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6 Times a Day

Chapter 231 Brenda -
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Special Thanks for Drunk Dargon (5/5)


Susan knew all about being "arm candy" for Ron. For years, in addition to attending regular parties with real friends, she had attended parties for Ron's business purposes. Opinions of Ron soared when they saw what a truly stunning and curvaceous woman he had married. Susan was used to wearing fancy outfits that were sexy yet didn't actually reveal much skin, due to her prudish sensibilities. She knew how to charm and talk to the people Ron subtly directed her to interact with. Frankly, with her natural beauty she usually won the charm battle no matter what she wore or said.

So Susan expected another party like that. She was glad that at least Suzanne would be there to help her get through it. And Suzanne's help was especially needed this evening because Susan was still quite tipsy from the wine she'd been drinking earlier. Also, she was still in a kind of daze from all of the sexual excitement with Alan.

Suzanne did almost everything, from picking out clothes for Susan and herself to driving the car. Her goal was to be efficient and get in and out of the party with Susan's social obligations fulfilled as soon as possible. Although Suzanne was much better at hiding it, she too was somewhat dazed and giddy from the events with Alan. She wanted to go to bed early if she could.

However, their plans changed shortly after the two of them arrived at the party. At first, there were no surprises. It was being held at a lavish mansion owned by one of the higher-ups in Ron's company. Both of them had been there for other parties. Most of the faces were familiar from those previous parties.

The surprise was that Brenda was there too. This actually wasn't that unexpected, since Brenda did move in very similar social circles. Now that Brenda was coming out of her self-imposed isolation, which had been caused by her feeling depressed about the collapse of her marriage, she had resumed attending parties like this, and Suzanne's recent interest in her stemmed from talking to her at one such event.

Even so, it was a pleasant coincidence. Suzanne immediately decided that instead of just spending Susan's bare minimum of a half hour or so of "arm candy" time at the party, the two of them should stay longer and get to know Brenda better. Suzanne thought the card game get-together they'd had with Brenda the prior Wednesday had gone well. She had a gut feeling that Brenda had a role in her planned sexual utopia future, but she still wasn't sure what that role was, or how big it would be. Even so, Brenda had such obvious sexual potential that she represented an opportunity that simply couldn't be missed. The snag was that Suzanne needed more information to better know just what to do with her, so this was a golden opportunity to acquire that.

Susan, in her still tipsy and horny state, was pleased to see Brenda. When Suzanne privately told Susan about her desire to genuinely have a good time getting to know Brenda better, Susan was game. It helped that Alan had told them before they left that he was definitely sexually finished for the day, and he was just going to chill out for a while before going to bed early, so Susan knew that she wouldn't be missing out on anything fun at home.

However, Susan and Suzanne only spoke to Brenda briefly at first. They explained about Susan's social obligations, and then they wandered off to find Ron and get Susan's required face-time over with as quickly as possible. They made plans to meet with Brenda in a certain less-crowded room later, once Susan's command performance was over.

Half an hour later, those obligations had been met and the three MILFs met up again as planned. They greeted each other like long-lost friends, with hugs and kisses on cheeks all around. Suzanne noticed that Brenda was tipsy the first time they'd found her, and half an hour later it looked like Brenda was in danger of crossing the line from tipsy to drunk. Suzanne considered this a very good thing, because the things she most wanted to know about Brenda were the sorts of things people generally didn't like to talk about, most especially their sexual tendencies, experiences, and interests. She figured the alcohol would help loosen Brenda's lips.

After the hugs, Suzanne took charge. "Brenda! Look at you. You look fantastic! But what are you doing at a party like this?"

Brenda leaned in, like she was going to tell a dangerous secret. "You really wanna know?"


"I'm looking for a... MAN!" Brenda raised her wine glass high in the air, spilling most of the remaining wine out of it.

Suzanne looked around the room. There weren't many other people nearby, but there were a few. Between Brenda's boisterous statement and her sloppy gesture, Suzanne decided more privacy was needed. She gripped Brenda's arm and started walking her out of the room, forcing both Brenda and Susan to follow. "Really? Tell me all about it."

Brenda was untroubled by how Suzanne was leading her. "Oh, you know the story. Painful divorce. Kind of crushed my spirit. But I can't just sit and mope forever. Gotta... get back out there. Get back on the horse. Ride the horse!" She leaned in secretively again, even while they were walking, and lowered her voice. "Although, to be honest, I'd prefer to be ridden, if you know what I mean."

Then she stopped walking altogether, cupped her hand to Suzanne's ear, and whispered, "I'm horny!" She pulled back, smirked, and staggered around a bit before recovering her balance.

