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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 433 First Day Of Classes
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Chapter 433 First Day Of Classes

Archer nodded and retrieved eight gold coins from his Item Box before handing them to the old shopkeeper in exchange for the book.

After carefully storing the spellbook, he was free to browse the rest of the shop for more. He spent some time searching and ended up buying over two dozen spells.

With his new spells, he exited Cursed Chronicles and strolled down the street. Finding a nearby bench, he decided to take a break.

He pulled out some sweet bread as he pulled out Spectral Shroud and started reading it. It only took him a little while to learn it which shocked him.

[Shadow Shroud Learned]

Without wasting time, he triggered the spell, and his entire form seemed to disintegrate into shadows.

In the dim light of the morning, the only discernible features were a set of intense violet eyes and his menacing, gleaming teeth, sharply contrasting against the shadows.

The effect was striking, and those who happened to witness it couldn't contain their panic and fear.

People around him screamed and scattered, frantically fleeing the area, unsure of what malevolent presence they had encountered.

Archer remained calm, watching the chaos with a mischievous grin. The spell was indeed a powerful tool for intimidation.

Just as the distant clamor of approaching guards reached his ears, he seamlessly melded into the shadows, vanishing from sight.

A little while later, he reappeared across the street. With a quick wave of his hand, he got rid of the shadowy magic, revealing his handsome face once more, which pleased him.

Archer then continued on his way as he casually strolled away, leaving a trail of confusion and turmoil in his wake, seemingly indifferent to the chaos he left behind.

That's when he decided to pay a visit to Hecate's new shop and check on the progress of the decorating and to see if the Dragon-Kin was finished.

Ten minutes of walking brought him to a closed and locked shop. Archer stood outside the newly acquired shops, gazing at the exterior with pride.

His work had paid off. It had been meticulously transformed into a place of enchantment, in perfect harmony with the surrounding Starfall City.

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Archer noticed the colors of blue and white dominated the façade, reflecting the essence of the Dragon's Rest and Hecate's magical touch.

He admired the intricate details, from the elegantly painted signboard to the enchanting designs adorning the windows.

At that moment, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, discovering a beautifully decorated and well-organized shop.

The scent of fresh paint lingered in the air, mingling with the fragrant aroma of herbs and alchemical reagents.

He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he walked through the shop, running his fingers over the empty shelved

While exploring the nooks and crannies, he couldn't help but imagine the countless adventurers, scholars, and curious souls who would visit his establishment.

After looking around for a while he got a message from Ella saying the girls are ready to go to the college when he's back.

Archer opened a portal back to his domain but made a quick stop to visit Hecate and Stella before he had to attend his classes.

Upon entering the lab, he found the Moon Elf diligently brewing potions, with the little dog girl observing her closely.

Hecate was engrossed in her work until Stella's sudden joyful reaction startled her. The little girl's face lit up with a big smile before rushing towards Archer.

When she rushed off it caused Hecate to turn her attention to the scene. Stella was hugging Archer tightly, thanking him for allowing her to study with Hecate.

The Moon Elf chuckled and dismissed the gratitude as she thought Stella deserved it and would be happy to teach her.

After hugging Stella back, Archer moved over to Hecate, gently cupping her cheeks before sharing a tender kiss with her.

The couple stood in her well-organized lab, surrounded by the enchanting scents of herbs and alchemical reagents.

Their connection deepened in that heartfelt exchange, conveying the depth of their bond and the unspoken emotions between them.

As they separated, Archer whispered into Hecate's ear, his voice filled with warmth and promise. "I will give you those little angels from our dreams soon, my Moon Witch."

Hecate's eyes shimmered with happiness as she heard those heartfelt words, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

She embraced Archer tightly, her joy evident in her radiant smile and the eager anticipation of her dream becoming a reality.

Just as they were lost in their affectionate moment, they heard the soft patter of little footsteps.

Turning their heads, they found Stella watching them with a beaming smile. Archer ruffled her blonde hair causing her to giggle.

As he turned to leave, he felt a gentle tug on his heart when he heard the little dog girl's innocent voice.

"Big Brother, can I get what Aunty Hecate got, please?" She asked with an innocent tone.

When Archer heard Stella's request, he stumbled slightly, and Hecate couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

Stella, on the other hand, gazed at him with her wide, blue eyes, full of anticipation. He felt a bit awkward but touched by her request.

Archer bent down and placed a gentle peck on Stella's forehead. Her happy giggle filled the air as she hurried off to continue her studies.

Hecate, with a warm smile, approached Archer as he stood there. She spoke softly, "She always wanted a big brother and is thrilled to have found you. She's been talking about you non-stop, so don't disappoint her, my love."

Archer gave her a nod with a smile and replied, "I won't. But I've got to go; the girls are waiting for me."

"Okay, Arch. Enjoy your classes, and make sure to meet me at the shop and think of a good name while you're at it," Hecate said in a cheerful tone.

Exiting the lab, he descended the stairs, and a brilliant idea struck him. Without a word, he cast Shadow Shroud.

Instantly, his body turned into a formless shadow, his presence concealed in the darkness. He moved with all the subtlety of a wraith and wasn't heard at all.

As he neared the group of girls who were sitting around the living room gossiping about nothing important, his heart raced with excitement.

With impeccable timing, he reached out from the shadows and gave their thighs a playful, unexpected squeeze.

Startled gasps and yelps echoed through the room as they leaped from their seats. Archer reveled in the laughter and surprise that followed.

His shadowy figure reemerged, and he stood before them, grinning from ear to ear. "I couldn't resist a little sneak attack," he chuckled, "and it looks like I got you all this time."

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In response, all the girls playfully punched his arm, and their laughter echoed through the room. Archer observed them, their contagious laughter making him shake his head in amusement as they giggled like a pack of hyenas.

"Are you all ready to go to college?" he asked, his gaze sweeping over each of them.

They all nodded, but Leira chimed in, "We have to report to the front desk and get our schedules for classes."

Archer nodded in acknowledgment and, with a flick of his hand he cast Gate leading to the road that would take them to the college.

Archer stepped through the portal, and the girls followed in tow. As they emerged onto the bustling road, their surroundings transformed into a sea of people.

All around them, heads turned in curiosity, and eyes widened at the sight of Archer, who led a group of girls trailing behind him like a procession of ducklings.

Nefertiti claimed his left arm while Hemera secured his right, standing out with their possessive gestures, but the others simply followed as they chatted amongst themselves.

Archer paid little heed to the gazes and hushed whispers of the onlookers who were staring at them with judging looks.

He leaned over and planted gentle kisses on the cheeks of both Nefertiti and Hemera, their excitement soaring at his affectionate gesture.

Complaints and playful grumbles echoed from behind, prompting Archer to repeat the affectionate gesture with the other six girls.

The audience's expressions changed between astonishment, intrigue, and jealousy as the unconventional group made their way through the crowd.

Among the onlookers were college-bound students, and at that moment, the majority of them didn't recognize Archer.

However, the whispers and stories about him would soon spread. Some would believe the rumors while most dismissed them as embellished tales.

After walking for a little while, they reached the college gates, guarded by mercenaries hired by the institution.

The mercenaries allowed them to pass through without issues. As they stepped through the gates.

As they stepped through the gates, they were welcomed by a smiling headmistress, Ophelia, who had been watching him with a keen interest.

Her blackish-purple hair radiated a surreal glow in the sunlight, and her typical witch robes clung to her seductive curves in a way that Archer couldn't help but notice.

It was impossible to deny that Ophelia was a woman of remarkable beauty, a figure that could topple kingdoms and spark desire in anyone.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]