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6 Times a Day

Chapter 238 INCREDIBLY Thick!
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Brenda said, "Speaking of that situation... Forgive my language, but what's so god-damned great about sex with Alan already?!"

Suzanne put a hand on her chin. "That's a very, very tough question. As I said last night, how do you explain something like falling in love to someone who's never experienced it?"

Brenda barked impatiently, "I know, I know. But there must be SOMETHING you can tell me to at least give me a general idea. I keep coming back to the why. Why are so many women eager to sleep with him? Okay, he's somewhat handsome, I'll grant, but he's no Brad Pitt. He seems like a pretty normal teenager to me."

Susan piped up. "Well, one thing that can't be denied is how impressive his penis is. It's ten inches long and INCREDIBLY thick!"

Suzanne winced visibly. Even though she was trying to hype Alan at every turn, she felt compelled to say, "Well, maybe not actually ten inches. That's-"

Susan waved her away. "Whatever. Close enough. The point is, it's so long and thick that you can BARELY even fit it all in your mouth! And when you do, there's still plenty for both of your hands to stroke! And you've gotta stroke it, because, darn it, it takes a tremendous effort to get him to cum, every single time! And once you do get him to shoot out a load of his copious, creamy cum, he gets erect again in a jiffy, maybe even while you're still busy licking his balls clean! OH! And speaking of his cum, have I mentioned how sweet and delicious his cum tastes? I hope this doesn't sound sacrilegious, but it's truly like manna from Heaven!"

Suzanne added to that. "Brenda, keep in mind that I don't think Susan has ever tasted any other cum but Alan's. Probably not even Ron's. Whereas I've had many, many lovers, so I can confirm that she's right. His cum is remarkably delicious. If you're wondering why we get so excited about mere handjobs and blowjobs, that's one big reason right there."

Susan was practically bouncing in her seat as she explained, "It's like when you work really, really hard on something, like doing your taxes, and then you reward yourself with some special yummy treat, like a bowl of ice cream. Except it's way better than that, because the task is endless fun, and then the reward is even better!"

Brenda shook her head in awe. "Susan, you amaze me. I can't believe we're sitting here and talking about the taste of your son's cum. Despite your recent sexual awakening, you - pardon my bluntness here - you still have the air of someone who is very religious, prudish, and innocent. So to hear you talk like that pretty much blows my mind!"

Susan frowned uncertainly. "Do you want me to stop? I can stop. It's just that, as you can see, this is something I feel very passionately about."

"I can see that!" Brenda chuckled.

Suzanne said, "Susan, let's not bore our guest with our endless yammering about these issues. Brenda, to make a long story short, yes, Alan's penis is impressive in multiple ways. And yes, his cum is uncommonly delicious. And I'm probably beating a dead horse already talking about his stamina and so forth. But you can find other guys with all that and sometimes more."

She got back to the submissive theme she was trying to promote. "So those factors help, but they're not the main thing. No, what sets him apart is what I talked about last night, about him being a real man. Let's put it this way. As I said, I've had many lovers. No guy was going to get far with me unless he knew what he was doing in bed, and had lots of other great attributes besides. But for all those other men, when I sucked their cocks- oh, sorry for the language, Susan."

"That's quite alright," Susan replied demurely. "Let's call it what it is. Most men have penises. Alan has a cock!" She said that with obvious pride that Brenda couldn't help but notice.

Suzanne continued, "Anyway, when I sucked their cocks, I was doing it mainly as a favor for them. But with Alan, I do it because I want to, for me. The fact that he enjoys it too is almost just a bonus! I'm having so much fun, and so many orgasms, that I joke to myself that it must be fattening, cancer-causing, AND illegal! But of course it isn't. I wish you and every other woman could feel what I feel. That's why we need to find you a 'real man' too. Let's not talk about Alan till we're blue in the face. He's taken, and he's not interested in you anyway. Instead, let's use him as a model, and find somebody like him, closer to your age, who-"

Brenda cut her off. "Whoa! Back up. What did you say? Did you just say he's not interested in me anyway?"

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Suzanne pretended to be sorry that had accidentally slipped out, when in fact she'd said it on purpose. "Oops. I guess I did. But think nothing of it. Everybody knows you're very beautiful. Anyway, like I was saying-"

Brenda interrupted again. "Sorry, but I want to sort this out first. If you keep saying that I'm so beautiful, then why did you just say he's not interested in me?"