Suzanne grabbed Brenda's arm and resumed walking her to the nearest empty room they could find. She muttered, "I'll bet. Aren't we all." She rolled her eyes. She glanced back to Susan to make sure Susan was still following right behind - she was.

Susan was all grins. She was still riding her erotic high from what had happened earlier with Alan, so she was glad she wasn't the only one with a bad case of the "hornies."

Suzanne soon got Brenda to an upstairs bedroom. She liked that spot because she could, and did, lock the door to the room, and it had a bathroom attached to it in case Brenda got sick. There was also a nice balcony with a great view of the expansive backyard area and on all the way to the ocean.

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The three of them found chairs and pulled them together so they made a small circle. Suzanne resumed the conversation with Brenda. "So, are you looking for Mr. Right, or Mr. Right Now?"

Brenda snorted with glee. Then she answered, "Both! Mr. Right, of course, but, failing that, Mr. Right Now will do!" She giggled.

Suzanne gave Brenda an obvious lookover and asked, "Is that why you're dressed like that?"

Susan added, "Yeah. I'm curious about that too. When we talked last time, you kept complaining about how you hate all the attention your body draws to you. Especially in the, uh, upper chest region."

Both women were referring to the fact that Brenda was wearing a stunning, expensive dress that showed off a lot of skin. In particular, it showed off a spectacular amount of cleavage, as well as side boob. The dresses Susan and Suzanne were wearing were quite modest in comparison.

Brenda waved a hand dismissively, causing her entire upper body to wobble dangerously. It was a very good thing she was sitting down. "Yeah, well, you know how it goes. You can't catch a big fish if you don't have good bait."

Suzanne asked, "Is that what you want, another big fish? A rich, powerful guy like your soon to be ex-husband?"

Brenda grimaced. "No! No way! Not that kind of big fish. I mean a HUNK! Some kind of guy who can really..." She paused and looked around. She hadn't been paying full attention, so she registered surprise to see that they were sitting alone in a room. But she quickly recovered, and continued, "Since we're talking in private, and you two are kind of like my new good friends, I'm just gonna come right out and say it: I want some kinda guy who can really..." - she took a deep breath that drew even more attention to her deep cleavage, and then declared - "...FUCK!"

She petulantly folded her arms under her massive rack, causing her tits to bulge out even more. "There! I said it, and I don't care. 'Cos it's the truth!" Then in a brief moment of sober clarity, she remembered Susan's prudish reputation. "Sorry, Susan, for my language. I mean, uh... well, you know what I mean. I need to get LAID! UGH! Gaawwwd, it's been a long time!"

Susan wasn't that offended, due to all the sexual changes in her life. She smiled and said, "That's okay. Believe me, I understand the feeling. Imagine what it must be like to be married to a man who lives overseas for eleven months out of the year. Year after year after year!"

"UGH!" Brenda groaned loudly. "I can't imagine. Oh! Poor you! And I thought I had it bad. How do you cope?!"

Susan wasn't sure how to answer that, given her recent secret activities with Alan.

Luckily, Suzanne saw Susan's problem and stepped in to say, "I'll field that, since Susan can be shy talking about that sort of thing. But you know how it is, Brenda. Us ladies have special friends who come in the night to visit. They're phallic-shaped and make a loud buzzing sound, if you know what I mean."

Brenda's eyes went wide as realization dawned on her that Suzanne was referring to a vibrator. Then she burst into laughter. "Oh yeah! Totally! Me too! And how. Oh my God! It comes in the night, and then I cum in the night, if you know what I mean!" She giggled some more.

Suzanne dutifully laughed along. "I get it. But it's not the same as the real thing, is it?"

Brenda felt so passionately about that that she started to rise out of her chair before she realized her balance difficulty and fell back into it. "NO! No way! Not even close! What I wouldn't give for a good, hard..." - she remembered Susan's supposed prudish sensitivity and stopped herself just in time. "Well, you can probably guess the rest."

Suzanne grinned. She wanted to encourage Brenda's speaking without restraint, so she said, "I think the word you're looking for there is 'cock.'"

Brenda gasped and then looked to Susan with concern.

Suzanne had explained to Susan in a private moment how she was hoping to learn more about Brenda's sexual nature this evening, and she'd asked for Susan's help as a confederate in that plan. She'd even made clear that she envisioned Brenda providing sexual assistance to Alan in some fashion. Much of the time, that idea would have bothered Susan, but she was still horny enough that it excited her instead. So Susan gamely replied to Brenda, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm not made out of glass. I may not talk like that, but that's no reason why you and Suzanne shouldn't feel free to."

Brenda wobbled in her seat some, then steadied herself. "Oh. Good." She was going to take another sip of her wine, only to find that her hands were empty. "Hey. What happened to my wine?"

