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6 Times a Day

Chapter 221 Sexy Time With Aunt Suzy Pt.2
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Eager to switch topics, Suzanne said, "Now, the main reason I want to have a frank chat with you is your mother. You can't say that you have trouble with her helping you achieve orgasm, 'cos she's done it lots of times already, especially on that fateful Tuesday, and it was obvious that you had a hell of a great day then. Didn't you?"

He was embarrassed to admit his incestuous lust, now that it came to it. "Well, yeah, but... I mean, how could I resist? Aunt Suzy, you know what Mom looks like! She's as much a voluptuous sexpot as you are. In fact, in terms of physical dimensions you two could be identical twins, except she doesn't have your long tongue. I know it's wrong and I should feel ashamed, but Jesus! Aunt Suzy, I can't help that she's my mom, it's just that she's so..." He raised his hands, trying to gesture with them since words failed him. But his hands just flailed about until he dropped them back down.

He tried again. "I mean, what am I supposed to do when I have a mom who looks like a centerfold porn star? Maybe she's a Bible thumper from the neck up, but from the neck down I'd like to 'thump' her... Oh my God!"

"I know," Suzanne said. "I'm not finding fault with you, not one bit. In fact, the very fact that she's your mother makes her help all the more stimulating, doesn't it?"

He blushed and turned away.

She laughed. "What's the big secret? You're acting just like her. You know it's true, I know it's true, everyone knows it's true. So what's the big deal?"

He looked back her way just in time to notice her making a significant head nod towards his crotch. He looked down at his naked body and saw that his dick was fully erect. He blushed even more and turned away again. He hoped she wouldn't be offended that the mere mention of his mother got him hard immediately, even though her own nearly naked body right in front of him didn't.

"Sweetie! What's the deal?! You KNOW that I don't mind you getting intimate with her; in fact, I'm cheering you on about it. I can't help you with your problem all the time every day; you just cum too often and I'm not over at your home enough hours of the day to always be there for you. I've been doing everything in my power to get Susan to see the light: that it would be an all-around good thing for everyone if she helps you like that on a daily basis. It would be a lot easier for me to convince her of that if you'd be able to talk about this freely and we could work together as a team."

He still looked away. "Thanks. I understand all that on an intellectual level, but to actually talk about my doing stuff with her with another person? It's hard."

She leered at his crotch and ribbed him, "I can see that it's hard. Here, perhaps this will put you in the right mood to talk." She reached out and started to fondle his erection. She added in an evil Russian accent, "Ve haf veys of makink you talk!"

He laughed. "You do, that's for sure. Okay, let's talk."

He looked like he was struggling to say more, so Suzanne just stayed silent and looked at him expectantly while stroking his rod.

He joked, "I know your fiendish plan: you want to get me so horny that I'll talk even about embarrassing stuff. I hate to break it to you, but it's working!"

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She chuckled. In fact, that was her exact plan. She even brought a second hand up to deliver yet more pleasure to his dick and balls.

He watched her fingers sliding up and down his still pre-cum soaked shaft. Shit, man! If she keeps that up, I won't be able to think, much less talk! I'd better say something before I cum all over her face! Maybe a serious discussion will slow her fingers down.

Finally, he said, "It's not just the incest factor that makes me reluctant to talk with you about this. It's also the sense that you and I are going behind her back and plotting to corrupt her. That makes me uneasy. She's not only my mother, she's like my best pal in the whole world, maybe even more than you or Sis!"

Suzanne was touched by that, even though it was frustrating to her plans. "That's sweet, Sweetie. I hope you remember though that what we're doing is not some selfish thing, or some kind of fiendish plot. What we're doing is going to benefit her as much as it'll benefit you, if not more so. I know for a fact that she literally has had more climaxes since you started your treatment than she'd had in her entire life up to that point! No exaggeration. She was a very nice and lively gal before, but it almost seems to me like she's only really come fully alive since she started assisting you. There's a sparkle in her eye and an extra spring in her step. Haven't you noticed?"

"Of course I have. But other times I see her struggling and suffering, and it hurts me terribly."

"Well, that's why we have to speed things up!" In a joke only appreciated by herself, she increased her pace, racing her fingers faster up and down his shaft. "She has to throw away those silly hang-ups her parents and their church put in her head that make her feel so guilty and anguished. We need to work together to get her over that stuff as soon as possible. Then everything will be glorious and nothing but fun for you and her."

"I know, I know. But I just can't do anything that smacks of plotting. I started telling her some half-truths and big-time exaggerations lately, and I just don't want to go deeper down the deception route. If she were to ask me if we're talking about these things together, what would I say? More lies! I can't do that."

She frowned, but said, "Okay. I can respect that. It makes things a bit more difficult that way, but I like a good challenge. We are in agreement that we both want your mother blowing you and stroking you on a daily basis, aren't we?"

