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6 Times a Day

Chapter 236 Brenda?
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Twenty minutes after Suzanne went home, the two women were together again. This time they were sitting in Suzanne's living room. Suzanne said, "Okay, Susan, I know you're wondering why I just phoned you and had you rush over here. I just spoke to Brenda on the phone. We need to deal with that right away."

Susan's heart leapt in her throat. She'd largely put the Brenda problem aside all morning, but it had been worrying her as well. "Oh? What did she say?"

"I talked to her for a few minutes. I'm happy to report that she didn't sound accusatory or disdainful or anything like that. We skirted around the heart of the matter, instead making plans to meet in person with you to hash things out. She's going to be here in about an hour. I figured it's better to meet her here than at your house, since she might feel extra awkward talking in the house where she knows all your incestuous activities have been taking place."

"Good point," Susan noted.

Suzanne continued, "Before we talk to her, it's essential that you and I talk and sort things out, so we can present a united front. I'm not asking you to lie, but we don't want to be bickering and confused."

"That makes sense. And I'm really glad for this chance to talk. Earlier, you said deal with one problem at a time, and I agree. Now that this topic is open, I've got questions."

Suzanne sat back on her sofa. "Sure. Why don't we start there?"

Susan looked down at her hands and nervously fiddled them together. "For starters, we're talking about the 'incest secret' that I accidentally revealed to Brenda last night. But you told me that incest is intercourse only, and what I've been doing to Tiger isn't incest at all. So which is it?"

"Good point. The thing is, what you and I call 'incest' isn't the same as what Brenda calls it. My assumption is that she has the same misunderstanding that most people do in this day and age. We'll straighten that out with her later, but in the meantime, let's call it that for shorthand so as to not confuse her, okay?"

"Okay. Second question. Just how honest were you with her last night? I know that you're basically honest and good, but sometimes you embellish a bit. There were a few things you said that struck me as not quite right. You told me that you're trying to recruit her to help Tiger with his problem, so that could be influencing you. And that's another thing, by the way. I kind of went along with that idea last night, God only knows why. I suppose I was still a little addled with lust from what happened earlier. But now that I'm of a sound and sober mind, I question the wisdom of that."

Probably because you aren't in your own house and smelling Sweetie's cum right now, Suzanne ruefully thought to herself.

Rather than sharing her thoughts, Suzanne replied, "It sounds like we've got a lot to talk about. Let's handle things one at a time. First, about my honesty, we all make choices about what to say and not say. If I'm selling a house, I'm going to talk up its good points and downplay its bad points. That's not unethical, if you avoid outright lying. And that's what I did with Brenda last night. What are the things that struck you as not quite right?"

Susan answered, "Well, for one thing, you talked about him having a bunch of other lovers. You even called them 'his sluts.' And I must admit I helped with that when I brought up how busty they are. That must have been my shameful lust talking again, because the truth is, he really doesn't have all those other lovers. Yes, he's getting some other help, but we made it sound like there are all these centerfold-quality buxom women practically standing in line to help him!"

Suzanne responded, "Let's review. You and I both keep an eye on his orgasms chart. He says he's not masturbating anymore, and I believe him. So if he's not getting help from you or me, then it has to be from others, right? We know some of that help comes from school, because he comes home from there and puts a mark on his chart straight away. But we ALSO know about OTHER marks. For instance, don't tell me you haven't been wondering about the mysterious marks from the day before yesterday."

Susan frowned as she recalled those marks. "That has been bugging me. Four mystery marks! FOUR! And it was a Saturday, so it can't be from school. You don't think... he's doing something with Angel, do you? The last thing I know for sure was they left together, they were gone for many hours, and then, later... four marks!"

In fact, that was exactly what Suzanne thought. But she was in complete approval and wanted to cover for Katherine until Susan was ready to accept her daughter's involvement, so she waved a hand dismissively. "Of course not! I know those two kids as well as my own, and if they were lying about that, I'd sniff it out right away. No, I'll tell you what's really going on there: Angel was covering for him. I'll bet they just shopped a little while, then she dropped him off so he could spend time with his secret lover."

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"'Secret lover?!' Who's that?!"

Suzanne lied some more, "I have my guess, but I can't say at this time until I'm on more solid ground. But if I'm right, she's very busty and beautiful indeed. Plus, we know his school help is busty and beautiful too."

Susan frowned. "How do we know all that?! Suzanne! It sounds like you're keeping secrets from me!"