Suzanne sighed, like she realized there was no way to avoid discussing this unpleasant matter. "Well, it's just... I'm sure that objectively he'd agree that you're a ten out of ten, but... you know, personal tastes differ. There isn't always a certain spark of interest."

Brenda put her hands on her hips indignantly. "And how would you know that in his case?"

Suzanne sighed. "If you must know... remember when you met him briefly last Wednesday?"

"Of course."

"Later, I was curious what he thought about you, so I asked him. And all he said in reply was, 'She's nice.' That took me by surprise, because he's not the kind of guy to pull his punches when praising a woman. He and I have a good rapport. For instance, if we're walking down the street and he sees a total hottie, he'll actually tell me, 'Check her out. She's a total hottie!' So to merely... well, that's about the gist of it." She pretended like she suddenly realized she was getting in too deep and had to stop before she hurt Brenda's feelings.

Naturally, this only increased Brenda's interest even further. She was literally on the edge of her seat. "Wait! You were going to say more!"

"No, I think I've said enough. I don't want you to feel bad. Oops. I mean... Well, probably it's just a misunderstanding anyway. Forget it."

Brenda growled, "You've gotta tell me more, after that!"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! Please! Let the chips fall where they may!"

"Okay, if you insist. I thought that having him call you 'nice' was damning with faint praise. So I asked him, 'Just nice? Come on. You can't tell me you'd kick her out of bed for eating crackers.' He replied, 'I suppose not.' That bland response surprised me all over again. And... well... I guess I might as well tell you the rest. I couldn't let that go, so I asked, 'Is that all? When was the last time you saw a woman as curvy as that? Her breasts are even bigger than mine!'"

Brenda was so eager to hear the response that she actually stood up. "And? And?"

"And... he tilted his head and seemed to consider that, as if he was picturing you in his mind. Then he said, 'Yeah, I suppose so. But there's such a thing as too big. You're my ideal: you and Mom. Ideal breast size, ideal faces, ideal everything. You're the ones I love. Whereas I don't know Brenda from Adam, er, Eve. So it's hard to get excited about her.' To be honest, that led to an appreciative kiss, and things kind of spiraled from there, all the way down to his shorts if you catch my drift. So that was the end of our conversation about you."

Brenda was clearly upset. This was an almost totally unfamiliar experience for her, to be perceived as only second best with her looks, and especially due to her breasts.

Susan assumed that Suzanne was referring to a real conversation that she'd missed, when in fact Suzanne had made the whole thing up on the spot as part of her "Alan playing hard to get" strategy. That mitigated Susan's jealousy issue over Brenda's larger breast size. Consequently, she was being completely sincere when she consoled Brenda: "Don't feel bad. That's a good point, that he doesn't know you yet. So it's not fair to compare. Perhaps he'll change his mind when he gets to know you better. In fact, I'm almost certain about it."

Brenda was steamed and it showed, by the way she put her hands on her hips, but she didn't know who to get mad at. Since she was standing up, she started pacing around, just like she had the night before. "Thanks, Susan. You're probably right. And thank you, Suzanne, for your honesty. But that stings. It really hurts! I'm used to men falling all over me from the moment they lay their eyes on me. I don't know how to handle rejection!"

Suzanne said, "Well, if it's any consolation, at least that should put any lingering worry about being asked to be one of his helpers out of your mind. I didn't want to mention that conversation before, but that's why it never even entered my thoughts as a possibility."

Brenda growled, "Thanks," and kept pacing. In fact, Suzanne's consolation felt more like she was being kicked when she was down. Brenda had tried hard not to show it, but she was actually very interested in becoming one of Alan's helpers. At the very least, it sounded interesting to give that a try once or twice, just to see what the hype was all about. But now Suzanne had seemingly closed that door for good.

To hide her sour mood, she sat back down and asked Suzanne for more coffee.

In response, after getting the coffee, Suzanne started talking to Susan with some idle coffee chatter. That was on purpose, to give Brenda time to reflect.

Brenda thought. God dammit! Alan sounds like the greatest thing since sliced bread. He's too good to be true. Even his cum tastes sweet! What's next? Does he shit gold bricks?! Nothing would surprise me at this point. But the killer is that it's obviously not a snow job. Suzanne seems sincere enough, and if anyone is incapable of lying, it's Susan. I can read her face like a book. Besides, if it wasn't true, I'd find out in a hurry with any one-on-one sexy time with him. Fat chance that's gonna happen now. Dammit!

