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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 512 Goblins
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Chapter 512 Goblins

Archer decided to wait until the rest of the girls were in their classes before leaving to complete the quests.

He told Teuila and Nala, who happily agreed, and they went to sit down again, which earned them looks from the other students, but they didn't care.

The three returned to the group, settling back into their seats amidst curious glances from the others.

Teuila, sensing the unspoken question in the air, spoke with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Hey, everyone. Archer wanted to spend more time with us ladies, and I thought it was a good idea.''

The others exchanged amused glances and a few playful smirks, but they were happy he wanted to spend more time with them.

Sera, who was sitting across from Archer, chuckled. "Oh, is that it? Here, we thought you found some secret treasure or something."

He grinned and shrugged. "Nah, I just wanted to hang out with everyone longer."

Teuila added with a playful smirk, "And we couldn't resist the chance to have the mighty white dragon grace our humble gathering."

That's when Archer turned to Llyniel, who was quiet and only replied when the others spoke to her.

He smiled before commenting in a loving tone. ''Llyn and Hemi. Today is your date; tomorrow will be Halime's and Talila's if she wakes up.''

When the girls heard this, they just stared at him. Sera spoke with a giggle, jokingly saying, ''She was visited by a big evil dragon in the night and ravaged until she couldn't fight back. Of course, she'd be sleeping still.''

Archer laughed when he heard Sera's comment, which made them all laugh as most agreed, apart from Halime and Llyniel, whose faces went red.

The group kept chatting until the bell rang, and one by one, each girl gave Archer a farewell kiss. When the chatter settled, only Archer, Teuila, and Nala remained.

As they stood up, Lioran approached with a smile. "Hey Arch! We didn't get to hang out. Do you want to join us after classes?"

Archer nodded. "Sure thing, Lioran. I'll join, but I'll bring Llyniel. I'm planning to take each girl on a date."

Lioran's face lit up before he spoke. "Meet me and the girls at Imperial Ivory Inn. It's in the noble quarter, next to the river's north bank."

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After speaking, the lion boy wandered out of the dining room to class, followed by Nalika and Leonora.

Once they were gone, he summoned a Treesym. The fluffy flying cat flew through the portal and landed on Archer's shoulder before rubbing its head against his.

He stroked the little beast and spoke. ''Hey, little guy, could you find someone for me?''

The flying cat nodded its little head before Archer used Mana Manipulation to show it a picture of the redhead.

When the Tressym saw the image, it meowed before flying off and out of one of the dining room windows.

Teuil, Nala, and all the other students who saw this watched Archer with wide eyes, but he chuckled before leaving the hall.

The three made their way to the front entrance, and when they got there, Archer pulled out the piece of paper to check what quests the four could do now.

Archer chose two that would be fun because there might be some treasure.

[Goblin Extermination: Clear an area infested with goblins located north of Crossroad City]

[Wendigo Threat: Track and eliminate a perilous beast lurking in the Eldertree Grove]

After waiting a while, they heard distant meows and looked over to see the Treesym flying next to Zarina, who looked at the fluffy cat with wide eyes.

When Archer saw this, he chuckled along with Teuila and Nala. The redhead arrived not long after the Tressym returned to the domain. 

Once she was here, he asked the three girls. ''Okay, so we can do a Goblin Extermination and Wendigo Hunt. Which beasts do you girls want to fight?''

There was an instant answer. ''Goblins!''

Archer was taken aback by their reaction, which showed on his face, causing Nala to explain. ''You see, Goblins are easy compared to Wendigos. They are sneaky creatures and love to hide.''

He nodded with a smile but shrugged. ''I have many ways to deal with the things, so there's no issue. We can leave now if you three are ready?''

Nala and Teuila smiled while Zarina nodded her head. But she looked around and asked with a curious voice. ''Where is Talila? Shouldn't she be here?''

