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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 465 The Whispering Veil
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Chapter 465 The Whispering Veil

Archer strolled toward the stalls. He activated his bracelet, sending a message to the girls to update them on his whereabouts and activities.

The first to respond was Nefertiti. He felt the jealousy in her voice. "You're not chasing any more girls, are you, husband?"

Surprised by the unexpected question, Archer chuckled before responding with a good-natured smile, "No, my succubus. I'm hunting down bandits for their wealth."

A brief pause followed before Nefertiti spoke again, her voice filled with affection. "Okay, husband. I love you, and be careful."

His smile widened at the warmth in her voice before replying. "Love you too, Nefi. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Tell the others."

As Archer approached the stall, the old woman behind it fixed him with a scrutinizing gaze. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion that seemed to penetrate through him.

"What do you want, dragon boy?" She inquired with a voice that carried the weight of many years.

Archer smiled politely at the old woman, his eyes taking in the tantalizing aromas surrounding the stalls.

The flickering lantern light cast a warm glow on the spread of exotic dishes before him, and he couldn't help but be spoiled for choice.

"I'm here to sample your delicious food," Archer said, gesturing towards the array of dishes.

Her eyes still narrowed, but the old woman regarded him briefly with a spark of curiosity before breaking into a toothless grin. "Well, dragon boy, I see you've got an adventurous spirit. Here in Mistwood, we offer more than just mundane fare."

She gestured proudly to the eclectic dishes on display. "I've got Dragonfire Chili, a stew that warms the coldest hearts. Elven Leaf Wraps for those who crave the taste of the enchanted forest. Gryphon Roast Skewers, made from the finest gryphon meat, marinated in secret spices."

Archer's interest piqued, and he nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"Then there's Faery Fruit Parfait, a sweet treat with a touch of magic. Dwarven Forge Pies for those who appreciate hearty, flavorful bites. Mermaid's Delight Sushi for fans of ocean wonders. Phoenix Wing Bites, crispy and spicy. And Trollish Stone Soup, a soup that'll mend more than just your hunger."

She paused, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. "And that's not all, dragon boy. Centaur's Meadow Salad, Kraken Ink Pasta, and Sprite's Sparkling Nectar, a sweet drink from the heart of the magical meadow."

His mouth watered as he took in the descriptions remarked with admiration in his voice. "Quite the menu you have.''

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The old woman cackled, her laughter carrying the wisdom of ages. "Yes, indeed. Mistwood may seem like a simple town, but our food tells a different tale. So, what will it be, dragon boy? Feeling bold enough to try Mistwood's finest?"

Archer grinned, eager to embark on a culinary adventure in Mistwood. "I'll take one of everything, ma'am."

The old woman's eyes widened in surprise. She stared at him as the lines on her face deepened with disbelief and amusement.

"A bit of everything, you say?" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a tone of delight. "Well, boy, you've got an appetite as adventurous as your spirit!"

Without waiting for Archer's response, the old woman started moving around her stall with more energy than an old woman should have.

Her hands moved swiftly, scooping generous portions of Dragonfire Chili into a sturdy bowl, wrapping Elven Leaf Wraps in vibrant leaves, and skewering Gryphon Roast Skewers with a practiced finesse.

Archer couldn't help but marvel at the variety and richness of Mistwood's food as the delicious dishes piled up before him.

The woman, her initial skepticism replaced by her happiness, continued her culinary dance, creating a feast fit for the dragon in front of her.

Once the order was complete, the old woman looked at Archer with a sly grin. "Now, dragon boy, for this feast, it'll cost you three gold coins. A bargain, considering the delights you're about to experience."

Not bothered by the cost, he reached into his Item Box and produced the requested coins, shocking the old woman again.

"A fair price for such a feast," he said with a nod, appreciating the effort.

The old woman cackled, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "You've got a big appetite, dragon boy. May this meal be a tale you'll carry with you from Mistwood."

With a gracious smile, Archer accepted the carefully packed assortment of Mistwood's finest foods, the enticing smells already tempting his senses.

He stowed away the meals in his Item Box. However, Archer kept a bowl of the Dragonfire Chili to eat.

