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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 290 Rage
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Chapter 290 Rage

When Archer landed he quickly put the girls down who prepared to fight. He looked back toward Thorin and saw him fighting a man in Church armor.

The two older men were fighting and getting further away, Archer turned to his front and saw hundreds of church knights and dragon slayers.

The once serene sky, painted with hues of blue and white, began to transform. Wisps of clouds gathered and merged, their edges darkening like ink seeping into water.

Above the rolling landscape, a growing mass of ominous gray clouds converged, casting a shadow that stretched over the land.

That was when he realized they were surrounded, he closed his eyes and summoned the rest of the girls even Talila came due to the bracelet.

When the girls appeared they were baffled but quickly noticed the situation and prepared.

Teuila, Hecate, and Sera circled the other girls with their weapons while the rest began to get ready to cast spells and fire arrows.

Hemera, Nefertiti, Ella, and Talila got ready to attack at range. Archer created a portal to his domain and went to summon the dragon-kin and earth dragons as he noticed even more knights appearing.

But before any reinforcements could appear the leader activated an artifact that shut down his portal.

He tried to open another but it failed which caused the human to laugh, but Archer quickly whispered. ''Draconis.''

His draconic features appeared as another knight activated another device but it was too late as he transformed.

After they did that he raised his hand and cast Stone Warden. He summoned a dozen big Stone Men and ordered them to guard the girls.

As the leader charged forward, Archer braced himself for the imminent clash. In response, he cast Cosmic Sword, conjuring a blade similar to the one he had trained with alongside Teuila.

As their weapons clashed, he found himself face-to-face with the human. Their blades clashed in a flurry of strikes, each parry ringing out like a challenge.

In the midst of their combat, Archer's tail lashed out, aiming to catch the leader off guard. But the man's quick reflexes and magic deflection countered his move.

Undeterred, he pressed on, his movements agile and precise. His sword swung with purpose, but the leader skillfully deflected every attack.

With a quick leap back, the knight spoke. "My name is Corwin Steelblade. So, you're the white dragon causing trouble for the church."

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Archer met the man's gaze with a confident smile. "Indeed. Your constant attacks don't bother me but they are slightly annoying. After this, I intend to dismantle every church from here to Starfall."

Corwin smiled and rushed at him as he swung but Archer raised a wing to block the attack but the man dodged and planted a boot on his chest.

He quickly got back to his feet and continued attacking.

As the battle raged on, Archer fought the leader head-on, his blade clashing with the knights in a series of powerful strikes and parries.

However, the tide of battle wasn't flowing solely in their favor. The girls were holding their ground, but injuries were beginning to accumulate.

Weariness marked their faces as they valiantly fought off the relentless onslaught. Despite their efforts, the knight's numbers and relentless attacks began to take a toll.

Injuries became more prominent, tiredness slowing their reactions. Each clash of steel was a struggle against overwhelming odds.

Amid the relentless clash of steel and the echoes of spells, the girls held their ground against the onslaught of church knights and dragon slayers.

With every strike and incantation, they fought back wave after wave, displaying their unwavering determination.

However, the battle had taken its toll. The Stone Men, once formidable guardians, had been worn down and eventually dissipated, leaving Teuila, Hecate, and Sera to hold the front lines.

These three fighters formed a strong defense, shielding the other girls from the unending horde of foes.

They were exhausted but steadfast and continued to cast their spells from the back lines, their magic became a crucial defense.

Arcane Fire, Moon Blasts, and bolts of burning fire tore through the air, finding their targets amidst the chaos.

Yet, with each successful counterattack, the tide of battle seemed to grow fiercer.

Teuila's sword whirled in precise arcs, each swing cleaving through armor and sending foes reeling.

Hecate's spells intertwined with her elegant movements, casting magic that enveloped enemies in shadows or unleashed bursts of dazzling light.

Talila's twin blades danced in a graceful ballet of steel, excellently deflecting strikes and making quick, decisive counterattacks.

