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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 462 Big Cat
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Chapter 462 Big Cat

Archer soared gracefully above the pristine white landscape, contemplating the number of bandits he could track down in the next few hours.

With a casual wave, he conjured Tressyms, and more than three dozen materialized, emitting delightful meows as they appeared.

The Tressyms, displaying immediate affection, surrounded Archer. He reciprocated by tenderly stroking each one that drew near.

Surrounded by the smaller creatures, a larger Tressym gracefully approached, capturing Archer's focus.

The majestic creature nudged its sizable head against him, prompting him to run his hand over the beast's large ears.

It started to purr while Archer gave it his orders, which the large cat-like beast agreed and let out a few meows before the rest flew off.

Archer could have sworn he saw happiness in the Tressym's eyes, but he shrugged and decided to descend.

He landed by the river's edge and used Mana Manipulation to create a chair to wait for his scouts.

As he lounged, trading ships painted in various colors glided through the water, each carrying tales of distant lands and exotic goods.

Sailors, weathered by the sea and seasoned by countless voyages, paused in their duties to steal curious glances at Archer.

His presence drew their attention like a magnet. Archer perched almost regally and observed the sailor's glances with quiet amusement.

His eyes, sharp and perceptive, met theirs with an unspoken understanding. The sailors, exchanging puzzled looks, couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious figure in their midst.

As the trading ships continued their journey, Archer remained seated, a lone figure amid the ebb and flow of maritime life. 

The sailors, returning to their tasks with stolen glances over their shoulders, couldn't shake the feeling that they had just glimpsed a character from a tale yet untold.

Archer observed with keen interest as a mesmerizing array of trading vessels sailed through the bustling harbor.

The first to catch his eye was a sleek elven ship, its hull adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to dance in the sunlight.

It glided through the water with ethereal grace, leaving behind a trail of gentle ripples.

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Following closely, a dwarven cargo ship trundled in, its stout design and reinforced hull revealing the craftsmanship of the mountain-dwelling artisans.

Barrels of ale and precious minerals peeked out from the cargo hold, a testament to the dwarves' dedication to trade and tradition.

A majestic galleon, flying the colors of a distant and regal kingdom, sailed into view.

Its towering masts and billowing sails painted a picture of maritime opulence, and the crew moved in harmony, like performers in a grand nautical ballet.

His attention shifted to a nimble, pirate-hued sloop that darted through the waves with a seemingly rebellious spirit.

Its crew, marked by colorful bandanas and the glint of mischief in their eyes, added a touch of daring to the maritime panorama.

A merchant vessel from a far-off desert land followed, adorned with vibrant fabrics that fluttered like exotic birds in the wind.

He marveled at the intricate patterns that spoke of a culture woven into every thread. As the various ships paraded before him, Archer couldn't help but appreciate the beauty in their diversity.

Each vessel, a floating canvas of different cultures and histories, painted the harbor with a vivid tapestry of stories.

The rhythmic symphony of creaking timbers and billowing sails serenaded Archer as he continued to watch, a silent witness to the vibrant dance of the trading vessels.

Amid the unfolding scene, his Aura Detector pinged urgently as a ferocious beast lunged toward him.

Archer cast Blink, disappearing from view just as the creature barreled forward, crashing into the vacant chair with a resounding thud.

As the dust settled, he materialized not far away, his gaze filled with excitement as he took in the creature before him.

The beast, reminiscent of a mountain lion, exuded an air of menace underscored by a growl that resonated with an unsettling tone.

Turning to meet Archer's eyes, the creature's gaze bore into him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

However, rather than succumbing to fear, he was overtaken by an unexpected laughter that bubbled up from within.

He calmed down while opening a portal and summoned Scar, who waltzed out like he was the king before spotting the beast.

The Nightmare Tiger looked at it and let out an ear-shattering roar before charging forward.

Scar lunged at the mountain lion-like beast with a feral roar, the clash of titans sending shockwaves through the air.

Their battle unfolded with a symphony of growls and snarls, each beast vying for dominance. Scar, with strength and agility, swiftly gained the upper hand.