But hold on a minute. Why should I give up that easily? Men like that are one in a million, or rarer still. If there's an honest-to-god, insatiable, unstoppable sex stud here in this town, I can't just let that opportunity go by! I'm so damn horny all the time that I can't stand it anymore. It's not that he's not attracted to me at all; it's that he's not attracted to me YET! I can change that! We're already starting this nice weekly card game tradition. That'll give me the perfect chance to get to know him better. He may not take part in the game, but I'm sure he comes and goes. If I get in my seductive mode and wear something super sexy, he'll take new notice of me for sure!

So he has "several" lovers. I don't know what that means. Four? Five? Six? More?! Whatever the case, why not one more than that?! If he had just one lover, that could be a hopeless situation. But if they believe he needs lots of sexual variety, and they obviously do, then it makes perfect sense to bring in some fresh faces from time to time. I want to know what's so great about him, and the only way to truly understand that is through direct experience. I want the experience of giving a blowjob not just to get a penis stiff, but as an act of erotic ecstasy in and of itself! I want to get royally FUCKED by one of Suzanne's "real men", the kind of man who makes even Suzanne proudly call herself one of his sluts!

With this new agenda in mind, Brenda decided that she needed more information as a first step. So she parried away Suzanne's seemingly persistent efforts to talk about finding Brenda a "real man" of her own. (Little did she know that the last thing Suzanne wanted was to succeed with that offer.) Instead she kept the focus on Alan, but in a non-sexual, "getting to know you" kind of way.

The other two were quite happy to discuss Alan at great length. Brenda soon found out about his classes, his friends, his hobbies, and more. They kept their answers honest, but they also were careful to emphasize the things that made him look good and failed to mention the things that didn't. Susan was such a proud mother that she would have done that anyway.

The three of them talked clear through the lunch meal they ate together. The early worries and awkwardness relating to the incest secret were long gone. They ended up talking about each other quite a lot as well, helping their mutual friendship to grow.

When Brenda eventually announced that it was time for her to go, Suzanne asked her, "As you know, Wednesday is the day after tomorrow. I'd like to keep our new card game sessions going. Do you still think you'd like to come over, even though you now know we're a couple of weirdos?"

Suzanne said that last part in an obviously teasing kind of way. Brenda smiled and responded, "Yes, I'd still like to come, and no, you're not a couple of weirdos! In fact, you've really turned my head completely around. I'm not saying I approve of incest in general; I'm not saying that at all. But in this particular instance, I definitely understand and sympathize. Besides, I keep forgetting that Alan is adopted, which means that it's not really incest; it's just sex among consenting adults. As far as I'm concerned, that whole matter is closed."

Suzanne smiled in return. "That's great to hear. Except for one thing."

"What's that?"

"It's not so easy to say the matter is closed. We're trying to just live normal lives, but with Alan getting aroused so easily and frequently, things are never exactly normal. The subject is bound to come up repeatedly, and in ways that may well make you uncomfortable. So I just want you to brace yourself for that."

"Such as?"

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"Such as, as you've noticed, we talk about sexual matters quite freely and explicitly, and quite often."

"I can handle it. In fact, it's kind of fun. Talk away."

"But it gets worse. What if he gets aroused when you're here on Wednesday? That's not only possible; it's highly probable. Had you not known our secret, I suppose he would have suffered until you went home. But since you do, chances are Susan or I will want to slip away for a while to help him out. That's going to be awkward. It's not too late to change your mind, if you'd rather not come."

"I'm a big girl. I can handle that too. I don't want him to suffer either, so do what you've gotta do, as long as it's done discreetly, of course. But hey, something just occurred to me. What about Katherine?! I've been forgetting all about her. What's her role in all this?"

Suzanne answered with the official story, even though she believed otherwise. "She knows everything, but she's not directly involved. Well... not much. She does help him some with visual stimulation sometimes."

Brenda furrowed her brow. "You mentioned that before. Is it what it sounds like?"

Susan replied this time. "It is. It means dressing sexily, maybe a little preening and posing, maybe some sexy talk too. It could even involve nudity, and in fact it usually does. Whatever it takes to inspire him. But, and this is the key: NO touching! Alan has become a man, but my precious Angel is still a girl."

Brenda nodded. "Ah. I see. So strange! But hey, I'm not going to judge. We'll talk on the phone before then, but expect to see me on Wednesday. Honestly, I'll be looking forward to it. Whatever happens, I know it won't be boring. You're the most interesting people I've come across in a long time, that's for sure!"

Once Brenda was gone and the front door was closed, Susan turned to Suzanne and asked, "I think that went surprisingly well, don't you?"

Suzanne gave Susan a hug of relief. "Definitely!"


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