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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 256
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“It is unnecessary,” I grumbled Laying across his lap, “ and you don’t even have a plug.”

“Of course we do,” Master Damien said entering and handing the device to Master Evan. “I took it out of you yesterday. I brought it with us when we Left the containment room.”

I was mortified. He had walked through the halls carrying my butt plug and I hadn’t even noticed. It was awful to think the other men down here had seen it.

You make no sense,” Master Evan said pushing the fake phallus into me.

“You wear this every day. Every Earth slave wears one. We have cleaned you countless times and yet you still resist it. We demand you stop with these feelings.”

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The plug was uncomfortable. It had been getting more uncomfortable as the pregnancy wore on. I already felt stuffed with the baby, having the plug made it that much worse. It took longer and longer for me to forget it was there.

Master Kein paced in the bathroom watchingas I stood up and tried to get used to the pressure. I tried to focus on what was going on aroundto distract from the discomfort, but everyone was focused on my stretched and stuffed ass.

“Take it out,” Master Kein demanded.

I agree,” said Master Damien, “we will ready the slave before we use it each time. This is…” he couldn’t think of a word to describe it.

It wasn’t always like this, I thought. Before the pregnancy the plug had been almost easy to ignore.

My men were decided and the plug removed. I breathed a sigh of relief at having it gone.

We walked down to the cafeteria and I was elated to have a day without that stupid object invading me. Reaching out I held the hand closest toand squeezed it. Master Bane squeezed my hand back and didn’t let it go. My happiness was infectious.

“You’re getting spoiled, Ciara,” Master Evan said sighing.

He liked the plug. Seeing it peek between my ass cheeks all day reminded him I was his.

“There are other things I like to have there, Master Evan,” I flirted smiling.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Master Evan had ideas and would gladly spend the morning between my legs, but Master Damien made us go to breakfast. He wanted to see what Nu-reeh planned to do with them.

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“Are you still to be trained as General?” Master Kein asked absently as we got closer to the hall.

The internal conversation took over. Nu-reeh knew they were bonded to me. Master Damien couldn’t be General if he was bonded to a slave. It would never work.

Breakfast was quick. The only thing that took any twas gettingon my kneeling place. I couldn’t see it beyond my expanding belly and I nearly lost my balance. My men stoppedfrom toppling and fedwhile laughing at my clumsiness.

After the food and pullingto a standing position, we walked to the area where the man handed out assignments. Usually it was rote, Master Damien and his Brothers trained to be General in the morning.

“Sorting room, Damien,” the man said and then I felt him look at me. “The slave will wait for you in your quarters,” he finished.

The men started to disperse, but Master Damien and his Brothers were irritated. Who was going to care forwhile they sorted out Nu-reeh’s haul of ore?

The man that had been handing out directions approached Master Damien. “The slave will clean your quarters,” he said answering the unspoken question and now Master Damien was livid. The man continued to speak in the face of Master Damien’s rage.

“It is how it is done here, Damien. Do not cast such angry eyes on me. When the female slaves are brought they must work as we work. What would you prefer? To have the slave alone in your quarters or to have the men who clean in there with her?”