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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 316 Explanation
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Chapter 316 Explanation

The headmistress of the College of Magic, Ophelia Blackfire, stood at a polished wooden podium.

Her purple and black robes flowed gently as she started her speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed scholars, and our new and old students," she began, her voice carrying a tone of authority and grace. "I welcome you to the heart of knowledge and power, the bastion of mystic arts that is the College of Magic."

The audience stopped talking among themselves as they paid attention to the headmistress.

"Our college has been in the Avalon Empire for centuries training young mages and famous magic knights. Many famous warriors, witches, and mages studied in these halls, they have gone on to do amazing feats and reached heights that are only dreamed of."

Ophelia paused, allowing her words to sink in. Her eyes, a deep shade of violet, scanned the room.

She locked gazes with students from diverse backgrounds who had journeyed here from the far corners of the continent before continuing.

"First and foremost, understand that we seek knowledge, not just power. Magic is a gift from the goddess. The College of Magic is dedicated to using magic for the greater good of our world."

The audience nodded in agreement, recognizing the profound wisdom in her words.

Her gaze turned towards a massive, celestial-themed tapestry behind her, depicting constellations and worlds beyond.

"And now, my dear students, let us speak of the Celestial Magic Tournament, a momentous event that awaits us in the Nightshade Empire on Verdantia."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd. She watched the gathering and then continued speaking.

''Frostwinter is coming and once the snows melt and the flowers bloom, our tournament will begin. Once that is finished we will choose Fifty students to represent the College of Magic at the Celestial Magic Tournament.''

She let them gossip as she finished her speech.

"To earn a place as one of our representatives," Headmistress Blackfire continued, "you must prove yourselves in a series of trials that will test your magical prowess, and once those tests are done you will compete against each other for a place."

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She smiled, a glimmer of pride in her eyes. "I have the greatest confidence in each and every one of you. The tournament is not just about victory; it's about the journey, knowledge, and friendships formed."

Ophelia looked around and continued. ''Whoever competes will go down in history as one of the strongest of the younger generation.''

She concluded her address with that, and the hall erupted into applause. The new and old students were eager to begin their preparations for the college's tournament.

A stepping stone toward the Central Continent and a chance to leave their mark in the annals of history.

Archer and the girls were interested as Nefertiti spoke. ''You will win the college's tournament husband.''

She looked around and continued. ''Some of the girls will make it into the tournaments but we all need to train.''

That's when Teuila spoke up from next to them with bright eyes. ''We will increase the training Arch. You need to train your basics better.''

He smiled and nodded at the blue-haired girl before another man approached the podium and began speaking. "New students, head to the great hall, where you'll get all the information you need."

Archer and the girls followed the crowd. As he stepped through the towering double doors, his breath caught in his throat. The Great Hall was a masterpiece of enchantment.

High above, the ceiling seemed to stretch into the very heavens themselves, mimicking the night sky.

Stars sparkled and constellations danced across its expanse. The ceiling's magic was so convincing that Archer felt he could reach out and touch the stars.

Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, each one was a work of art, crafted from sparkling crystals that refracted the light into a thousand colors, creating a mesmerizing display.

The tables below were a marvel, stretching endlessly in rows, each meticulously set with ornate place settings.

Students in a kaleidoscope of robes sat at the tables, their faces filled with awe and reverence.

Some were engrossed in animated conversations, while others practiced spells, their wands creating trails of colorful light.

Everyone glanced at them briefly as they entered, then returned to their activities. A middle-aged man came up and said.

"Good morning, everyone. Please find a seat. I'm Cassius Thorne the Combat Magic instructor who was asked to give you all the information you need."

Archer and the girls found a seat, Once they were all settled the man started talking.

"Hello, new students. During the upcoming tests, we'll be observing your performance closely. After you finish all three tests, we'll place you in a class and a house."

Everyone grew curious and Hemera raised her head. The professor spotted her and smiled as he spoke. ''Yes?''

Hemera asked. ''What are these houses you speak of?''

Cassius smiled as he answered her. ''Depending on what your element is you will be put in one of eight houses. Their names are.

House Ignis: In House Ignis, the fiery spirit burns brightly as students embrace the power of fire, known for their unbridled passion.

House Aqua: Within the gentle embrace of House Aqua, water magic flows serenely, nurturing students with a calm and adaptable nature, and a deep love for all things aquatic.

House Terra: House Terra is rooted in the earth, where students find their strength and skill in earth spells.

House Ventus: House Ventus is a whirlwind of creativity and agility, where students harness the boundless power of the air.

House Fulgur: In House Fulgur, lightning and electricity reign supreme, molding quick-witted individuals into masters of lightning-based spells, sparking their journeys with brilliance.

House Umbrus: In the shroud of House Umbrus, shadow, and darkness are their allies, as students unravel the mysteries of shadow manipulation.

House Solis: Radiant and hopeful, House Solis represents the dazzling force of light and radiance.

House Etherium: House Etherium weaves the threads of various elements together, forging a path of balance and harmony.''

When Archer heard the long-winded speech, he hoped that he and the girls would be together but it didn't matter if they weren't as they had his domain to meet at night.

That's when the professor went on to explain the rules of the college. He raised his hand, palm up, to emphasize his first point.

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"First and foremost, there shall be no violence on college grounds. We are here to learn, grow, and hone our magical skills, not to engage in physical altercations. Any disputes or disagreements between students should be resolved through peaceful means."

His gaze swept across the attentive faces of the students. "Now, if you do have a serious issue with another student that cannot be resolved, you have the option to issue a formal duel. Duels must be conducted under strict supervision, and both parties must willingly agree to the terms and conditions."

He paused, letting the seriousness of his words sink in before resuming.

"Duels should be seen as a last resort, and their purpose is not to harm but to settle disputes with dignity and honor."

Cassius moved on to other important rules. "Furthermore, all magical experiments and practices must be carried out within designated areas and under the supervision of a qualified professor. Safety is paramount, and reckless use of magic will not be tolerated."

He held up a finger to emphasize another point. "Magical artifacts, especially those of a dangerous nature, must be registered with the college authorities. Unauthorized or dangerous artifacts are strictly prohibited."

Cassius then addressed personal responsibility. "Each student is responsible for their own actions, and the college expects honesty, integrity, and respect from all its members. Cheating, plagiarism, or any form of dishonesty will be met with severe consequences."

A hint of a smile crept onto his face. "On a lighter note, curfew will be enforced, and students are expected to be in their respective dormitories after hours.''

He went on to explain the tests one of which is an Affinity test and a spellcasting test. After he was done they were directed back to the courtyard.

As Archer and the girls walked along they were approached by a group, he looked at them and the guy looked like the twin of the lion girl Nala he met before.

The boy was with two lion girls. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes like Nala but was muscular and a bit shorter than Archer.

They stopped in front of them and spoke. ''So you're the white dragon I've been hearing about?''

Archer looked at him with narrowed eyes as he replied. ''Yes.''

The boy smiled and held out his hand. ''I'm Lioran Lionheart. I'm Nala's older brother, I hope we can become friends?''

When he heard the lion boy he was confused but shrugged and shook his hand as he introduced himself. ''I'm Archer Wyldheart.''

Lioran smiled as he went to introduce the two girls he was with. ''These two beautiful lionesses are my women. Leonora Shani? and Nalika Raziyani.''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]