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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 279
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My owners arrived at Lunch and Master Kein escorted my tutors out. Everyone tried to keep Master Damien distracted until the men were gone, his temper was threatening to burst out of control.

“We have a surprise, Ciara,” Christof said Lightly and that made Master Damien smile.

They did have a surprise for me, one they had been carefully hiding all morning. I hadn’t sensed anything about it from them. Only Christof had seen the surprise and he was making a point not to think about it. They wanted to see my face when I saw what they’d gotten me. Christof presentedwith a brown bag and I looked curiously at him.

“Only I looked at it,” he explained grinning, but I still didn’t know what it was. Christof was very good at keeping secrets. Usually that irritated Damien, but it had been fun today.


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I opened the bag and was thrilled. They had foundknitting needles and yarn in their colors. They had paid attention when I said I wanted to knit my child a blanket. It had seemed important to me, so they wanted to make it happen.

Grateful for their thoughtfulness I hugged and kissed each of them. That seemed to finish calming Master Damien down.

Just Like when I first arrived on this plthe strangeness of it all settled. My days in the mountains started to take on a normal feel. It beca repetitive pattern of Lessons and learning.

Nu-reeh tookout to fly in the countryside almost every day. She broughtinto caves and taught me all the things that lived in the hills. Other days we would fly into the mines and she would teach me how to get the ore. I knew the sprawling mountains around us like the back of my hand.

I also learned Landmarks and how to tell direction. Nu-reeh spoke of far off places and how to get to them. It felt like I had seen the entire plthrough her stories.

The most fascinating day, she tookto where the space ships loaded the ore. We sat on a hill overlooking the valley as massive ships worked below us. Nu-reeh made sure I knew about every race that was down in the valley. By the end of the day I knew what dangers awaited the salesmen below us. If they should need help, I knew the signs.

I assumed I was to teach my child all that I was learning. There was so much, I prayed enough of it would stay with me. Everyday felt like I was trying to memorize an encyclopedia.

This was such a strange and dangerous world. I often wondered if my child would survive. It wasn’t like I could offer any help or assistance. While I knew I would unconditionally love my child, I felt useless in helping to raise her.

My owners hated the fretting and worrying. They found that my lack of confidence and fear distracted them. Any endeavor that took my mind off my deficiencies was supported wholeheartedly.

They soon learned the knitting and sewing relaxed me. Making blankets for the child madefeel useful. At least my child would have something soft and warm to be wrapped in. I was provided with as many supplies as I needed and encouraged to knit whenever I wasn’t otherwise occupied,

Besides relaxingthe knitting had another benefit. It gavesomething to do when my only responsibility was to be present and listen. Often Nu-reeh hadsit and watch my Masters’ couplings while she spoke with her Sisters. She found my productivity to be a good thing and demanded I continue it.

Sitting amongst the women I learned a great deal about them. Soon I could understand their hierarchy and their interactions. Eventually, I learned what was appropriate behavior and what was not. Nu-reeh quizzedoften and seemed intent I understood this well.

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There were rules the women followed and expectations that had to be met. Whenever we cacross a new practice Nu-reeh would make sure I understood completely. She was quite clear in her belief I should know exactly what was expected of a female. I did my best not to disappoint.

As far as my original purpose was concerned, a drastic change took place. One night my owners decided that sex was too cumbersand exhausting for me. They no longer usedfor sex.

Damien and his Brothers adored sex with me, but as my belly grew I was easily made sore. The act itself required a great deal of energy, particularly with five men to satisfy. It becan issue one night and I was shocked at the outcome.

Kein had takenfirst. I knelt on the bed as he took his pleasure in my body. Forthe act was uncomfortable, but I took him willingly. With each bump of his long staff against my tunnel, I had started to openly wince. Suddenly, he withdrew himself.

Evan’s breath was hot on my cunt as he broughtto pleasure. For a moment I wondered when Kein would finish and then I knew he would not. They were done withfor the evening. The orgasm Evan was bringingWas an apology for the pain. It was going to be the end of sex until I was no longer pregnant.

I was shocked and looked up at them. A sex slave that could not be used for sex was unheard of. Damien heard the train of thought in my mind.

“You are not our slave in this room,” he chuckled. “You are tired and not able to be used for now. We do not mind. We will wait for the women to use us.”

I lay down panting on my side staring at him. He was erect and ready, they all were.