Despite their skill and perseverance, the numbers of the enemy seemed inexhaustible. Their ceaseless assault pressed Teuila, Hecate, and Sera to their limits.

Exhaustion showed in their eyes, yet they stood strong, buying precious moments for the girls behind them to cast their spells.

The girls fought valiantly, their teamwork unwavering. Yet, the battle had reached a critical juncture.

The swarm of knights and slayers remained relentless, pressing against the protective barrier that Teuila, Hecate, and Sera had formed.

Amidst the chaos, the girl's strength wavered. Spells became more difficult to cast, and their movements grew sluggish.

Archer's attention momentarily shifted from his duel with Corwin to the girls as he heard a series of unsettling sounds amidst the chaos of battle.

His eyes widened in shock and horror as he witnessed the events unfolding before him.

Teuila was sent hurtling through the air by the brute force of a massive dragon slayer who swung a Warhammer at her.

Sera, his little dragon dragon, was yanked off her feet by her tail, and thrown away like a discarded toy in the hands of an enemy.

Hecate fought valiantly, her movements a dance of deadly grace as she held her ground against the merciless assault of the enemy forces.

However, amidst the chaos, an enemy knight managed to break through her defenses.

With a powerful swing, his sword connected with Hecate's side, leaving a deep slice that marred her skin.

The force of the attack pushed her back, her boots scraping against the ground as she stumbled.

But it didn't end there as he saw Ella take an arrow to her stomach and collapse to the ground as she clutched the arrow.

A surge of uncontrollable rage engulfed Archer when he saw the girls getting hurt trying to help him.

Time seemed to slow as he absorbed the devastating scene before him. His heart pounded, and his vision blurred with red.

Every ounce of his being screamed with fury and helplessness as he watched the girls he cared for being harmed before his eyes.

A primal and overwhelming rage surged through his veins, obliterating any trace of rational thought.

In that moment, all semblance of control shattered. The anger that had been simmering beneath the surface erupted into an inferno, consuming him entirely.

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His anger overtook him and he started targeting the knights who held the artifacts.

Archer cast Blink and appeared in front of one, with a grin he swiftly decapitated him using his claws and took the artifact that he crushed.

He did the same with the other man whom he pierced through the heart as he threw the body at the incoming knights.

In a matter of moments, he overcame them and shattered the artifacts, their power dissipating into nothingness.

But his attention was quickly redirected to the dire situation on the battlefield. Archer cast Blink and appeared near the girls.

He cast Aurora Healing on each one and threw them into the domain to make sure they were safe.

After he did that he turned to Corwin who was looking at him in shock as the rage continued to boil over.

With a primal roar, his pent-up rage exploded into action. His muscles tensed, and his eyes blazed with a fiery rage as he charged forward.

His movements were quick as he kept using Blink to confuse the human in front of him. As he reached the first knight, his claws slashed through the air with deadly precision.

The knight's armor, once a symbol of the church, offered no defense against the ferocity of his attack.

Metal met flesh with a sickening sound, and the knight fell, his body torn apart by the force of the blow.

Archer's momentum carried him forward, his claws continuing their deadly dance.

He ducked beneath a swinging sword, the blade whistling harmlessly above his head, and retaliated with a sweeping strike that cleaved through armor and bone alike.

His movements were a blur of motion, his claws a whirlwind of death. Each strike was calculated and efficient, a testament to his years of training and his unbridled rage.

Knights fell in his wake, their once-formidable defenses crumbling before his onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, Archer's focus was singular, his mind consumed by a burning desire to avenge.

His heart pounding with a rhythm that matched the thunderous clash of steel. He pivoted, his claws arcing in a deadly arc that left a trail of fallen knights in his wake.

The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the ground became a mosaic of shattered armor and broken bodies.

After looking at the carnage he caused, he smiled as he took a deep breath and let out an earth-shattering roar.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]