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Chapter 317 What’s An ’Extra Two-Incher’? [Happy 2022]
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Here's hoping that the new year brings us lots of new and exciting opportunities in our lives. This new year will be our year. Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. The New Year brings new opportunities, but I will forever be grateful to all of you, My supporters, my benefactors, for being by my side in all of these changes.

Happy New Year 2022 [ 1 / 3 ]


When Alan finally came downstairs, it was already five o'clock. The only thing that had motivated him to leave his room was to get a snack in the kitchen.

The afternoon continued to slip by fairly normally for Alan and everyone else. Susan announced that she was going shopping, and did so.

Suzanne wanted to stay at the Plummer house, since that's where all the sexy, fun things were happening. So she went to work on the computer in the den for a while.

As it so happened, Alan needed time to process and recover. He remained scarce for a while after his nap. He stayed in his room and read a book for class; it was about political intrigues in the Roman Empire.

That was all just as well, because everyone remaining in the house was feeling tired and listless from just too much sex.

Although the downstairs area appeared to be empty, when he entered the kitchen, Suzanne came in from the adjacent den. She flashed him a big smile and a thumbs up.

As was so often the case, his eyes went straight to her deep cleavage. Even though she was wearing a pin-striped business suit, she'd taken off her bra and blouse when she arrived at the house, leaving a tantalizing peek through just her jacket.

"What's the good news?" he asked. "Did you make a ton of money?" He asked this because Suzanne spent a lot of her time trading stocks and bonds online. She was so good at it that she didn't need a "real job," and it left her with lots of free time. Sometimes she used Susan's computer in the den for trading if she didn't feel like going back to her own house to check the markets.

But she said, "No, silly. It's the weekend, remember? The thumbs up is for you! GREAT job with your tennis win over Susan!"

"Technically, I lost, four games to three."

"True, but you won when it came to stealing her heart. Those last two games were classic!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Wait a minute. Did you talk to her about this?"

"No, not yet. I don't know where she went to exactly, but she's not here. Hmmm, I wonder where she is, now that I think about it. All I know is she's out shopping, but she didn't say what she was intending to buy."

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"Then how do you know what happened?" He picked up an apple and started to cut it into slices.

"I have my ways," she said, with deliberate mysteriousness.

"Such as?"

"You wouldn't BELIEVE how much money I spend on the Psychic Friends Hotline!" But seeing that he wasn't going to let the question go, and didn't even laugh at her joke, she said, "Okay, fine. I spied on you guys. But it was for a good cause. Getting Susan to open up sexually is tough. She has so many moralistic hang-ups that breaking them all down is like a full-time job. I don't want anything to go wrong. Mad at me?"

He thought about it as he ate a slice of apple. "Nah. Not really. You're just being you, and plotting and scheming is what you do best. Your schemes always work out well in the end, even though your means are sometimes, shall we say, ethically challenged. Besides, you're so beautiful that it's impossible to get mad at you."

"That's true," she teased. She was particularly appreciative he said this when she was mostly clothed. She picked up one of the apple slices and gave it a few provocative licks before biting into it.

He asked, "So, speaking of scheming, how's the 'corruption of the innocents' plan coming along?" He kept eating the slices.

"Great, actually. What happened on the tennis court was absolutely pivotal to getting her to feel like she belongs to you."

He marveled, "Wow! Mom? Belonging to me? Woooowww!"

Suzanne smiled at that. "I was too far away to hear what was said, but I can just tell. Did you have a fun time, by the way?"

He practically stared at her bug-eyed. "Are you kidding me?! Holy cow! It was awesome! The blowjob at the end - you saw that, right? That was just the icing on the cake!"

Suzanne was all grins. "Excellent. I could tell that she had just as much fun as you did, although in a slightly different way. When you humiliate her, she really gets off on that."

"I noticed!"

"Your mom has had decades of brainwashing from a bunch of religious wackos, so just getting her to surrender fully to her blowjob lust is a battle. It's like pulling a rubber band and having it always snap back into place. But you give her so much happiness and sexual ecstasy that I think she's finally totally hooked. We'll see, though, how she is later. Her emotions are all over the map lately. I never know what mood she'll be in from one hour to the next."

"You're telling me!" he agreed emphatically. "One hour to the next? More like one minute to the next! She-"

Suzanne rested a finger across his lips, and gestured for him to be quiet.

He waited a bit while she seemed to be listening closely for something. Then he asked, quietly, "What is it?"

"That was the garage door. She's back. She'll be coming in the house in... three... two... one..."

"Howdy!" Susan said, as she came into a front hallway from the garage. "Anyone home?"

Alan whispered, "Impressive. Aunt Suzy, you know us all so well, it's kind of scary."

Susan walked straight down the hall to the kitchen, carrying three very heavy shopping bags. Her face brightened when she saw Alan and Suzanne standing there. But she also got a bit abashed as she looked at Alan a second time, as she obviously was recalling what had happened earlier with him on the same tennis court.

Suzanne recognized the names of the stores on the bags and said, "Oooh! Clothes! What'd you buy? What'd you buy?" She took one of the bags from Susan before Susan could put the bags down on the counter.

"No!" Susan protested, once she was able to put the remaining two bags down. "That's not..."

