in a bear hug, “Estrella, seeing a living, breathing person is a blessing.” Estrella rolled her eyes, “Enough. Don’t act like a dog who's just seen a bone.” She prodded, “Planning to hide out here forever?” Bryce was all over her, taking her bag, massaging her back, “Even if | have to hide here for the rest of my life, | won't go to that damn place.” “So you've been back this long and no one’s noticed? Thomas isn’t ratting you out?” “Thomas sneaked back too,” Bryce said confidently. “Don’t worry. We've got it all under control over there.” If Jason found out they’d both snuck back, he'd va gasket While kneading her shoulders like a loyal servant, Bryce glanced at the living room, “I ordered your favorite midnight snack. Didn't even touch it "til you got back.” “That sweet, huh?” “Absolutely. Plus, you went to the Lamont family to stir things up. Bet you didn’t get to eat.” Estrella sank back into the couch, and Bryce laid out the late-night spread before her, handing her a fork, “Jason and that Serene went together, right? Tto put that divorce on the agenda?” Estrella took the fork without expression, “You're so keen ongetting a divorce, Bryce. Got a crush on me?” Bryce’s face turned red, “You're fierce, Estrella. I'd crush on anyone but you. I just can’t stand Jason's arrogance, and he’s a total jerk, to begin with.” Estrella took a sip of water, “You should tell that to your family.” “I will, and I'll make sure to give Jason a piece of my mind after this blows over.” 2/4 12:49 Chapter 53 Estrella chuckled, knowing full well Bryce never won against Jason.

“Estrella, lettell you, a guy like Jason...” Bryce ranted on about Jason's faults.

At the stime, Jason had just arrived hand Marie greeted him with a beaming smile, “Mr. Jason, welcback.” “Where's Estrella?” “Ms. Estrella didn’t cback with you? Then she hasn't returned yet.” Not back yet? Jason's expression darkened. She wasn’t hasleep? Pulling out his phone, Jason dialed Estrella’s number.

“As a kid, Jason was the worst. We'd get something to eat, and he’d always take the best part first. Never got to taste the heart of a watermelon because of him.

“He'd setup to disturb hornets’ nests, and one summer, he even gotbitten by a snake. Estrella, tellthat’s not messed up?” Bryce yce was in the midst of his tirade against Jason when Estrella’s phone rang. She glanced at it, and with a dismissive smirk at Bryce, said, “Looks like the Nelson family’s not-so-fine specimen is calling.” Bryce clammed up, his indignation suddenly deflating.

Estrella let out a contemptuous laugh before coldly answering the phone, “What's up?” On the other end of the line, Jason's voice cthrough charged with fury, “Estrella, where the hell are you?” He had wanted to head back with Estrella after the gala ended. She had told him that she’d gone hand was already asleep, but when he got back, she was nowhere to be found.

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Estrella pulled the phone away from her ear, her brows and eyes knitted in annoyance, “What do you want?” “You have 10 minutes to get your ass back here,” he demanded.

Bryce, with all the gravity of a judge, stared at Estrella. An opportunity like this was rare, and he felt he ought to do something about it. Otherwise, he'd be letting Jason down.

So, Bryce cleared his throat, dropped his voice an octave, and teased, “Ms. Estrella, why aren’t you over here? The water's getting cold. Weren't we supposed to bath together?” Estrella’s gaze shot towards Bryce. Was he really that bold? Bryce raised an eyebrow, a smug look plastered on his face. Jason wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight. Or the next night. Or even the night after that.

3/4 12:49 Chapter 53 On the phone, Jason's breath carried a sense of hostility as he sharply asked, “Is there someone with y you? breath Estrella replied, cool as a cucumber, “No, you must have heard wrong.” Seeing his chance, Bryce continued, “Ms. Estrella, who are you on the phone with? Don’t tellthere’s another man behind my back when you've claimed you're single. Hang up the phone already. | promise you a night of blissful ecstasy.” 12:49 4/4 Find a hiding spot, now” They barely stepport fuck into the apartment when the doorbell our te place Bvce pleaded, “Estrella, don’t at the ca t Pushing him away, Estrella urged, “Get in there Estrella, if you don’t open up, you can kiss this place goodbye, lasons ro/2008 Estrella leaned casually against the doorfrarms crossed over her chest, wearing s seductive smile “Well, well, what brings you to my doorstep? Dressed in a bright red pajama set, she exuded an air of nonchalance, looking every of the part of a sultry night worker.

Jason's face darkened as he pushed past Estrella and barked at Drew, “Not a fly gets o of here.” 0 “Understood, Sir Estrella, straightening her slipping pajama shoulder, followed Jason into the bedroom. “What's this about, Jason? Ignoring her, Jason beelined for the master bedroom.

After an unsuccessful search, Estrella feigned pealization with a laugh, “A lover's tryst, perhaps?” She added, “Do I look like the kind to sneak around? If | had company. I'd have bragged about it already It's all clear” Jason stepped closer, pinching her cheek “Clear? You think I'm deaf?” Estrella, trying to save Bryce from a dire fate, bluffed with a steady voice, Tve been glued to the TV. What did you hear?” With a smirk, Jason released her face “You better hope I don’t find anything He had already had Drew check the building's surveillance on the way over. No one had entered or left Estrella’s block, meaning if there was someone in her apartment, they couldn't have flown out Estrella conceded. “Fine. I'll help you look, okay? She playfully opened the bathroom door “My lever, oh dear, where are you?! Finding no one in the Bathroom, Estrella tumed to Jason. “No one here ” After searching a few more spots and finding nothing. Estrella challenged. If you don’t find anyone here today, Jason you oweamexplanation.” Jason brushed her off “Don’t try to cover it upstrea Estrella continued the search Drew listening to Estrellas repeated calls of lover struggled to contain his laughter When it cto bantering.

Jason was no match for M... Estrella.

As Jason rummaged and Estrella kept calling out for her lover Jason couldn't help but feel frustrated Estrella seemed determined not to let up until she found her lover However, as their search went on and no one was found Jason's anger began to subside “Lover oh lover, where are you?” Jason finally had enough “Estrella shut it,” he snapped coldly Estrella turned, with a mocking smile on her face. Just speak your mind, ,Jason. No need to accusewrongly How dare he try to catch her in the act when he was the one bringing dates to galas? Jason moved on to the fourth bedroom, and Estrella quickly opened the door ahead of