Archer, bidding farewell to the old woman, indulged in the spicy food as he walked down the street.

With a satisfied grin, he strolled towards the eastern entrance. When Archer arrived, he saw numerous town guards stationed around the gate.

The town's protective wall stands at a modest four meters. He walked out of the town and headed toward the mist-covered forest.

When the guards saw this, one man ran after him and spoke worriedly. ''Why are you going toward the Whispering Veil? It is full of beasts and bandits.''

After the man spoke, Archer grinned before replying. ''That's the point.''

He walked into the forest and avoided all the large tree roots that sprouted from the muddy ground.

Archer ventured deeper into the eerie mist forest. The oppressive mist thickened around him, cloaking everything in an impenetrable haze.

The twisted branches of the gnarled trees loomed overhead, resembling shadowy sentinels reaching into the mist.

A strange silence filled the air, broken now and then by the gentle rustling of leaves and a far-off beast's hoot.

The twisted forms of the trees took on a haunting beauty, and the ground, covered in a carpet of damp moss, became a textured landscape under his discerning gaze.

Archer came to a clearing with roots coming out of the ground. That's when he summoned the Tressym's.

He instructed them to locate the bandits, a task they eagerly undertook while he settled into a comfortable spot on a root.

Seated and at ease, he took out a Dwarven Forge Pie from his Item Box, enjoying the hearty meal as he awaited the return of the Tressyms.

Diving into his meal, Archer relished the flaky crust and the delectable combination of meat and rich gravy.

Satisfaction resonated with each bite, bringing a contented smile to his face. As he savored the final mouthful, a grin played on his lips.

At that moment, his Aura Detector alerted him to a dozen incoming pings heading in his direction.

Remaining seated, Archer maintained his calm demeanor as the distant sounds of approaching footsteps grew louder.

The misty forest provided no clear visuals, heightening the anticipation of the impending confrontation.

Suddenly, a horde of charging orcs burst through the mist, their menacing figures converging on Archer's location.

Maintaining an air of calm despite the imminent confrontation, Archer's expression stayed serene. A confident smile graced his lips as he uttered, "Draconis."

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In an instant, his wings manifested and unfurled. His claws elongated and sharpened while a cascade of scales emerged, forming a protective layer over him.

Witnessing Archer's transformation, the Wild Orcs roared, beating their chests in an adrenaline-fueled display of ferocity.

With a unified battle cry, they charged toward him. Archer met their aggression with a grin, matching their intensity as he lunged forward.

A burly Orc swung a stone club in a powerful arc, but he responded agilely, using his formidable wing to block the oncoming attack.

In a swift countermove, he slashed at the beast's kneecap. He continued with his attack and cast Eldritch Blast and Void Blaze.

Dark energies surged from him, creating an ethereal storm that engulfed the orcs in arcane flames.

The void-infused blaze left a disarray as the orcs howled in pain, caught within the maelstrom of violet flames.

The battleground became a chaotic canvas of shadows and infernos as Archer, in his Draconic Form, continued his assault.

His tail swept low, tripping the orcs, while his claws struck true, leaving a trail of dead beasts and pools of blood.

As the last of the orcs attempted a desperate charge, Archer unleashed the Celestial Beam, and a bright beam shot out.

It engulfed the remaining orcs in a blinding cascade. Their anguished roars echoed through the misty forest as the intense beams burned through flesh and bone.

In mere moments, the orcish assailants were reduced to ash, their forms consumed by the purifying flames of celestial energy.

The forest once shrouded in eerie stillness, now bore witness to the aftermath of Archer's celestial intervention.

As the skirmish concluded, the misty forest settled into an unsettling calm. Archer, now solitary but triumphant, stood amidst the fading shadows.

Surveying the aftermath, he noticed a few lifeless bodies, still intact. With a purposeful air, Archer summoned the Stone Men and instructed them to retrieve the hearts from the fallen.

Acknowledging his command with silent nods, the Stone Men hurriedly set off to carry out their assigned task.

He patiently awaited their return, eyes scanning the surroundings, anticipating the arrival of the winged cats.

 [A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]