She gave his boner some extra attention as she said this, switching techniques unexpectedly.

He nearly blew his load, but just managed to clamp down with his newfound PC muscle control. "Jeeeesus!" he panted, recovering. Then he said, "Yes, Aunt Suzy, yes. God, yes! That would be sweet!"

"Okay then. Here's the plan. I'm not going to openly plan stuff with you since that smacks too much of conspiratorial plotting. But if a situation happens to arise between you and her, you can roll with the punches and follow my lead or my advice, right?"

"Yeah, sure. That would be different. I don't have a problem with that."

"Good. Because things are at a delicate stage with her right now. You know how she was drifting back to her prudish ways even before Ron got here, but his being underfoot just makes it all much worse. I keep trying to encourage her and draw her out, but she's struggling with it. If you push her too far too fast by taking too many sexual liberties with her, it could backfire, big time."

"So what am I supposed to do?!" he yelped. It was becoming harder and harder for him to talk, given the way Suzanne was stroking him with both hands. Unfortunately for him, she was talking just fine and kept expecting him to respond coherently.

She suggested, "Just play it cool, go with the flow, and don't do anything too drastic. Most importantly, try to steer clear of her pussy. It's the fear of having intercourse with you that is easily the biggest mental block she has to letting go and enjoying herself. But you screwed up on that last Tuesday, from what I understand, so it'll take some time to prove you can be trusted there."

"Dang! I know! I feel like shit about that, but it's just so hard not to think it! God dammit, sliding into her tight slit would be so fuckin' great!"

Suzanne laughed. "I thought you had a hard time talking about that kind of stuff."

The fact was, since he was on the edge of orgasm, his sexual thoughts were flowing freely and he wasn't censoring himself as much as usual.

He was feeling bad about saying that though, but before he could say anything more, she brought her mouth closer, until she was breathing heavily directly on his cockhead. "If you really have to think about sliding this big fat thing into someone's hot slit, why not think about doing that with mine?"

She panted with growing excitement, stimulating his cockhead with each heavy breath. "Now, I'm not saying we can do that, because I have my moral code too and I've explicitly promised Susan that isn't going to happen. At least not yet. Who knows what the future might bring, though. Imagine boning and banging your big-titted auntie's hot box on a daily basis!"

She concluded her arousing comments by flicking her long tongue against his bulbous head, even as both her hands kept on stroking and stroking.

"Oh God! NOOOO!" The reason he suddenly cried "no" so loudly was because he was slipping over the edge, losing control of his urge to cum. He was practically doubled over from fighting it so hard, but it looked like a lost cause.

Suzanne, though, didn't want him to climax just yet, because she had plans for him before he did. So she grasped the base of his dick and squeezed tightly while trying to make it seem just like some extra vigorous stroking. At the same time, she tapped him on the perineum (the space between his anus and his scrotum), a little-known technique that sometimes worked to delay climax.

He felt the surge pass. "Whew! Oh my GOD, that was close! Suzy, please don't touch me another second or I'll blow!"

She obligingly let go. She didn't like being called just "Suzy" since every time he called her "Aunt" it made her feel more like his real aunt, but she let that go too because she knew he literally wasn't thinking.

He flopped back in his chair like he'd been shot. His erection still poked straight up and it twitched wildly. It was still touch and go, and an intense struggle not to cum just yet.

Suzanne just watched for a bit, both impressed at his determination to keep going and amused at his twitching dick, which was still thoroughly soaked with pre-cum.

Finally she said, "Ya know what I'm thinking about?"

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"What?" he gasped.

"A trombone. You know how a trombone is a big long thing that slides back and forth? That's what I'm picturing. Kind of like YOUR big long thing sliding in and out of my tight twat."

He closed his eyes and groaned. "Gaawwwd!"

She snickered because his erection, already lively, twitched even more frantically after she'd said that.

This is fun! she thought to herself. These are the good times. True, if he and I schemed together we could have more fun faster, but, in a way, having to change Susan's way of thinking without any overt help could be an even more exciting challenge than with his help. Speaking of which, it's time to get the ball rolling.

"Sweetie, I'm gonna go take a short bathroom break. It's probably good timing, because now that you've got me thinking about your big tool pulsing and throbbing and how it could fill me up deep inside, anything I say isn't likely to help you recover. I'm probably just going to end up talking more about the way your thick eight inches would make me scream to the heavens as you coat the insides of my cunt with your seed!"

He whimpered miserably.

She chuckled. "So I'll be back in a few, okay?"

He just turned to look at her and nodded. He was in agony, but it was an amazingly pleasurable agony. He was riding a buzz right to the edge, and didn't even have to touch himself to stay teetering on the edge of a dizzying high. If he actually climaxed, he'd really regret it.


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