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A Demon's Journey

Chapter 252 - The Fusion
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Edwin noticed that David was going to power up even more. The Vermillion Flame Lotus was growing unstable with that huge influx of power.

It was time to get back. And that's what Edwin did. He jumped back from his spot.

Soon after he jumped back, the Vermillion Flame Lotus exploded! A dust cloud began to rise at that spot and covered the area completely.

Edwin knew how David had suddenly boosted his energy. It was a rather risky method and required exceptional control over his elements.

A lot of energy was leaking from David's body. Meaning, he was wasting a lot of energy just by this power-up.

Edwin wasn't thinking about running away from David. He was more worried about the presence of those 6 Star Warriors who would approach this spot after sensing so much energy.

The dust cloud soon dispersed, and David's figure was visible to Edwin.

A faint outline of the Phoenix's Aura was visible around David's body. Moreover, there was another Golden Outline around that Phoenix's Aura…

It showed that the two powers had fused. This was merely an imperfect fusion.

No matter how much of a genius David was, he couldn't perfectly combine two different energies. To do that, he had to gain insight into their respective laws. And this was impossible at his current realm.

This was still a rather impressive fusion. At the least, David was strong enough to completely crush Edwin right now.

"Fireball!" David used a very basic technique at Edwin.

He was overflowing with so much energy that he was confident in winning against Edwin. This fireball was launched out of his palm.

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The fireball was actually rather large. Edwin felt as though David had thrown a miniature sun at him.

Moreover, this miniature sun didn't just hold the power of flames. It held the Gold Element's power as well. Thus, it would be very hard to stop or explode.

' Edwin thought.

Edwin knew he had failed here today. He couldn't kill Andre Valliadis any longer. Even if he tried, Edwin was sure that Fate Energy would protect Andre by using David.

Killing David felt very difficult as well. If it was his original body, it would have been very much possible. But this body didn't possess his Demon God's Bloodline.

His Demon God's Bloodline would have been very useful in resisting this fate energy! That Bloodline possessed many abilities through which the chances of killing David or Andre would increase greatly. There was also the fact that his Celestial Bloodline had mutated in his original body. It was at the same level as a Celestial God.

Because of these two bloodlines, Azaroth's Divine Holy Devil Transformation was much stronger than Edwin's.

Edwin used black lightning and flashed away. He wasn't stupid enough to remain at his spot and let that Fireball strike him.

David's eyes moved as he searched for Edwin.

David couldn't find him in his left, right, or front. He even took an about turn as he thought Edwin might be behind him. However, he still failed to find Edwin.

Soon, he sensed the sound of lightning crackling and raised his head. David's eyes widened slightly as he saw Edwin releasing his Black Lightning in the clouds.

According to what David saw, it was as if Edwin was supercharging those clouds. Edwin grinned slightly as he saw David had noticed what he was doing.

"Lightning Rain!"

Immediately, Black Lightning was released by those supercharged clouds as it approached David!

The Phoenix Aura combined with the Golden Aura around David's body was strong enough to resist that Black Lightning Bolt.

However, this wasn't just a single bolt. There were a whole lot of them approaching David from different angles!

The number of those lightning bolts couldn't be estimated by a naked eye.

David wasn't scared, though. Currently, he was overflowing with power and confidence.

It was rightly so… Edwin truly couldn't damage David using multiple lightning bolts like this.

In reality, Edwin used this attack to check whether David had congealed the phoenix aura perfectly or was it imperfect or weak in some parts.

However, after this attack, he realized that David wasn't solidifying the aura perfectly around his body. It was imperfect in many areas, but David released a lot of energy to cover that part.

"I will need to get very serious…" Edwin whispered solemnly.

"Divine Holy Devil Transformation!"

Edwin initiated this transformation quickly, and soon enough, the White Wings appeared on his back.

Two demonic horns grew out of his head, and his eye color changed as well. One eye was of Purple Color, while the other had a Golden Pupil.

The blood in David's body boiled excitedly as it sensed Edwin's energy.

Even David was flabbergasted as he sensed Edwin's energy rise. Currently, it had risen so high that it was utterly unquantifiable.

"…You still possessed this sort of Ace under your sleeve," David spoke to Edwin, "Moreover, what a strange composition of energies this is. It's a fusion of the Humane, Demonic, and Holy energies…."

Edwin remained emotionless as he gazed at David. He soon pointed his index and second index finger at David before whispering, "Extinguishing Ray!"

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David immediately retaliated with his Golden Solar Fingers- Five Finger Version.

The two beams collided and resulted in a very large explosion. David had a frown on his face as he noticed that this was a draw.

He had used five fingers in that attack earlier and was expecting to overpower Edwin's Extinguishing Ray.

"Phoenix Wings!" Wings of Flame were created on David's back as he immediately charged at Edwin.

Edwin was moving towards David as well. He didn't fear David now that he was using his Divine Holy Devil Physique.

They soon clashed in the air. Their first clash resulted in Edwin punched David's face. However, David sent a kick to Edwin's guts and threw him away at the same time.

Because of David's bad posture, his attack lacked any real power behind it.

"Devil Spheres!" Edwin launched a couple of Spheres filled with Demonic Energy.

Although David possessed the Phoenix Energy, he couldn't be considered immune to the Demonic Ardor.

It would still hurt him if a strong one struck him.

David, though, didn't bother defending those orbs. He congealed multiple flame arrows in the air.


All those Flame Arrows were immediately launched at Edwin. They pierced those demonic orbs and tried to strike Edwin.

Edwin used his Heavenly Lightning to dodge those Flame Arrows and approached David. David had anticipated Edwin's movements this time and had launched Flame Spears in that direction.

These Flame Spears possessed the Phoenix Flames as well as the Gold Elemental Aura.

Edwin let out a sigh and raised his hands.

"Lightning Arrows!"