Archer chuckled when he remembered the sleeping elf. He was about to speak, but Nala explained with a smile. ''Well, she was visited by a certain dragon last night, and it caused her to be tired and needed a day to recover.''

Upon hearing this, Zarina's cheeks flushed crimson as her hair. Archer couldn't help but burst into laughter, but the girl's response was swift. "Let's go."

After the redhead calmed down, he cast Gate to the town Eldoria and told them to stay there until he opened another portal.

The three girls agreed as he stepped through the portal and appeared outside the town. Archer summoned his wings and took off toward Crossroad City.

It took him a little while to get there as it was miles away, but when he arrived, he descended and cast Gate again.

After waiting a few seconds, the three girls stepped through the portal. Teuila was looking around alongside Zarina, but Nala was excited as she bounced around.

When she got close to him, Archer grabbed her tail, which caused Nala to scream out as she spun around with narrowed eyes.

But after seeing it was him, she latched onto him like a koala, which reminded him of Sera. The lion girl spoke with a grin. ''When can we mate, my dragon? I want to see what the others say is true.''

Archer smiled after hearing this and spoke with a smile. ''Your turn is after Llyniel.''

Nala got excited and nodded. Once that was said, the other two girls approached them before Teuila spoke. ''What's the plan? Use the cats again?''

A grin played on his lips as he shook his head, summoning Shadowspawn, which materialized into eerie shadow creatures.

He ordered them to find the goblin camps in the Shadowleaf Forest and return to him as quickly as possible.

Once he was done with giving out orders, he used Mana Manipulation to create chairs for them.

Archer settled into a chair, patiently awaiting the Shadowspawn. The atmosphere crackled with otherworldly energy as Teuila and Nala joined him.

As they started to relax, Zarina observed the trio and couldn't help but shake her head, disbelief in her expression.

 Not much time passed as the Shadowspawn reported back to him and showed him three large goblin camps.

That's when he jumped off the chair, scaring the three girls who looked at him with curious eyes as he spoke. ''Found them. Let's get ready.''

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They all nodded and started to follow him into the forest as he dismissed the Shadowspawn once their task was completed.

The Shadowleaf Forest was so quiet that it crept the three girls as Archer led them deeper into the enigmatic realm.

Towering trees cast long shadows that seemed to dance with a life of their own, and the rustling leaves whispered secrets.

Archer, clad in dark attire that blended seamlessly with the forest's shadows, surveyed the surroundings keenly.

Teuila, her sword at the ready, and Nala, her movements fluid and catlike, followed closely behind.

Zarina, the elemental mage, got ready to start casting spells at any enemies that appeared from the bushes.

As they ventured further, the distant murmur of a goblin camp reached their ears. Archer raised a hand, signaling the group to slow down.

The forest floor was littered with vibrant foliage, creating a mosaic of colors beneath their feet.

They approached the outskirts of the goblin camp, hidden by the dense foliage. Archer turned to the group, his eyes locking onto each of the three girls.

"We've reached the first goblin camp. Teuila, Nala, you two will rush in and take out the goblins with your swords. Zarina, cover them with your magic and I'll keep watch. Let's make quick work of this."

Teuila's grin widened, and she adjusted the grip on her sword. Nala, her blue eyes gleaming with excitement, nodded in agreement.

With a focused expression, Zarina nodded, her hands glowing with mana. The four moved forward cautiously until they reached the edge of the camp.

He remained at the outskirts, blending into the shadows, ready to jump in if anything happened to them.

As Teuila and Nala infiltrated the camp, the goblins, caught off guard, scrambled in confusion.

Teuila's blade violently danced through the air, striking down goblins with swift strokes. Nala moved like a phantom, her agility allowing her to navigate the chaos effortlessly.

Meanwhile, Zarina stepped forward, her eyes ablaze with magic. She raised her hands, conjuring flames that streaked toward the goblins, incinerating them in their path.

Water magic followed suit, manifesting in torrential blasts that engulfed the remaining foes.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]