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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 270  Mistveil Swamp
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Chapter 270  Mistveil Swamp

As the group entered the bedroom, they all piled onto the bed. Archer instructed the girls to leave one side of the bed vacant.

With Hecate in mind, Archer conjured an image of her and snapped his fingers.

Instantly, the girls ceased their chatter, turning their attention toward him, waiting. After a brief moment, the bewildered moon elf materialized on his lap.

Looking around in confusion, Hecate then directed her gaze toward Archer, "How did you manage that?" She inquired.

Archer returned the smile, proceeding to explain that he could accomplish such feats within his domain. Hecate nodded in comprehension.

Crawling over to his side, Hecate embraced him in a hug. Sera nestled on his chest, while Nefertiti settled on his other side after triumphing over the other three girls to secure a spot.

Teuila and Ella claimed the lower part of the bed, Hemera curling into a ball and using his leg as a cushion.

A thought crossed his mind. 'These girls are truly unique.'

The night's embrace enveloped the room, casting a tranquil spell as Archer and the girls lay intertwined in a cocoon of slumber.

Soft moonlight gently filtered through the curtains, painting gentle shadows on this serene scene.

Their breaths wove a tranquil melody, a tangible testament to the trust and camaraderie that tightly bound them as one.

Archer, surrounded by the warmth of his girls, drifted into a deep and dreamless sleep.

His mind wandered through the realms of unconsciousness, finding solace in the stillness of the night.

The events of the day, the battles and the laughter, faded into the background as dreams painted their own stories.

As the hours melted away, the moon began to wane, making way for the approaching dawn.

With the gradual shift in the sky, a chorus of birds stirred to life, their melodious chirping growing in intensity.

Amidst the symphony of nature's awakening, Archer's consciousness began to stir. The distant calls of the birds reached his ears, coaxing him out of his slumber.

The world outside was alive as his eyelids fluttered open, adjusting to the soft morning light that filtered through the curtains.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Hecate's sleeping face greeted him then he spotted the other girls, each lost in the realm of dreams.

Archer took a moment to savor the scene's tranquility before he gently shifted, careful not to disturb the girls around him.

As he moved, Sera's head shifted slightly on his chest, and Nefertiti let out a contented sigh in her sleep.

He gently moved the girls off of him and executed a Blink, transporting himself out of the bed. He pivoted to check if his movement had stirred any of them from slumber.

To his relief, they all remained sound asleep. Stepping out of the bedroom, Archer found himself in an empty living room.

He decided to brew some tea for himself before making his way out onto the balcony. As he emerged onto the balcony, he noticed that the sun had not yet risen.

Seating himself, Archer began sipping his tea, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene before him. Moments stretched into minutes as he absorbed the tranquil atmosphere.

Gradually, the sound of soft footsteps reached his ears, drawing his attention to the door. His gaze shifted to find Feyra stepping out onto the balcony.

Seeing him, she offered a warm smile and greeted him. "Good morning, Archer. Isn't it a delightful morning?"

He nodded at the female knight who seated herself nearby. Archer turned his gaze toward her and started a conversation. "What are the Sparrows planning to do when we return to the empire?"

Feyra's expression turned thoughtful as she took a moment to contemplate the question before responding. "We're going to take a break. The reward for this quest was a lot so we want to relax."

A smile curved Archer's lips as he listened to her response, considering it a practical notion.

At that moment, she directed a question at him. "Do your feelings for Talila hold sincerity, or is it merely the pleasure of flirting?"

He regarded the woman before him, his reply sincere. "I genuinely care for her."

Curiosity danced in her eyes as she inquired further, "What draws you to her?"

Archer found himself wondering about her intention but opted for honesty. "I'm drawn to her warrior spirit, her ability to stand her ground, and her unwavering stubbornness."

Feyra's laughter filled the air as she concurred, and the two of them continued conversing until the break of dawn.

With Feyra getting up to wake the other two, Archer watched the redheaded knight's departure before eventually getting to his feet.

