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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 333 Dragon Vs Lion
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Chapter 333 Dragon Vs Lion

Suddenly, Nala lunged forward with a spinning kick, her leg a deadly blur as it sliced through the air toward his head.

But Archer had anticipated the attack. He dropped to the ground, narrowly avoiding her attack by rolling to the side.

Before she could recover, he was back on his feet, launching a series of rapid punches towards her.

Nala blocked and parried his blows with incredible speed and skill. It was a mesmerizing display of combat prowess.

The girls and crowd of students watched in marvel as the two continued to clash, their movements a beautiful and deadly dance.

Each strike was met with a counter, and each dodge was followed by a swift counterattack. It was a battle of wits and reflexes, and neither Archer nor Nala was willing to give an inch.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that this fight was more than just a sparring match. It was a test of skill and the sheer thrill of combat.

Nala pushed herself to the limit as Archer was having fun. The arena echoed with the sound of their fists and feet meeting the air.

The fight continued until Archer managed to catch her fist and pulled her close as his tail wrapped around her thigh and he held her arms.

He leaned forward and bit her ear causing her to let out a moan before complaining. ''You stupid dragon. You're not meant to do that! Only my future husband can!''

She got angrier and headbutted him which caught him off guard but he still held on as he summoned his wings.

With a flap, he took off and hovered above the stage shocking the lion girl. She turned to look at him and spoke. ''Why are you flying? I already lost so let me go.''

When he heard her he smiled before going to move his arms but Nala realized what she said and clung to him.

Archer whispered into her twitching ear. ''As an apology for biting your ear let me show you something beautiful?''

After hearing his offer Nala nodded her head and he wrapped his arms around her before flying off.

He sent a message to the girls telling them what he was doing. All the girls shook their heads as they giggled.

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Archer told her to hold on tight causing her to grin as she gripped him firmly as they soared into the sky, leaving the college and the city behind.

The wind rushed past them as they broke through the cloud cover, and their surroundings transformed into a breathtaking vista of rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling rivers.

The landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, a patchwork of vibrant greens and blues.

Archer banked to the side, allowing Nala to take in the beautiful scenery below. She gasped at the sheer beauty of it all, feeling like she was soaring through a dream.

They flew gracefully, dipping and rising with the currents of the wind. Archer's wings were strong and agile, and he flew through the skies with ease.

As they continued their flight, Archer shared stories of his past adventures and travels, painting vivid pictures of the places he had visited.

Nala hung on to his every word. Time seemed to stand still as they enjoyed the freedom of the open skies and each other's company.

It was a moment of pure serenity and connection, a memory they would carry with them forever.

Eventually, as the sun began its descent toward the horizon, Archer and Nala made their way back to Starfall City.

With a gentle landing in the arena, their unplanned flight came to an end. Nala looked at him with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you. That was incredible."

He smiled before answering. ''You're welcome Nala. Also the fight was really fun as well.''

After he finished speaking he cast Gate to return back to the fighting stages where he left the girls.

When the two passed through the portal everyone turned to them with wide eyes but they ignored it and approached the girls and Lioran who was waiting for her.

Once they arrived back all the waiting girls greeted him with kisses and cuddles before chatting to Nala.

But Archer pulled Ella aside and asked. ''When did the empire find out your names?''

When the half-elf heard him she smiled before answering. ''We told Leira who forwarded it to her Mother.''

Archer was relieved and started talking to Ella and the rest of the girls. ''What does everyone want to do?''

Teuila quickly replied. ''We will go out with the lion girls and Halime. You can go with Nala's brother.''

He nodded as the girls wandered off, leaving him and the lion boy. Lioran laughed and said, "Let's grab a meal. You must be hungry after that fight."

Lioran led Archer to the city as they spoke about their childhood. As they passed a caravan he turned to I'm and asked. ''How was your childhood, Arch?''

When he heard the question he sighed before deciding to tell the curios lion. ''It was bad, I have many siblings but none of them ever bothered with me. I was left alone most of the time.''

Lioran listened as Archer told him some of the stories from his younger days but after passing through the gate he stopped answering.

They walked down Starfall's main street as Archer asked the lion boy a question. ''What about yours?''

He laughed before answering. ''Well our Father trained us all but Nala was something special. She has always loved fighting and? today was the first time I've seen someone apart from our Father and his general.''

Archer chuckled before commenting. ''I will continue to fight her, I enjoyed it.''

The two soon came to a rustic-looking restaurant and entered it. They were welcomed by an older man who seemed to be a waiter while an older lady was behind the counter.

''Hello, young masters. Welcome to Wonderland Bites. How can we help you?'' The old man politely asked.

Lioran quickly replied. ''Table for two and we want to see what you have on offer before placing an order.

The old man nodded and led them to a table in the corner. Archer took a seat and picked up a menu before reading it.

He noticed that they sold a lot of meat dished with what sounded like noodles. Archer decided to order all of it and try it.

Lioran already knew what he wanted to order as the old man arrived and spoke. ''Have the young masters decided what to eat?''

Before the lion boy could speak Archer started to talk. ''I want two of everything you have but I want ten bowls of your Dragonfire Noodles please.''

The old man and Lioran were shocked but the boy started laughing as the man looked at Archer like he was crazy.

But when he saw the serious look on his face the old man wrote it down causing Lioran to laugh even more before placing his order.

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Once they were done the waiter went back to the kitchen and Lioran asked Archer another question. ''Where did you meet the girls?''

Archer looked at him and answered. ''Well I've known Ella since I was really young but the other girls I met on my journey home.''

He went on to tell him how he met each girl and the backstory of it all which took a while. By the time Archer was done the waiter and other members of staff wheeled out cart after cart of food.

They placed a plate in front of Lioran before leaving all the carts near Archer who thanked them before eating.

Archer started eating a meal that looked like mashed potatoes with bits of meat in it. He quickly ate it all and moved on to the next plate.

The old man and other waiters looked at the strange boy but shrugged their shoulders. Before they left the two Archer spoke. ''How much?''

When the waiter heard this he shook his head and started adding up the gold coins before stating a price. ''433 gold coins.''

Archer took out a pouch of gold and handed it over to the man before he went back to eating which shocked everyone.

He continued eating before finishing most of the meals, Lioran watched him before asking. ''How can you eat so much?''

Before Archer could answer he noticed a group of knights entering the restaurant and looked around.

When a knight spotted him he spoke to the others and the group approached them. This didn't bother Archer as he continued to eat.

A middle-aged human got close and bowed toward him as he spoke. ''Hello young master, I'm Henry Silverthrone. The family head Albert wishes to see you.''

Archer finished the meat sandwich he made before speaking. ''Why should I go see him? Can't you see I am with a friend having lunch?''

Henry looked at the so-called lunch and mumbled. ''More like feast cousin.''

When he heard that he got curious. ''Why do you call me that? Are we related?''

The man went on to explain. ''I am the son of Larka and Sia's brother Runo Silverthrone.''

Archer turned to face him and was shocked at the resemblance. Henry had black hair and blue eyes like his mother.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]