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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 353 The Nether Realm (5)
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Chapter 353 The Nether Realm (5)

The two of them walked for days as they closed in on the nearest city but they kept getting attacked along the way.

The duo were able to deal with it rather easily until the bigger creatures appeared.

That's when he had to use his dragon form to fight and Llyniel quickly hid underground as he couldn't protect her while fighting.

All throughout this time Archer never stopped collecting beasts for his monster army. He has captured all sorts of creatures.

From a troop of mutated gorillas and beasts that resembled many of the animals of earth but deformed and twisted.

He fought some eagle-like creatures whose talons could tear through metal and dinosaur-looking beasts who were as tall as a house.

The best creatures he collected were some giant-like beings who wielded massive clubs. He had to use his dragon form to kill the biggest so the others would fall in line.

By the time they saw the first city in the distance, Llyniel turned to him and asked. ''Why are you collecting all these creepy creatures?''

Archer looked at her with a smile before answering. ''They will be a part of my monster army, I could call upon when there's a need for them.''

She nodded and the two of them continued walking but he couldn't be bothered to walk anymore.

So he summoned his wings and grabbed a hold of Llyniel but was suddenly ambushed as creatures flew at him from all directions.

Archer cast Cosmic Shield over Llyniel which protected her as a creature crashed into it. He then started casting Eldritch Blast into the closest ones.

The creatures stopped moving at they were struck by the spell but he soon got surrounded and couldn't dodge every attack.

That's when he started using his claws and tail to launch his attacks by tearing them apart. While he was fighting Llyniel started casting nature magic.

She commenced eliminating numerous creatures as vines swiftly emerged from the earth, penetrating their bodies.

Archer scanned the creepy-looking humanoid.

[Netherfolk Warrior (Mutated)]

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[Rank A+]

Soon enough one of the Nightfolk appeared but this one was bigger than the previous ones Archer killed.

He was getting annoyed by them and cast Soul Sunder on all of them. Silence fell over the area as they started screeching in pain.

When the Netherfolk warrior saw all the creatures around scream then drop dead causing it to step back in shock.

The weird humanoid thing went to run, but it was already too late as Archer lunged at it and tore into it.

Archer subdued to remaining creatures and he ordered them to follow them. As the two traveled he kept collecting more beasts and sending them to their nests to rest before he called them.

They walked for hours until they saw a city in the distance. Before he could get any closer a small Netherfolk army appeared, so he descended to the ground and land.

When he saw that he smiled as he let out a thunderous roar that shook up the soldiers before they started to charge.

Archer saw them and wondered if he could have taken them in if they were friendly but he shook his head and discarded the thought.

That's when they saw four figures heading toward them, Llyniel wanted to fight with him and voiced it. ''I want to help you.''

He looked at her and nodded before casting Stone Warden to make sure she was safe. After finishing that he turned toward the charging creepy-looking humanoids.

Archer took a deep breath in and added every element he knew to the breath before letting out a colorful stream of fire.

It shot toward the incoming enemies and exploded causing the ground to shake. Archer saw a mushroom cloud appear where the army once was.

He turned to see Llyniel casting her nature magic but that's when something happened that shocked and angered him.

A silent but sneaky creature appeared and stabbed her with something causing her to faint but it caught her while dodging the Stone Men's attacks.

It started running toward the city but Archer gave chase as he cast Blink to appear behind it but another humanoid creature appeared and took his attack.

So many were appearing that it slowed him down. Archer was getting more enraged as he thought to himself. 'Fuck this.'


He turned into his dragon form and crushed every creature around him. He was infuriated that someone had taken something that belonged to him.

Archer flapped his wings and took off as he flew toward the city. The Netherfolk soldiers who saw this panicked.

As he was flying he sensed someone extremely strong rushing toward him, he grinned as he let the enemy get close.

He saw the Netherfolk man going to punch him but he returned to his humanoid form causing the attack to miss.

That's when Archer launched his own attack and kicked the weird humanoid creature in the chest and sent him flying toward the city's crumbling walls.

The thing crashed into his causing it to fall with a crash. Archer started casting Element Bolts made from fire.

He sent them flying at the incoming soldiers that wiped them out but the same humanoid creature appeared in front of him.

The sudden appearance took him by surprise as it cast some form of dark magic at him.

When the spell connected with his body it vanished but it was too late as he got punched. Archer crashed into a group of rotting trees and landed hard as he came to a stop.

He was dazed but got to his feet just in time to see the Netherfolk commander appear in front of him.

He launched another attack but Archer cast Cosmic Shield to block the attack. When it struck he cast Blink to reappear behind it.

That's when he used his razor-sharp claws to swipe at the thing's legs but it dodged so he cast Eldritch Blast into the creature's head.

The spell rushed at it and slammed into its face causing the thing to start screaming in pain but it didn't kill the thing.

The battlefield was a chaotic frenzy of clashing forces and swirling dark magic. Archer, his eyes ablaze with anger, found himself face to face with the Netherfolk commander.

With a fierce battle cry, Archer leaped forward with his claws, razor-sharp and gleaming like daggers, extended with deadly intent.

He aimed for the commander's chest, his movements swift and calculated. The Netherfolk commander, a tough opponent, raised his wicked blade to parry Archer's attack.

The clash of steel against claw rang out across the battlefield, sending sparks flying.

Archer's immense strength pressed against the commander's dark magic, and for a moment, they were locked in a tense standoff.

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He wasn't only limited to his claws alone. With a sudden twist of his powerful tail, he lashed out at the commander's legs, sweeping them out from under him.

The commander tumbled backward, momentarily disoriented. Seeing an opportunity, Archer wasted no time. He cast numerous Element Bolts.

Each one burned with intense heat and crackled with raw power,? he launched the flaming missiles at the approaching Netherfolk soldiers.

The Element Bolts streaked through the air like meteors, homing in on their targets.

They exploded upon impact, creating fiery eruptions that sent Netherfolk soldiers scattering in all directions. The flames roared, casting an infernal glow over the battlefield.

The commander got back up and angrily shot dark magic at Archer. The dark energy crackled and twisted, trying to envelop him.

Archer realized he needed protection from this attack. He quickly cast? Cosmic Shield, a glowing, otherworldly barrier that absorbed and deflected the incoming dark magic.

Seizing the opportunity, he cast Blink and appeared behind the disoriented commander.

He didn't hesitate. Archer launched himself at the commander, claws extended and teeth bared.

Just as the commander turned around, Archer lunged. His claws ripped into the commander, leaving deep, burning wounds.

Fire erupted from Archer's jaws, surrounding the commander in searing flames. The commander cried out in agony, squirming in the grip of Archer's fiery attack.

The dark magic vanished, unable to endure the intense heat. Archer's tail coiled around the commander, ensuring there was no escape.

He brought the humanoid closer to his face with a smile as he cast Soul Eater and tore the soul from its body before eating it.

Archer received all the humanoid's memories and realized that Llyniel was being taken to these creature's capital.

These creatures won't harm her wanted to set a trap for him to take his heart and then kill the two of them. His anger grew but he decided to teach them a lesson.

He took off after finishing off the survivors and hovered over the city. Archer saw many more soldiers inside.

Archer decided he wouldn't destroy the city yet as it most likely held valuables but would kill all the people and once he rescued Llyniel he would return.

After coming up with his plan he descended to the streets before he saw a group of guards rushing toward him.

When they got close he cast Mana Manipulation on them and pulled the humanoid creatures toward him.

He cast Soul Eater on them and started eating their souls while they were screaming in pain.

[It will be one chapter today as I have to write 10 chapters to finish my priv. I'll try write more so the mass drop will be bigger]

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]