Suzanne said, "You lost your glass a while back." In fact, Suzanne had taken it from her and left it behind not long after they'd started walking to their private room. "But don't worry about it. We're all feeling pretty good anyway, aren't we? What do you need to get drunk for in the first place?"

Brenda turned sad and thoughtful. She admitted, "Liquid courage, I guess. To help me get a man."

Both Susan and Suzanne were shocked to hear that, and it showed.

Susan exclaimed, "YOU?! Why would YOU need courage?! You're so curvy and gorgeous that it's crazy! Even I get jealous about your looks!"

Suzanne huffed, "What she said! Seriously! Any man at this party isn't worthy to lick your toes! You don't need any kind of courage at all. I don't care if you're mute or have no charm whatsoever. All you'd need to do is snap your fingers and any guy will come running. Even most of the married ones!"

Brenda was still moody. "That's nice of you to say. And I know you have a point. I guess I'm kinda sorta drunk, and I didn't mean to drink that much. But getting tipsy, well, I guess it just helps make things easier. I'm not used to just, you know... looking to get laid. To be honest, it's been years since I've been in this position."

Suzanne carefully probed, "When we spoke at the card game, you mentioned that your husband had cheated on you, but that you weren't entirely blameless since you'd cheated right back."

Brenda let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah. That's true. I did. And I regret it. I was lashing out to make him angry. The funny thing is that I felt bad about it and never actually told him. But in any case, that was years and years ago, after I first found out he was cheating on me. But I stopped soon enough, since I decided I didn't want to sink to his level. But he still kept right on cheating!"

She sighed again. "Our sex life slowly sputtered to a halt after that. I did the bare minimum for him, and without any enthusiasm. I'm only putting myself out there now because the divorce is all over except for a few last legal snags. He's moved on with a new woman and he doesn't care if I know about it, that's for sure! And I'm so damn lonely. And HORNY! Why should I be the chump who suffers when it's his fault for ruining our marriage in the first place?!"

Suzanne could see that Brenda was starting to go from sad to angry. She knew that Brenda had a reputation as hot-tempered, and she didn't want her to get in a snit. So she said consolingly, "I understand where you're coming from. And you're right, there's no point in you honoring your marriage vows now, not unless you could get in trouble with the divorce."

Brenda waved a hand dismissively. "Nah. We had a pre-nup and we're pretty much sticking to that. Proof of cheating doesn't really dent it much. Heck, I wish it did, so I could sock it to him! But I couldn't anyway, because California is a no-fault-divorce state."

"Well, in that case, go for it! Have some fun! It sounds like you need it, and you certainly deserve it. But if you want my advice, I say don't bother yourself with the losers at this party."

"Oh?" Brenda looked up and around, only to remember they were alone in a room. Her drunkenness was wearing off some, but she was still out of it at times.

Suzanne was going on a hunch that Brenda was sexually submissive. She considered herself a good judge of character, and she'd gotten that vibe from Brenda from the very start. She hoped she was right, because it was a fairly crucial factor for her still-forming plans as to what to do with Brenda. "Yeah, forget these bozos. They're all faceless drones. They're like the salarymen of Japan, except they're the American version. Sure, they're rich, but they're all corporate tools. If you're out to marry for money, you couldn't pick a better crowd."

"HA!" Brenda spat bitterly. "Who needs money? If there's one thing I've got, it's money. And I honestly don't think it's made my life better. The last thing I need is another rich ass... PRICK!"

Susan asked, "Then why look for a man at a party like this?"

Brenda shrugged sheepishly. "I dunno. I guess you gotta start somewhere, and this is the crowd I know."

Suzanne stated authoritatively, "Then you need a new crowd. You don't need a pin-striped drone. They've got no imagination. No sexual oomph. No PASSION! I'll bet I know exactly what you need." She purred suggestively in her sexy, scratchy voice, "You need a REAL man!"

Brenda was suddenly sitting up and giving Suzanne her total attention. "What do you mean?"

Suzanne decided it was time to test her theory that Brenda was sexually submissive. "You know, a man's man. One who isn't afraid of a REAL woman like you. And I'm not talking about bulging muscles, or a deep voice, or a square-set jaw, or any of that superficial crap. Given your great beauty, I'm sure you've discovered what I call the 'handsome man law.'"

Brenda just blinked. When no further explanation was forthcoming, she asked, "What's that?"

"The tendency that the more handsome a man is, the more full of himself he is. The real wet-your-panties kind of stunners are usually arrogant, macho pricks, who are more into themselves than they'll ever be into you. They usually suck in bed too, because they never had to struggle to please. Forget any oral loving from a guy like that! And it's usually the same for the well-hung men. Add the two together, and you're almost guaranteed to be disappointed."