The Nightmare Tiger's movements were a blur of grace and power as it dodged the lion's strikes and retaliated precisely.

Its claws glinted in the sunlight as they raked through the air, leaving behind trails of arcane energy.

The lion-beast fought valiantly, but it was clear that Scar's unearthly prowess was overwhelming.

Scar sent the creature sprawling with a powerful swipe, its growls of defiance momentarily silenced.

A smile played on Archer's lips as he witnessed the victorious display, but the vanquished beast attempted to rise.

In response, he unleashed an Eldritch Blast, a burst of otherworldly energy that struck the beast, quelling any resurgence of resistance as it lay defeated.

In the aftermath of the conflict, Archer approached his loyal companion, Scar. Extending a hand, he gently stroked the Nightmare Tiger's sleek fur, drawing forth a contented response.

Scar, in turn, expressed affection by rubbing against Archer, creating a moment of quiet connection amidst the lingering echoes of the recent battle.

The bond between Archer and Scar seemed to deepen with each reassuring touch, forging a silent understanding that transcended the tumultuous events around them.

With the mountain lion-like beast defeated, Archer turned his attention to the fluffy Tiger.

"How's guarding Sia with your woman?" he inquired casually.

The beast met Archer's gaze with a look of exasperation, prompting laughter from him. "Oh, she's that difficult, huh? Well, she probably only cares about you, boy. Give her a chance."

Scar nodded his large head and nudged him again, wanting more pats, which made Archer chuckle as he did that.

To his surprise and delight, the big cat responded not with stoic reserve but with a surprising vulnerability.

The formidable creature, resembling a dark shadow in the moonlight, dropped to the ground, sprawling on the snow like a kitten seeking affection.

Archer chuckled, a rare display of warmth as he pampered the Nightmare Tiger. He traced his fingers through Scar's thick fur, feeling the powerful muscles beneath.

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Scar, usually a creature of untamed ferocity, reveled in the attention, purring softly as Archer continued the gentle strokes.

The bond between the two deepened with each caress, transcending the boundaries of master and beast.

As Archer's hand glided over Scar's belly, eliciting an excited response from the massive cat, a familiar flutter of wings heralded the return of the Tressyms.

Eager for their share of affection, they gathered around Archer, their eyes conveying a playful insistence.

Acknowledging their silent request, he shifted his attention from Scar to the Tressyms and extended his hand one by one, offering each winged cat the pampering they sought.

The air filled with contented purrs and affectionate meows as Archer indulged each Tressym in turn, ensuring they, too, received their deserved moments of attention.

Their feline forms exuded a sense of diligence as they conveyed their findings.

The biggest Tressym informed him that the Riverlands were relatively clear of bandits, with only a few strong groups present.

However, their report took an unexpected turn as they revealed a troubling surge of banditry in the Crownlands, with groups numbering in the hundreds.

Excitement sparked in Archer's eyes at the prospect of a new challenge. The abundance of bandits in the Crownlands presented an opportunity to loot even more treasure.

After the Tressyms finished sharing images in his mind, Archer quickly grasped the details of the different places.

The clear images helped him understand the locations easily, guiding his next moves with valuable information and a fresh perspective.

After the pampering session with the Tressyms, Archer, feeling renewed purpose, turned towards his surroundings.

There, he found Scar, the Nightmare Tiger, fixing him with a gaze that seemed to penetrate the depths of his soul.

A smile graced Archer's face as he approached the beast and spoke as he jumped on its back. "I'll ride you while we hunt in the Riverlands.''

Excitement radiated from Scar as he anticipated the hunt, manifesting in a roar that echoed across the pristine white landscape.

Amidst the winter-covered Riverlands, they moved in tandem, a striking contrast against the snowy landscape.

The Nightmare Tiger's powerful strides left tracks in the pristine snow as they gracefully navigated the terrain.

Archer pulled out his cloak and draped it around his shoulders while seated on Scar's back as the biting wind bothered him, prompting him to secure the hood tightly to shield against the wind.

They came to a massive river with dozens of ships traversing its icy waters and wondered how to cross as Archer couldn't see any bridges.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]