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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 348 The Nether Realm (2)
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Chapter 348 The Nether Realm (2)

Archer saw an ominous-looking spell flying toward them but he wasn't bothered as his Anti Magic was activated.

The spell bounced off him causing him to smile as he saw the? same creature as earlier so he cast Blink and appeared near it to cast Soul Sunder to tear out the thing's soul.

Archer felt a fight but soon he ripped it from the body and destroyed it by letting his dragon fire consume it.

That's when an idea came to him about the next spell he would create. After killing the unknown creature he went on another rampage and slaughtered the remaining creatures.

Llyniel just sat on his head protected by a Cosmic Shield and was worrying about Archer but he was fine as he shredded a larger creature into chunks.

Once he killed the large creature he saw more incoming and took a deep breath to fire a stream of fire at them.

The violet flames washed over them burning them to dust but as he was distracted another spell hit him.

When the spell hit him it did no damage but pushed him backward due to the force slamming into him.

He used his claws to slow down by stabbing them into the ground and skidded to a stop. Once he stopped he cast Celestial Beam at the spellcaster.

The bright beam collided into it causing it to scream in agony before vanishing into nothingness.

Archer turned to the remaining creatures and fired another Celestial Beam at them quickly annihilating them.

He decided to stay in his dragon form and spoke to a shocked Llyniel as he turned his head toward her. ''I will stay in my dragon form. I can sense more creatures on their way.''

After speaking he took off and started flying toward the mountains to find a safe place for Llyniel in this strange world.

Archer flew for an hour until he reached the peak and quickly landed. He returned to his humanoid form before he cast Mana Manipulation.

He created giant walls that encircled the peak and made it as safe as he could. As he was doing this Llyniel started casting spells.

She created a room made out of solid earth, vines, and roots that appeared from the barren-looking soil.

Her actions confused him so he asked. ''Where are those coming from?''

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Llyniel looked at him with a smile before explaining. ''Well even though we are here the spirits followed me and told me that I could use my magic.''

''What do you mean by spirits?'' He asked in a curious voice.

''Well, I can use nature magic which allows me to speak to the spirits which represent the elements. I can use light magic without the spirits but the rest they help me with.'' Llyniel finished her explanation before getting back to creating a safe shelter.

As she was doing this Archer cast Stone Warden dozens of times and ordered them to guard their new camp.

Once he finished that he spoke to her. ''I will go and level up more so we can get out.''

Before he left he took out a spare bracelet he made and gave it to Llyniel. Archer told her to send mana into and think of him before sending a message.

She nodded as she slipped it onto her wrist with a smile. Archer summoned his wings and left the camp.

Once he was away from it he activated Aura Detector and saw hundreds of pings surrounding them.

As he hovered in the sky he saw dark clouds heading in their directions. Archer watched them but his eyes narrowed.

Then they opened in shock as he realized that they weren't clouds but a swarm of flying creatures.

He quickly sent a message to Llyniel. ''Get underground and reinforce it. Flying beasts are coming.''

After a few seconds, he heard a sweet voice reply. ''Okay. Be careful Arch.''

Once he was done speaking to her he looked at the incoming creatures and cast Void Blaze, Crown of Star, and Solar Flare Barrage.

He sent Void blaze racing toward the swarm as Solar Flare Barrage shot towards the creatures.

When the spells hit explosions went off all over the place and burnt bodies fell from the sky. Archer smiled before rushing forward as he started casting more spells.

They slammed into the creatures and exploded, once he saw this he whispered to himself. ''Draco.''

He turned into his dragon form and started fighting with the larger flying creatures which he quickly subdued the rest after killing hundreds of them.

Archer descended to the ground followed by hundreds of creepy-looking eagle monsters, they all landed in front of him and lowered themselves to the ground.

That's when he got an idea and grinned to himself thinking of the outcome.

[The girl's POV]

Ella and the girls went to another shop after Llyniel left them, as they were shopping a large explosion went off.

All the girls knew it had something to do with Archer and rushed outside. When they saw the scene they were shocked.

The street was destroyed as the building crumbled and screams could be heard. That's when Talila called out. ''Nala is over here! And she's injured.''

Ella rushed over and saw the lion girl was burned and started casting the healing spell she learned recently.

The injuries healed and Nala let out a sigh as her blue eyes opened. She saw Ella and Teuila looking down at her.

Nala shook her head as she sat up and spoke in a groggy voice. ''They were targeting Archer. He protected little Llyniel who rushed to help him.''

When the girls heard this they got worried until a man and woman appeared holding three bodies that were struggling against their grips.

The group saw the man and Sera stepped forward. ''What are you doing here?''

Thorin looked at the little redhead with a smile before commenting. ''No need to be so feisty Seraphina. I'm Archer's uncle, not the enemy.''

He looked at the girls and greeted them. ''Hello, girls. Archer isn't dead, they just sent him and the little girl somewhere. We don't know where but we will find out.''

Nefertiti spoke. ''If you are here now, that means you were close by?''

Thorin nodded. ''Yes, me and Marion here were ordered to protect him but when he was ambushed we had to fight a high ranker which took a bit of time.''

Before anyone could talk they saw the city guard rushing onto the street and started blocking it off.

The commander walked up to the group and spoke. ''What happened here?''

Thorin was about to talk but the blonde-haired woman he was with stepped forward and answered. ''There was an attack on the white prince. He was kidnapped by a cult, quickly inform the royal guard immediately, and locked down the city.''

The guard saluted. ''Yes, commander!''

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He rushed off while shouting orders and all the girls were looking at the woman with narrowed eyes.

Thorin took the chance to introduce the woman. ''Girls this is Marion Ashguard. My wife and the commander of the city guard.''

Marion looked at him with a questioning look before smiling at them. ''My silly husband has told me about you girls but there seems to be a few new additions.''

Ella nodded and introduced the two new girls. ''This is Halime and Nala. We met them at the affinity test and became quick friends.''

Before anyone could speak the headmistress appeared and spoke to Thorin. ''What happened here?''

He turned around before explaining. ''The cult targeted him with everything they had in the hope of activating an artifact that sent the boy somewhere.''

Ophelia got a curious look on her face before she started speaking to Thorin and Marion.

Talila looked at Ella and asked. ''Do you think he is alright? Where would they send him?''

Before she could answer they all received a message through the bracelets.

[Are you girls okay? Me and Llyniel have been sent to an unknown land and I don't have enough mana to get home yet]

All their eyes widened but they felt relieved, everyone tried to send him a message but they received nothing in return.

Halime and Nala were looking at them with confused looks on their faces. When Ella saw this she giggled before explaining. ''Arch made us a bracelet each that allows us to talk to each other.''

The two girls nodded their heads before they started chatting with each other until Lioran arrived and rushed up to Nala as he spoke. ''Big sis. Are you okay?''

Nala smiled as she nodded. ''Yes, brother. I'm a bit sore but I'll be fine, I do need to rest though.''

Lioran sighed with relief as he hugged her but soon let her go. Before anyone could speak a loud horn was heard in the distance.

Teuila spoke. ''Let's get to the city wall and see what it is.''

All the girls nodded and rushed off following behind Leira who offered to show them a shortcut.

But Nala limped to a nearby bench and laid down to get comfortable as her body was killing her.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]