"Well, not exactly. I'm good at reading between the lines. It's like what I said last night about the dog that didn't bark. Sometimes, I can learn a lot by talking to Sweetie and listening carefully to what he DIDN'T say to me. I haven't told you some of this because I'm still in information-gathering mode, and I could still be wrong. But the bottom line is, we weren't really lying to Brenda about that. He really does have other VERY impressive lovers. I'm almost 100 percent certain that you and I aren't his only personal cocksuckers."

Susan sat back against her sofa, amazed. "Wow! That's just... wow! Incredible!" She could feel the heat growing between her legs, and her nipples grew erect.

In fact, Suzanne was mostly bullshitting about all of that. In addition to covering for Katherine, she was trying to keep the many lovers hype going with both Susan and Brenda, figuring they were the types to eat that up. She felt Alan had very little ability to attract a woman without her secretly pulling the strings. She did know about the checkmarks indicating something happened during his school hours, and that puzzled her, but she figured that was probably just some fairly typical teen sexual hijinks with a typical teen girl.

Then Suzanne said, "Now, to address your other issue. You say that you question the wisdom of Brenda helping him with his problem. Prior to last night, I was already trying to scheme how we could make that happen, based in part on my concern for you."

"For me?"

"Sure. Remember what you said yesterday morning, when you were talking about your concerns in helping him? You said, and this is a direct quote, because it stuck in my mind: 'Someone else needs to take my place who can be more level-headed about things.' You were talking about the need for other women to help him out!"

Susan sat up, alarmed. "Just a minute! I might have said that, but I was being rash! I remember that discussion, and I was feeling distraught. I'm a lot better now. Much has happened between now and then. I've kind of, well, I've sort of accepted that, yes, I am one of my son's personal cocksuckers now. That label makes me blush with embarrassment - such a shameful thing! But it is what it is. I just have to accept it. And so, if that's the case, he doesn't need so much help from others."

Suzanne was secretly delighted. "What did I say that made you change your mind?"

Susan squirmed in her seat. "To be honest, it wasn't anything you said, per se. It was more what happened. I vowed I wouldn't help him again until Ron was gone. But then, last night, when you were helping me with those exercises to boost my willpower, well, the opposite kind of happened and somehow I found myself bobbing on his, uh, erection. And it wasn't a long time, but - God help me! - I enjoyed it so much! Too much!"

Suzanne pointed out, "You just licked your lips."

Susan bowed her head in embarrassment. "Did I? Oh dear! And I'm salivating too. You see? This is what happens every time I think about it." She looked back into Suzanne's eyes with new determination. "The truth is, I love it! Okay? It's my great shame, but I love helping him! So why can't you and I take care of all of his needs outside of school?"

"Several reasons," Suzanne replied. "For one, if he's going to cum an average of SIX times a day, he'll need a great variety of stimulation. Plus, there will be plenty of times he's out of school and not near you or me. What then? I could go on, but it's a moot point, because one reason trumps all others."

"What's that?"

"The incest secret! Or, as I should say, the so-called incest secret. Brenda knows that now, which means she's a loose cannon. Luckily, she doesn't seem to harbor any ill will, but still, the very fact that knowledge is in her head is dangerous. There's only one way to save the situation."

When Suzanne didn't elaborate, Susan prompted, "And that is?"

"To get her hooked on Alan." Suzanne replied with her usual confidence.

The look of surprise on Susan's face was as precious as it was utterly predictable to Suzanne.

"For how long?" Susan asked, worriedly.

"For as long as we need her to keep our secret," she replied, sidestepping the obvious implications of where that might lead. "If she does get hooked, then she'll essentially become one of us. That'll switch the whole situation around. She'll keep the secret with just as much determination as you or me."

Susan frowned.


"I don't like it."

"Do you disagree with my logic?"

"Well... no. But... darn it! I guess I just get selfish. I want Tiger all to myself! I don't mind sharing him with you. In fact, I welcome it, because you're my best friend and his auntie, and we're all so close. But someone we hardly know, like Brenda, that sounds hot in theory, but I don't like it in practice. It could be dangerous!"

"True, but we have no choice. I don't want to play the blame game, but the secret is out, and you were a part of that. Now, we have to move into damage control mode. Luckily, it turns out Brenda is an exceptional woman in many ways, and I'm not just talking about tape measurements. She could be trouble with a capital 'T', but I sense that she's not. She's nice, smart, and level-headed. And how lucky is it that she's so exceptionally beautiful too? Sweetie certainly won't find it a hardship to have her help him out as well."

Susan's frown deepened.

