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Chapter 287 I’ve Got The Body Type That He Likes, Don’t I? - Brenda [HYPERION SPONSORED]
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Brenda grew contemplative. "I just hope it's not too late for me. You see..." There was a prolonged pause while she pondered what to reveal. She ultimately decided to go for it. "The problem is... I... Well, to put it all on the table, I asked Suzanne's help to find me a man like Alan. But that's not what I really want. I want Alan himself!"

"I see," Susan said stiffly and guardedly. She knew that already, but it still alarmed her to hear Brenda confess her feelings so directly.

Brenda hastened to add, "Mind you, I don't mean to take anything away from you at all. Or Suzanne, for that matter. You two are his main helpers, and I totally respect that. But Alan has lots of other helpers too, such as his big-titted cheerleader help. You keep emphasizing that he needs a LOT of variety. So why not add me into the mix?!"

There was a long pause while Susan wrestled with her emotions. Her jealousy of Brenda's larger breasts came to the fore, but she also was mindful that they really had no choice but to get her involved, due to her knowledge of the Plummers' incest. Still, Susan was determined not to make it easy on her, which was also part of the "playing hard to get" strategy Suzanne was promoting.

She said, "I appreciate your honesty. However, it's not easy. His other lovers all know him well. We're a tight-knit group. Group harmony is extremely important in something like this. We can't have people joining and then leaving willy-nilly. We've made really major commitments!"

Brenda pleaded, "I'm not talking about just a fling. I'm willing to make a major commitment too."

"Are you? Really? How do we know that? How can we be sure? You're still a stranger to us, for all practical purposes. Heck, how can you truly know yet? I can see you have strong feelings for him at the moment, but will that still be the case a week from now? Or a month or year?"

Brenda sighed in frustration. "You're right. I can't know the future for sure. I just wish I could explain the passion of my feelings for him. Maybe then you'd understand."

"Passion is good, but passion can be fleeting. I'm sorry, but we need to take a wait-and-see approach before we even consider the possibility."

Brenda was severely disappointed, but at the same time, she realized that Susan had left a door open. "So... there's hope?!"

Susan was really working the "hard to get" angle. "Perhaps. But consider it a long-shot at best. This is not some easy thing you're asking. This is a major commitment."

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"But what about his big-titted cheerleaders?"

"What about them?"

"You don't even know all their names, from what I understand. And they're not tightly connected to your group at home. If he can get help like that, why not me too?"

"That's a different situation," Susan replied, sounding a bit irked. "Tiger, I mean Alan, is a very, very virile, well-hung young man. His powerful cock has big needs! You don't expect him to go the entire school day without at least some blowjob help, do you?"

"I suppose not."

"So that's an 'any port in the storm' kind of emergency situation. We can't be there, and those busty girls are. They're not taking any time or attention away from us. Whereas, if it were you, you WOULD."

Brenda dropped her head sadly. "Damn. I see what you mean."

"This is an especially big problem for Suzanne. In case you haven't noticed, she has a really big libido. She feels like she doesn't get enough of him as it is, so she's been especially adamant that you not get involved."

Brenda held her hands together in a begging pose. "Then please don't tell her about this conversation? Please? I don't want her to hate me or think I'm her enemy. I promise I'll go along with whatever it is that you and she decide, and what Alan wants. I'm just hoping that maybe there's some possibility. For instance, what about when neither of you two are around and he gets a big stiff boner? What then?"

Susan grunted grudgingly. "I suppose there are situations like that. To be honest, we haven't worked everything out yet. Mind you, these are very early days. For instance, I talk like I'm a blowjob expert, but I've only been sucking him for two weeks. And not every day either, due to problems such as Ron being home. So the situation is still very much evolving. It may turn out that Tiger wants more variety."

Brenda bounced in her seat. "So there IS hope! Isn't there?!"

"Maaaaybe. Maybe. We'll see. There are many factors that would have to fall into place just right. For instance, what about what Alan thinks? From what Suzanne told us, he's not even that interested in you."

Brenda sat on the edge of her chair. "I know, but that can change! Give me a chance, please!"

She suddenly stood up. "Look! I've got the body type that he likes, don't I?" She struck a provocative pose, jutting out a hip and putting a hand on her waist.

