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A Love Reawakened The Alpha’s Regret by Alphabetical B

Chapter 137
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IK 2 CHAPTER 7 BOOK 2 Hamente's POV REINAL REINA.1 WAKE UP! My eyes Buttered open as I heard that loud voice. It was far away and at the stime, it was in my head. What was who was Reina? My head still pounded as though a construction site was situated somewhere in my brain. My vision was a bit blurry but I managed to take notice of my surroundings. up and Where was I' Shit! I was at the hospital I didn't miss out on the opened curtains that let in sfresh air or the drip that was attached to my skin. The room was not too spacious but it was big enough to accommodate one person. The room was eerily silent as well. I hated being tick more than anything. The last tI visited the hospital was a long tago.

All of a sudden, a distinct scent hitlike a hurricane. It was a perfect blend of pine needles and fresh earth, remindingof the times I loved to hunt. It made goosebumps rise on my skin. I felt the hair beneath my neck stand straight. Something inpushedto look for the origin of that scent. I wanted to get up, pull the needle out of my skin, and look for wherever the scent was coming from The need was so great that I began breathing heavily.

I remembered my mantra and I recited it because that was the only thing that could stop"No matter how strong the pull gets, you have the control, Harriette. You have the power," The door suddenly opened and I lifted my eyes to see a female doctor walk into my room, I stopped reciting my mantra and gave my full attention to the lady.

"I see you're awake. You're Harriette Adams, correct?" oI nodded slowly. She grabbed a jug of water from the table and a glass as well. She poured sof the water into it and gave it to I drank to my fill "Thanks," I said as 1 returned the cup to her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

I took another look at the room. "Better." I lied.

I needed to be on my feet and plan my next line of action. I didn't have the privilege or the tto lie down and be idl "You lost consciousness in the Alpha's office. Can you tellwhat your symptoms are so I can know what tests we can carry out?" The doctor asked.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Tests? Because I fainted! That was the most ridiculous thing I'd heard. Back at home, Mother would make us shift into our wolves whenever we got any form of sickness and by morning, we shifted back to our human self and becbetter. "I guess I was tired. We walked for a while without taking a break before we got here. Maybe it was too much for me." I lied again The doctor nodded slowly as she scribbled sthings into her notebook.

I watched her like a predator watching a prey. I wanted to be able to predict her next move so I could know what I would do or say.

The distinct scent 1 noticed earlier cback to me.

Can you smell that?" I asked the doctor.

was weird.

""Smell what? My so scent?" She asked The in return.

""Your scent! You have a scent.

Chapter 137 Isaid malbelirl She smiled. "Vrah, silly, Like every other werewolves, Like you ansl like the. Even hall breeds have a ment? I closed her eyes as Imried to process her words. That wasn't possible. Doly Tigh-ranked wolves had scents and only high-ranked wolves coolid perceive them.

I didn't have a scent, Ella slidn't and so did every other person in my pack buck home. Only Mother, the Mpls, and his wife had scent and it was only them whis coulil perceive it. Low-ranked wolves likedidact have the privilege.

"Talking about scents.." She walked closer toand stiffedlike a dog. "Why is yours so faint? Like it's almost there but not there. Have you shifted into your woll?" I was taken aback by her worth. Not only were they unbelievable but also ridiculous.

"Can I leave now? Since Tim feeling better." I needed to talk to Ella She looked back at her note. "Of course," I watched as she removed the needle from my skin. It stung but it wasn't that bad. Once she was done. Estood up, praying and hoping I wouldn't feel dizzy.

Fortimately enough for me, I didn't.

"Commander Mika askedto give you this," She gavea slip. It was the sone I saw with that that snobby bich earlier.

It had my name, my job in the pack as well as my room number. The strange thing was, I had two room mumbers.

I frowned.

Was that possible!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"What is "I wanted to ask the doctor but she was already out of the room.

om I made a mental note to ask anyone in a uniform like the one the men who broughtinto the pack were wearing. I drank more water hoping it would help ease my headache before I left the room. I didn't see anyone in uniform around the hospital as I walked But once I cout of the hospital, Esaw Alpha Rowan standing a few meters away from the hospital building. He had his hand folded against his chest.

His eyes were fixated on something but I didn't miss how clenched his jaw was. He wasn't standing alone, I could see sother men in uniform Manding a few feet away from him. I turned to one of those men. "Where can I go to make an inquiry about my slip? I noticed smistakes in it Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. I didn't get to turn before he spoke. His voice was thick and distracting. "What happened? Rowan ked 1 turned around and I slowly gave him the slip "What the fuck is that?" He growled as he read the contents of the sleep.

I almost agreed with him. Why did I get two rooms? V Was it an error or was it done on purpose! What I didn't expect next was the loud growl that cfrom Rowan. I shifted away from him out of fear.

All of a sudden, the scent I perceived earlier ctoagain but this time, it was stronger and closer.

Subconsciously. I went after the scent, and funny enough, it didn't takea long tto find it but tooka while to realize that I had buried iny neck into Rowan's chest and he had grabbed the back of my neck. Chapter 137 "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He growled.

Shit! Shit! Shit! X RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.