Suzanne furrowed her brow. "What now? Oh, I get it. You're jealous, aren't you? She's probably the only gorgeous woman you've ever met with breasts even bigger than yours."

Susan let out her pent-up frustration on that issue. "It's ridiculous! They're just so darn BIG! Aren't mine enough? Tiger LOVES my big tits! All I have to do is bend over a little bit, or flash some cleavage, or arch my back and thrust my chest forward, and his penis gets thick and stiff! So hot in my hand! Throbbing with life!"

Suzanne prompted her, "And then you need to take care of it, don't you? With your mouth! You need to take off all your clothes, put on your high heels, kneel between his legs, take him deep into your mouth, and SUCK!"

"MMMM!" Susan groaned. "Mmmm, YES! YES!" She was suddenly writhing and squirming in her seat. She reached for her breasts, but then she stopped herself and regained her composure. "Er, yes. I'll admit that's what I'm thinking. But then, with Brenda there, he'll turn to her instead! She'll be the one doing all the kneeling and sucking! And I'll have to sit there and torture myself with the sounds of her delicious slurping!" She had an arousing yet disturbing vision of Brenda in a luxurious bedroom in her mansion, lavishing her loving attention on Alan's erection in the exact same way she loved to do herself.

Suzanne spoke evenly. "That's probably true. I imagine that very thing will happen eventually. And it's the same for me. But that's the price we both have to pay for letting our great secret slip out. However, look at it this way. He's going to be getting help from others anyway. We already know of one mystery woman outside of school. It's better to have it be someone we know, in a situation we can control. And just because Brenda has to be a part of this now, we can determine how frequently she's involved. What if she only helps him once or twice a week? Would that be so bad?"

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After a long pause, Susan grudgingly admitted, "Well... I suppose not."

"Besides, we're starting this weekly card game tradition with her. What if that evolves into a card game / blowjob-type tradition? Maybe the winner in cards that week gets to spend an hour up in his bedroom, naked and gagging on his thick shaft. Assuming we can talk her into it, one or two events like that a week should be enough to ensure her loyalty to us. Then our secret becomes her secret too. What hurts us hurts her too. The more we can befriend her, the better off we'll all be."

Susan groaned with displeasure, but she said, "I suppose that's acceptable. I suppose my petty jealousy is immature in any case."

"Good! It's settled then. Now, we need to strategize on what to say when she gets here. I sense that, after what happened last night, she's already quite interested in Alan. We should foster that. But priority one is to get her to calm down about the incest secret. The rest will follow, not today, but maybe next week or the week after that, or even later. Let's not push it. Rome wasn't built in a day."

Susan nodded. Then something occurred to her. "Last night, as we were headed home, you said that, and I believe these were your exact words: 'Brenda is looking at this in a very different way than that, and I think I know why. But it's just a theory, and that'll have to wait until tomorrow.' I've been puzzling over that ever since. What did you mean?"

"Well, I'm still not sure. It's still just a hunch. But my guess is that she was very inspired by my 'real man' talk. It's plenty obvious to me that she craves a real man of her own. You heard what she said. Last night she was on the prowl, itching to get laid. Worse, she would have settled for Mr. Right Now rather than holding out for Mr. Right. Remember?"

Susan closed her eyes and nodded. "I remember."

"So last night she didn't think such men exist, but WE told her that Alan is one. If it was just one of us saying it, she might not have been sold on the notion, but now she is! She's very intrigued by him. Then, finding out that highly desirable women like you and I have gotten intimate with him, well, that raised her interest ten-fold. That's my theory for why her reaction to the incest is muted. Instead of complaining 'Susan don't do that,' she was more thinking, 'I want to do that too.'"

Susan nodded. "Hmmm. Interesting. I can believe that. She did seem awfully interested in talking about him last night."

"Yes, but keep in mind that she was drunk and horny. She'll probably come across differently today. We'll have a harder row to hoe. Here's the thing though. We want to increase her interest in Alan, but people always love a tough challenge. Even while we're doing that, we need to act like he's off limits. The classic 'playing hard to get' gambit."

Susan thought that over, then nodded. "Ah. I think I follow."


The two of them talked a lot more about what to say and how to behave. Susan detested lying, but she believed that sometimes a white lie or lie of omission was okay, if it was for a noble purpose. For her, Brenda was a threat to her entire family. Luckily, it was a very low-level threat since Brenda seemed to have a good attitude, but it was a threat just the same. And there was almost nothing Susan wouldn't do to protect her family, so she was willing to go along with Suzanne bending the truth in this instance.


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