Susan stared up and down her for a few long moments, "Well, I suppose."

"You suppose?! Come on! Everyone says I'm the best of the best!"

Susan narrowed her eyes with irritation. "You certainly are full of yourself! Not everyone will necessarily feel the same way. You heard what Suzanne said about Alan's ho-hum attitude."

"I know, but later, when he was talking to me alone, you should have seen the way he looked at me. He was undressing me with his eyes! He was lusting for me, big time!"

Susan said skeptically, "That's no surprise. He's such a horny young man that he'll lust after anything with boobs."

Brenda lowered her arms and straightened up in disappointment.

Susan got what she considered an unusually clever idea, one that she thought Suzanne would approve of. "Look. I'll try to help you out. And I'll even keep this a secret from Suzanne, for now. You have one big advantage in that you know our big secret. The fewer people who know that the better, obviously, so if he did want more help, you'd be an obvious candidate. Maybe even the top candidate."

"YES!" Brenda's mood changed in a flash. She pumped a fist in the air.

"Hold on! Don't get too excited! Like I said, there are lots of obstacles. For starters, we need to know at a bare minimum whether he would be interested in you. I'm not just talking about a horny guy lusting after a pretty woman. It's gotta be more than that. You need to really get his engine running if you want to have any chance of becoming one of his regular helpers."

Brenda asked plaintively, "What do I have to do?! Can you arrange for him to see me more often?! The weekly card game isn't much of an opportunity for me to make a big impression, particularly since he doesn't even play cards with us."

"I can certainly work on that. For instance, maybe you can come over for dinner after Ron is gone."

"Oh God!" Brenda's heart thumped wildly as she considered that scary yet hopeful opportunity.

Susan got to her clever idea. "But there's something else you can do that could get us a good sense of whether you stand a chance."

"What's that? I'll do anything!"

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"Are you sure you mean that? Because what I'm thinking is to take some nude pictures of you. I'll edit them so your head can't be seen, and ask him what he thinks of them without revealing your name. He'll undoubtedly have a raging erection, 'cos he usually does, so I'll be able to feel his reaction with my mouth and my sliding fingers. Believe me, my lips know when he's feeling excited!"

Brenda was torn. But then she thought, Fuck it! Why not?! I was lamenting to myself that no amount of money can buy me Alan. But maybe courage will! If I'm going to get what I want, I have to be brave and go for it! Besides, I can always back out, so this isn't so scary. This is just to see if I can get my foot in the door.

She asked breathlessly, "What are you thinking?! When? Where? How?!"

Susan spoke calmly. "I'm thinking right here, right now. I didn't bring a camera, but your house is right over there." She pointed in the direction of Brenda's mansion. "Surely you have one. Then you can loan me the memory card or even the entire camera if need be. I'll take care of the rest. We'll have the pictures in his hands tomorrow."

Brenda started considering the possible dangers. Susan seemed like a lovely, sweet person, but she wasn't sure if she could trust her. "What about if we take the pictures now, but I edit them and print them out myself? I can bring them by tomorrow, no problem."

Susan had been secretly hoping to show Alan the full pictures, including Brenda's face, but she realized that could be pushing her luck too far. So she said, "That'll work too. In fact, that's less work for me."

"Good!" Brenda was panting heavily, suddenly aroused by the prospect of showing her nude body to her dream master. "Ohmigod! I can't believe I'm actually going to do this! But what the hell? Let's do it!"

Susan smiled. "That's the attitude! If we're gonna do it, let's do it right. While you're getting the camera, why not pick up some sexy clothes too? You can make it a striptease for him. I don't know what exactly. Lingerie, perhaps. Oh! And don't forget high heels!"

Brenda's eyes lit up. This was starting to sound like fun. Scary and thrilling, and highly arousing, but fun. "Okay!" She started to rush out of the room.

Susan shouted to her back, "But don't take too long! I don't have much time; I have to get back to my own family. I know how it can be picking out clothes. Just grab a bunch of stuff and bring it over here to sort out. Ten minutes, tops!"

Brenda had paused until Susan finished. "Okay! Ten minutes!" She ran out the door, slamming it behind her.


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