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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 378 Death Goes South
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Chapter 378 Death Goes South

Archer was standing outside a large wooden door and opened it to see Hemera and Talila arguing with two older men and a woman.

''Princess I don't mean to offend you but you're not the smartest when it comes to tactics.'' One of the men spoke with a shit-eating grin on his face.

The other men agreed before Talila snapped at them. ''What do you mean smartest? The reason this castle still stands is because of her plans. You wanted a pitch battle with our army which is three times smaller than the enemies.''

That's when one of the women spoke with sarcasm in her voice. ''Yes your plans were good at first but General Ioannis is more suited to the situation now it is dire.''

After the woman spoke Talila and the two men started arguing while Hemera looked annoyed and upset which made Archer angry.

He swiftly appeared behind the trio, seizing the woman to his right and the man to his left, while sinking his teeth into the middle man, eliciting a piercing scream.

Archer tossed him off to the side with a crash before he spoke with a menacing voice. ''How dare you speak to my woman like that. Do you think you can get away with such a thing?''

The elf woman looked scared and started thrashing around but before Archer could snap her neck Hemera spoke. ''Don't kill her Darling. She is scared of those two.''

He looked at his nerdy elf fiancee and smiled before tossing the woman to Talila who grabbed a hold of her.

But he didn't let the man go as he took off the storage ring he saw and pierced his heart with his tail.

Archer walked over to the moaning elf he bit and shot a small Eldritch Blast into him. Once he was dead he took the storage ring.

He turned to the aunt and niece who were staring at him with wide eyes before rushing over to him.

The two women hugged him tight, he wrapped his arms around the two before peppering their faces with kisses.

His actions caused them to start giggling before the three calmed down and Hemera asked. ''What happened to you?''

Archer told them that he would explain what happened when everyone was safe so he asked them to return to the domain while he rescues Sia and his Grandfather Albert in the north. 

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The two agreed and returned to the domain to join the others. Once they were gone he cast Gate to Sentinel Reach.

Upon entering the portal, he materialized high above the castle and began to hover in mid-air, surveying the scene below.

Four massive camps were set up on the grassland outside, he saw thousands of men running around like a colony of ants.

He was going to use his Monster Army but decided against it and decided to use the three sisters who would grow bigger.

Archer folded his wings and aimed his fall at the largest tent he could see. He flew toward it when he got closer to the ground he cast Blink and appeared outside.

His sudden appearance shocked the guards but before they could do anything Archer cast Soul Eater and tore their souls from their bodies and ate them.

The hollow remnants of their armor clattered loudly upon hitting the ground, creating resounding clangs that reverberated throughout.

Archer stood there with a satisfied smile, catching the attention of the nearby soldiers.

Then, he conjured a portal and cheerfully exclaimed, "My beauties! Come join the festivities."

Initially, those around him regarded Archer with bewildered expressions, thinking he might be out of his mind.

However, their skepticism quickly turned to amusement as three diminutive creatures emerged from the portal, prompting laughter among some of the soldiers.

But that soon died as the Hydras started to glowed and grew to the size of very large elephants. Their heads moved around like snakes looking at all the soldiers.

Archer now smiled before speaking to Azura. ''Have a feast. Make sure you grow bigger for me because soon we will be annihilating some kingdoms.''

All fifteen heads bobbed up and down before charging further into the camp. The three sisters started eating soldiers.

He watched all this as he took in the guard's memories and found out that Sia and Albert were taken to the Everfallen Capital Astralyn City.

Archer walked into the commander's tent and saw a table with three men staring at him with narrowed eyes but he moved quickly as they stood up.

The men went to draw their weapons but were too slow as Archer appeared behind them and quickly cast Soul Sunder on the three.

He tore their souls from their bodies causing them to feel excruciating pain and devoured them as they fell to the ground.

Once that was done he left the tent and called for the sisters. They returned with bodies of the Everfallen soldiers in their mouths, he shrugged before opening a portal for them.

Archer spoke as the three looked at him. ''Return to the domain and I'll call for you's soon. We will be visiting a large city soon.''

They nodded their heads and entered the portal he opened, Archer quickly took off and flew toward Astralyn City.

Archer flew across the land he saw an army marching toward Sentinel's Reach. But once he got close he took a deep breath and let out a Dragon's Breath.

The flames washed over the Shadowfen soldiers causing them to burn into ash that floated away on the afternoon breeze.

He continued flying forward until he saw a city in the distance and sped up by casting Azur Cannon.

Archer flew forward and soon stopped above it and looked down. He quickly noticed the city was full of soldiers and wondered where the citizens were.

But he didn't bother with it and used Aura Detector to scan the whole city to find Sia which he soon did.

His gaze fixed upon a grand castle nestled in the heart of the city. Archer didn't know what to do so he dived toward the fortress.

He grabbed a soldier off the wall and soared back into the sky. Once he was high up and cast Soul Sunder on him.

Archer ate the soldier's soul and learned the Everfallen King had evacuated the citizens to an underground network of tunnels.

But he wasn't bothered by the citizens but he wanted the soldiers so he descended to the city streets to the shock of the surrounding soldiers because he still heard the dead man.

When they were all staring at him they shook their heads and rushed at him. Archer acted swiftly.

With a burst of energy, he raised the lifeless soldier, his body now a weapon of grim necessity.

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Time seemed to slow as he swung the limp body with uncanny force, striking the approaching enemies with brutal precision.

The impact was devastating, and his enemies were sent sprawling, some knocked unconscious, others recoiling in horror.

When the enemy soldier's unexpected sight of a fallen comrade being wielded as a weapon sent shockwaves through the enemy ranks.

After doing that he threw the body at another group of soldiers which took them out. Archer kept making his way through the city.

Archer fired off spells and used his claws to take out many soldiers as he walked through the city streets.

As he strolled through the city he stopped in a square. When he was there he opened a portal to the domain and called out. ''Come out ladies!''

Azura, Raven, and Sable appeared looking excited as they rubbed their large heads against him before he told them to run wild in the city.

After that Archer started walking and left a trail of dead bodies behind him until he came to a large castle gate.

He grinned as he cast Azur Cannon at it. The air crackled with energy as his hands began to glow with an intense violet light.

He could feel the magic surging through him, a torrent of raw mana ready to be unleashed. Archer raised his hands, and from his palms, a swirling vortex of violet mana emerged.

It merged into a radiant sphere, humming with unimaginable power. The castle gates loomed before him, a barrier that had kept Sia and Albert captive.

He released the Cannon with a deafening roar. The brilliant sphere hurtled toward the gates with unstoppable force, and upon impact, it erupted into an explosion of sheer devastation.

The gates, once imposing and unyielding, were shattered into countless fragments, scattering like confetti in the night sky.

The shockwave of the blast rippled through the castle grounds, leaving a trail of chaos in its wake. Archer stood amidst the smoldering debris, a triumphant glint in his eyes.

The path to Sia and Albert was now wide open, so he made his way in and saw soldiers lying all over the courtyard.

Archer cast Crown Of Stars which started shooting out as he Everfallen soldiers rushed at him.

He followed Aura Detector until he came to a set of stairs that led down. Archer looked down at the dark stairway and started walking.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]