Archer made his way to the bath chambers and started to wash himself for a while before putting on some boots, pants, and a shirt.

He made his way to the kitchen as he smelt bread, Archer came across Ella and Nefertiti cooking.

When he entered they turned to him with a smile as Ella greeted him. ''Morning Arch. There's some bread for you.''

With a warm smile, Nefertiti placed the plate in front of him. On it sat a slice of bread that looked absolutely mouthwatering.

The bread's golden crust glistened, and Archer picked it up and started eating it, he loved the bread so much that the two girls gave him more.

Archer stood up and informed the group that he would take the bread and eat it while walking. They all nodded in agreement.

Before he could leave the domain, Ella spoke, "We will contact you when we're ready."

He nodded and opened a portal to the road they had left on. Stepping through, he felt the wind blowing.

As Archer walked down the road and ate the bread, he managed to get close to the swamp. However, due to his greed, he accidentally stumbled into it.

As his feet became wet, he glanced downward and realized he was standing in swamp water. It was at that moment he sensed a ping approaching him.

Turning his gaze towards the source, he initiated a scan.

[Swamp Drakes]

[Rank D]

Observing the information, Archer swiftly began casting fire-based Elemental Bolts, launching them toward the approaching creatures.

Upon impact, the spell triggered a massive explosion, propelling the beast out of the water and causing it to crash onto the ground.

Emerging from the water, Archer conjured his claw and swiftly dealt the finishing blow to the creature, yet more pings resonated in his awareness.

Without hesitation, Archer unleashed the fire bolts that streaked through the air, homing in like guided missiles.

The bolts found their mark, striking the Swamp Drakes and abruptly halting their advance.

Surveying the area, Archer then made his way to the road. Eventually, the girls contacted him, appearing one by one. Even Hecate joined the group.

Looking around, Hecate began, ''Mistveil Swamp. This path leads to the Nagendra Kingdom.''

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Archer nodded, prompting the other girls to voice their thoughts.

"It looks eerie, and the smell is quite off-putting," Sera spoke.

"I'm in agreement. I can sense creatures all around us, likely submerged in the water," Teuila added.

"We'll need to proceed with caution," Ella advised.

Nefertiti and Hemera nodded, aligning with the others. Archer offered them a smile, gesturing for them to continue on their way.

As they walked, Talila and the Sparrows issued warnings about the swamp's perilous nature, emphasizing the importance of sticking to the road.

Archer nodded, and the group pressed onward. However, after a few hours, Hemera and Hecate decided to return to the domain to focus on their studies.

Nefertiti also left due to her morning classes. Only Ella, Teuila, and Sera remained. Talila and Cecelia started a conversation among the three remaining girls.

Radyn, Darius, and Novius engaged in their own discussion while Archer took the lead at the front of the group.

Eventually, they stumbled upon a devastated campsite, carriages strewn about in disarray. The group halted, their attention drawn to the scene before them.

Archer noticed blood stains on some of the carriages, while the girls discovered drag marks. Novius made the grim discovery of the first torn-apart body.

Deciding to proceed with heightened caution, the group continued their journey. With every step further into the swamp, the atmosphere grew increasingly somber.

A pungent scent of blood began to permeate the air as they reached a clearing. Upon stepping into the clearing, their eyes widened in shock.

The scene was overwhelming, causing some members of the group to even vomit in response.

Before them lay a nightmarish scene. Bodies of humans, elves, and demi-humans were impaled on wooden posts, their limbs missing, and their lifeless forms hanging limply.

Blood stained the ground, the posts, and the very air. The sight alone was enough to make some members of the group wince and look away.

The smell was revolting, a nauseating mix of death and decay that hung heavy in the damp air.

Even Archer had to cover his nose, trying to bear the strong smell. But it wasn't just the shocking scene of death that frightened them.

In the midst of the bodies, there were creatures that looked like distorted versions of humans.

These beast-like beings had twisted features, making them look like horrifying versions of people. They were eating the remains of the victims, which was a horrifying sight to witness.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]