But it was too late, because Suzanne had already pulled several items from the bags, and held them up for Alan to see. One was a very skimpy and semi-transparent nightie. The other one turned out to be an even skimpier and more insubstantial nightie. Suzanne whistled in appreciation. "Ooh la la!"

Suzanne put those back in the bag, and rifled through it some more. She told Susan, "Wow, look at this. You have enough nighties in here to outfit an entire army! Well, that is, if there were a very, very sexy army made up entirely of tall, busty, naked women."

Alan grinned, and quipped, "That's one army I wouldn't mind fighting."

Susan's face had already turned cherry red. It turned even more red when he winked at her. Somehow, she was powerfully reminded of their tennis match, and she felt such a thrill race down her spine that it nearly knocked her off her feet.

Suzanne said, "And if you add in your purchase a few hours ago of a whole bag of pineapples plus lots of pineapple juice, I'm starting to see a pattern."

Alan asked cluelessly, "Cool. I love pineapples. But why so many?"

Susan looked away, even as she unconsciously licked her lips. "Never you mind. It's, uh, good for you."

Suzanne considered explaining how Susan had discovered that pineapple and certain other fruits could help make Alan's cum taste even sweeter. Katherine had given Susan that tip that very morning, but Suzanne had already found out because, when it came to Alan's cum, news travelled fast. Suzanne had since checked out the idea on the Internet and found some evidence to support it. However, she decided against telling Alan, since she didn't want to make him too conscious about how his eating habits could affect his sex life. It made no difference; he didn't need any instruction on that matter, since he'd long loved consuming sweet and fruity things, which resulted in his tasty cum.

Susan's embarrassment only got worse when Suzanne asked in a teasing, sing-song voice, "Soooo, I wonder why you bought all these sexy clothes? Who could you be trying to arouse and impress with this mountain of lingerie? Hmmm. Very mysterious!"

It was true that Susan had bought a virtual "mountain of lingerie." Normally, she lived a humble, modest lifestyle, despite her wealth. She didn't have that much clothes for herself, at least not when compared to other women in her income bracket. But she had met up with Brenda at the shopping mall, and after Brenda handed over the memory card with the nude photos on it, the two of them went shopping together. They fed off each other's sexual enthusiasm, causing Susan to buy much more than she'd ever bought before. The wealthier and more profligate Brenda actually bought even more.

Suzanne had been holding up a pair of semi-transparent panties, but Susan snatched them away and put them back in the bag. "Very funny," she grumbled.

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She was so embarrassed that she was almost trembling. But she thought back to the words Alan had told her yesterday, and repeated them in her mind: "Thrust your chest out and proudly poke your big tits high in the air, because you have nothing to be ashamed of." That helped her relax some, especially when she thrust her tits out at the same time.

She said with increased confidence, "It so happens that my old clothes just don't cut it around here anymore because of... well, certain changes. And Suzanne, I appreciate you loaning me practically half your wardrobe, but you need your clothes back and I need some sexy clothes of my own."

Suzanne said, "Don't worry; I think it's great. I'm just razzin' ya a little bit. And it looks like you picked some really great stuff!" She held up another see-through nightie. "What do you think, Sweetie? Can you picture your mom in this?"

Alan beamed at Susan as his dick suddenly engorged. "Mom, I'm so psyched! You bought all this for me? To help me with my condition? You're so caring and sweet!" He walked over to her and gave her a big hug.

Susan was so happy that she practically floated away on a cloud of happiness. It didn't skip her attention that she felt his still-growing hard-on brush against her, and that made her even happier.

But then Suzanne frowned, and gravely told Susan, "There's just one problem."

Susan asked, "What's that?"

"It's impossible to buy this much stuff without immediately trying something on and showing it off to the man you love."

Susan's big smile returned when she realized Suzanne had just been razzing her again. "That's true," she gleefully agreed.

Suzanne dug deeper into the bag, and whistled again. "Susan, this bag is full of extra two-inchers!"

Alan asked, "What's an 'extra two-incher?'" He was still hugging Susan, since she smelled and felt so good.

Susan turned her blushing face away in embarrassment. "Never you mind about that! It's, uh, it's a girl thing." Her mind was filled with a vivid image of Alan's already long and completely turgid cock growing an extra two inches right in front of her eyes, thanks to the revealing clothes she was wearing.

Suzanne and Susan soon went upstairs, taking the bags of clothes with them. Alan was told to sit tight in the living room and eat some more fruit.

Just as they reached the edge of his hearing, he thought he heard them joking with each other about how they hoped he'd eat all the fruit in the house. I don't get it, man. Does fruit increase sexual energy or something? Weird. Oh well. Boy, I can't wait to see Mom in her new clothes!

Plus, what's great is that there's been a pattern with Mom of two steps forward and one step back. After what happened on the tennis court, I thought for sure she'd kind of withdraw at least into a semi-prudish mode for a while. But no! Not only did she not do that, she went out and bought a whole mountain of sexy clothes, and in a really short time. She must have told some sales clerk, "Give me all your lingerie in my size." Well, almost.

Maybe Aunt Suzy is right and we're at a key turning point. It'll be great if we don't have any more steps back. Here's to nothing but big steps forward from here on out! Before long, I'll be fucking Mom, Sis, Aims, and Aunt Suzy all the time! Why not? Mom's the key. If she's okay with it, anything goes!


Check out my Other [ Harry Potter and the Gift of Kali ]

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