Brenda grunted in agreement. "Ain't that the truth! But, then, what's a real man?"

Suzanne explained, "A real man has real passion, coming from inside. He's arrogant too, in a way, but it's different, because it's justified. He deserves to pat himself on the back because he knows exactly how to please a woman. In fact, he knows how to make her scream and cry and claw at the sheets until she just about passes out from too many orgasms! He's cocky and confident, but not an asshole. He knows what he wants and how to get it, and what he wants is YOU!" She grinned knowingly. "Am I on the right track?"

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Brenda practically bounced in her chair. "Yes, please! More! Let's hear more of that!"

Suzanne grinned, because she already could sense her hunch about Brenda's submissiveness was right on. "He's charming and silver-tongued, but his words aren't just a bunch of bullshit. The flattery hits home because he really means it. He's always hot and horny for you, and a glance at his crotch will prove just how sincere that is! He's respectful and he'd never hurt you or even insult you. Yet he has a certain sort of... how shall I say it?"

She pretended to consider for a moment. "He has a sort of natural commanding presence. He's friendly, yet somehow aloof too. He's a bit of a bad boy, but in a good-bad sort of way, if you know what I mean."

Brenda nodded eagerly.

Suzanne decided to push her hunch a little further. "There's something... compelling... about him. Like I said, he's not an asshole, and yet, somehow, you find yourself wanting to make him happy. To keep him sexually satisfied. He practically drowns you in so many screaming orgasms, so many mind-bending fucks, that you just can't help but want to give back and show your appreciation, show how much you treasure and adore him. Before long, you find yourself sucking his cock - pardon my language, Susan - practically all the time! Not because you feel grudgingly obliged to, but because you love doing it! It's like a drug, and you can't get enough! You find yourself doing crazy things for him. Dressing like a slut, acting like a slut, having sex in risky places. You feel ashamed and embarrassed, but the more you do it, the more hooked you get!"

Suzanne was keeping a close eye on Brenda's reaction. She was ready to tone things down if need be, but the way Brenda was eagerly nodding encouraged her to go still farther. "Eventually, you call yourself his slut, but you don't mind, because it's true: you ARE his slut! But that's not a bad thing. In fact, it's the best thing ever! The sex keeps getting better and better, because you've lost your inhibitions and he's lost his. He may not have the biggest cock, or the most handsome face, or the biggest muscles. But that doesn't matter, because your pussy is always sopping wet even before he slides his shaft into your tight slit, or your eager mouth, or your deep cleavage, or wherever the hell he wants to stick it in you. In your ass, even! It's good that he's in charge, because he knows what's best, and he knows EXACTLY how to drive you to the highest peaks of ecstasy, every single time!"

A sudden silence followed, as Suzanne finally decided to gauge Brenda's reaction. Actually, the pause wasn't so silent because all three women were panting hard. Susan loved Suzanne's "real man" description just as much as Brenda did.

Finally, Brenda recovered from her lusty shock and said, "My GOD! Suzanne! It's like you've just described my dream man! But such a man doesn't exist, except in fiction. And I know, because I've looked high and low."

Suzanne spoke confidently. "Oh, they exist. Believe me, I know, first-hand. It's just that they're very, very rare. But it's a tricky situation. The ones you think are like that are usually the macho assholes I mentioned before. It's the ones you don't expect who have the deep passion, the insatiable lust, the quiet confidence."

Brenda was indignant. "That sounds all well and good, but name me just one man. One man like that who's for real!"

Without thinking, Susan blurted out, "Alan!"

"Excuse me?" Brenda turned to Susan and looked at her with great skepticism. "Did you just say Alan, your son?!"

Susan sheepishly admitted, "I did. Suzanne and I have never talked about this 'real man' stuff before, and it just struck me like a bolt out of the blue that he fits that description like a hand in a glove!" But then she hastily added, "Of course, I don't know about all the sexual part of it first hand. I'm his mother! But the rest fits. And I have eyes and ears, and I see how he treats his, uh, his girlfriends."

Suzanne was secretly delighted. Not only had she all but confirmed Brenda was sexually submissive, she loved how Susan had swung the conversation around to Alan. Ha! Excellent. Alan could have the personality of a potato, and the looks of one too. It doesn't matter. All I have to do is get Brenda to think that he is the kind of guy I just described, and she'll be dying to at least try him out for a spin. Easy peasy!

Suzanne nodded with great seriousness. "It's true. I know you've met him, and you must be thinking that he's young, and he may not look all that much. But it's like I said, it's the ones you least suspect. The outer shell doesn't matter much; it's the heart and the mind, plus the burning loins. Most of all, it's the passion!"


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