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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55

Although Katherine's expression was calm, her hands were tightened into fists as they

hung on her sides.

Mom's possession must be returned. She was aware that the Olsens had left her a jade

pendant. Still, something so precious and important could not fall into Rosemary's hands

no matter what.

"What do you want?"

"I told you. I want to be the second Mrs. Levisay of the family. I shall marry Robert with

your assistance, then I'll return your things." Rosemary was joyful because of Katherine's

sympathetic and sorrowful expression.

To be able to look down on Katherine was an incredibly amazing feeling. Rosemary was

pleasant because she could no longer be controlled; on the other hand, Katherine

remained as the useless and vulnerable person she had been in Rosemary's eyes.

Suddenly, Katherine was reminded by Joaquin's scheme to pretend to be paralyzed after

the car crash. There has to be a reason why he put up an act. If Robert wants to seize the

title as Levisays' head, then it probably won't be as easy as he thought.

Who knows, he might even be exposed by Joaquin sooner or later.

So, if Rose wants to jump into a pitfall, who am I to stop her?

"Sure. I can assist you and I'll ensure that Robert will marry you. Nevertheless, you'd

better keep your word and give me back my mother's mementos!"

Since Elsie died when Katherine was merely a child, she could not keep the things she left


Something occurred to the Olsens not long after her passing. Darren's cerebral

hemorrhage rendered him dead and Jennifer was in critical condition due to her illness.

She remained unconscious up until now and depended on medication to breathe in the

hospital ward.

If Dad and the rest of the Cornell Family don't receive the punishment they deserve,

Grandma will never be able to rest in peace.

As Katherine noticed Rosemary's arrogant face, the corner of her lips began to tingle.

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"Okay! I won't lie to you as long as you follow through on your promises!" Rosemary was

unbelievably ecstatic. At that point, she even considered how powerful she would be to

take over the Levisay Family as the second daughter-in-law.

"Of course," Katherine replied, giving Rosemary a smile as she walked away.

For some reason, Rosemary felt Katherine's gaze to indicate otherwise and she

subconsciously stroked her face.

After that, Katherine went straight to her room. Though she had not returned for days, her

room remained exactly the same as when she left.

In a relaxed position on the bed, she pulled out her phone and texted Joaquin, 'My dear

fiancé. Why aren't you at home when I'm home? Three days have passed since I last saw

you and I'm already missing you.'

After sending it, she looked at it and was horrified. Such a grotesque text message must

certainly disgust Joaquin, right?

It was unfortunate because Katherine was unable to picture his expression after reading

the text message.

Meanwhile, Joaquin was seated in front of the French glass window at Soulin International

when his phone vibrated twice. He scowled a little before fishing out his phone to glance

at the notification. He then realized that it was a text message from Katherine. He

subconsciously clicked the message icon to read the text message and his countenance

changed to a rather somber one upon reading it.

Is she flirting with me?


As Joaquin turned to leave Soulin International, he tucked his phone into his pocket.

At this point, Katherine was sleeping comfortably on her bed and the sun had yet to set

even when she awoke. She yawned before leaving the room and noticed Joaquin

independently navigating his wheelchair, attempting to go upstairs.

When their eyes met, she grinned at him and approached him. She pushed his wheelchair

in the opposite direction while saying, "Why are you back so early, Mr. Levisay? Have you


"Didn't you say you miss me?" Joaquin arched his brows and cracked a small smile.

All of a sudden, Katherine's expression abruptly froze for a few seconds before quickly

returning to normal. She then answered, "Yeah. Thank you for coming back to have dinner

with me, Mr. Levisay."

Joaquin fixed his attention on her; she was grinning broadly and had crescent-shaped eyes

while exuding a strong sense of joy.

Despite that, her gaze was visibly frigid and there was no emotion present.

Others might be fooled by Katherine's disguise, but not him.

However, he did not bother to expose her since they were simply in a cooperative


When Katherine placed her hands on the wheelchair, she noticed that Joaquin had stopped

talking. As such, she did not want to bring contempt upon herself and gave him a push

with a calm, gentle smile instead. On the surface, the two of them seemed to get along


As they made their way downstairs, Hera smirked mockingly at them.

They complemented each other rather well, much like a straw bag and garbage bag.

Katherine has been out of the house for the past few days despite knowing she's about to

get married soon. I predict that her attitude will only worsen after their marriage.

"Are you back, Kathy? You look like you've lost some weight. Where have you been for the

last few days? Did you get enough sleep?" Hera made a sarcastic remark before grinning

brightly at Katherine.

In response, Katherine returned Hera a sympathetic grin as she gazed at her. "I simply

returned to the Cornell Residence, Mom. I didn't venture elsewhere. You know, I've been

living abroad for a while and I'm getting married shortly, so I'm missing home."

"I see. You're such a filial daughter, Kathy." Hera smiled with no intention to expose


Through an Oscar-worthy act, the two exchanged some words and smiles while they

appeared to be in a harmonious and close relationship.

Joaquin, who saw Katherine being so adaptable in uttering nonsense, could not help but

turn away from her.

She slapped her forehead after speaking with Hera for a little while as if she had just

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remembered something. "Oh! I almost forgot! My sister has been staying at your house

lately and my parents said that they missed her, so they want her to come home."

Rosemary, who was smiling as she walked up to them, overheard Katherine's statements

at this very moment. Her initially cheerful demeanor quickly changed to one of distress.

"I'm getting married shortly and my father is getting old. He originally intended to

celebrate his birthday next month, but he now wants to do it sooner. Moreover, he even

intended to do it before I get married, so I want my sister to go home and help out. I may

have to go back for a few days. Mom, you won't blame me for not staying at home to look

after Joaquin, will you?"

Remorse and worry could be seen in Katherine's expression as she gingerly examined


As soon as Hera heard Katherine's request, she grasped that it was a part of Jorge's plan.

Though she was embarrassed by the Cornell Family's facade, she also did not want to put

an end to it.

The Cornells knew that the more fake they were, the higher the chance they had of

embarrassing themselves in front of the entire Hovington populace. By then, Joaquin

would feel humiliated and be unable to contend with Robert for the Levisays' succession


"Sure, you can go home. We have servants here, so it's not a big problem." Hera was

incredibly giving.

"Thanks, Mom! You are the best," Katherine said in an appeasing tone while clutching

Hera's arm. She purposefully raised her arm at the same time to show off the bracelet she

had previously given.

At the sight of the bracelet, Hera was ignited with annoyance. It was not particularly an

expensive piece, yet it was never removed once it was worn.

Therefore, how could she still be in the dark about what Katherine was trying to say after

she deliberately showed it in front of her face?

Nothing more than trying to cheat something expensive from Hera by using Jorge's

birthday as an excuse.

Hera suppressed her inner discontentment as she smiled and replied, "Your father seems

to like calligraphy and painting. I recently received an artwork from Iono Aoki. I'll have my

butler send it to you later."

"Thank you, Mom!" Katherine gave a big grin.