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Abyssal Lord of the Magi World

Chapter 694: Ragnarok
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The most shocked of those watching the rise of that mighty demonic dragon was the Empyrean Primordials in the artificial heavenly body.

As they saw the three silver stars floating around his head and felt the mighty First Order Bloodline's aura, there was no doubt that the demonic dragon was a pure-blooded Primordial.

More important, that demonic dragon was someone they knew.

"Ragnarok!" Chrollo lost control of his emotions and yelled those words as he saw the Primordial emerging from the blood moon.

The Empyrean Primordials' Leader was not the only one shocked by the demonic dragon. The other eight were also surprised, and complicated expressions appeared on their faces.

However, it did not take long for one to get over the shock, and what replaced it was coldness and killing intent.

The aura of the harlequin Primordial grew stronger, decisive, and full of slaughter intent. He was about to leave the artificial heavenly body when a powerful gaze focused on him.

"Fenrir, where do you think you are going?" Chrollo's eyes were cold as he stared at the Primordial in harlequin costume, and an immense pressure emerged from him as his tenth Silver Star of Origin materialized.

Fenrir almost took one step back due to the power Chrollo released, but his eyes showed an even greater determination as he also materialized his tenth Silver Star of Origin!

When the other Empyrean Primordials saw that, they were surprised. Although Fenrir's tenth Silver Star of Origin was more illusory than Chrollo's, it still granted an immense boost to the harlequin's power.

Fenrir stood straight as he faced Chrollo, and the clash of their auras made the artificial heavenly body that was supposed to be superior to a Principal World tremble non-stop.

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"I am going into the Prima Universe to kill him. I don't care how he survived, but he sided with the Heavenly Empress against our Lord during the Alpha Dominance War. There is only one path for those like him." Fenrir's killing intent only grew stronger as he spoke those words.

As he heard that, conflicted emotions appeared in Chrollo's eyes, but he did not move away and kept blocking Fenrir's path.

"You will not enter the Prima Universe. That is an order!"

A clash occurred between Chrollo and Fenrir since none of them wanted to pull back.

The other seven Empyrean Primordials did not know what side to take. Chrollo had the right to command them as their leader, but they knew Fenrir's words were correct. In the end, they chose to remain silent.

Fenrir began to show anger as he saw Chrollo's persistence, and his killing intent only kept growing.

"What do you think you are doing, Chrollo. Are you really going to stop me and side with him? Not to mention that back in the war, you were the one that killed him."

Chrollo's eyes narrowed as he heard Fenrir's words, but the only effect they had was making his aura stronger.

"He was our brother, and I gave him a choice. Follow the Flame Imperator or die. He chose the latter, and I do not regret killing him during the war. Still, that doesn't mean I will let you end him now."

Fenrir and Chrollo's auras grew stronger, making the artificial heavenly body tremble with more and more force.


Just as the battle between the two Ten Silver Stars of Origin Primordials seemed imminent, the Empyrean Primordials heard a voice. Immediately, all nine adopted a respectful expression and kneeled toward the origin.

The Flame Imperator remained meditative with his eyes closed, but his aura overwhelmed that of Fenrir and Chrollo in an instant. Their powers were just in a completely different league.

He then turned toward Fenrir and opened his golden eyes, making the Primordial feel nothing could hide from them.

"Fenrir, do you want to kill Ragnarok?"

The Primordial was surprised by that question and only responded after a few seconds of reflection.

"My personal feelings do not matter. Ragnarok sided with the Heavenly Empress and stood against you. Therefore he needs to die."

Fenrir showed a stoic aura, but after he finished saying those words, he could not help but sigh.

"However, I don't want to do it."

Both sides had constantly fomented a sense of brotherhood, whether it was the Flame Imperator or the Heavenly Empress. Even though the Alpha Dominance War could be considered a civil war, where brothers killed brothers, none of the armies truly hated each other.

The Flame Imperator softly nodded after hearing Fenrir's words, and then he turned toward Chrollo.

"Chrollo, if I command you to kill Ragnarok for a second time, will you do it?"

The Empyrean Primordials' Leader trembled as he heard that question, but it did not take long for monstrous willpower to emerge in his eyes.

"If those are your order, I will march immediately into the Prima Universe and end him."

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The Flame Imperator nodded again, and this time he looked at the nine Empyrean Primordials.

"Now I ask you all. Do you think Ragnarok could have survived the Alpha Dominance War and escaped into the Prima Universe without me knowing it?"

Chrollo, Fenrir, and the other seven Empyrean Primordials were astounded when they heard that.

"Lord, does that mean you allowed him to escape into the Prima Universe?"

Fenrir was the one that asked that question. His sense of brotherhood was not any less than his brethren, but his devotion to the Flame Imperator made it so that he would kill anyone that sided against this one.

"I did not just allow it. I made it possible for Ragnarok and all the other Primordials that sided with the Heavenly Empress." The Flame Imperator saw the curiosity on the Empyrean Primordials, so he carried on.

"Even if they sided with the Heavenly Empress against me, they were honorable warriors. Although I could not allow them to remain in the Alpha Universe since it would interfere with plans, that doesn't mean there was not a way for them to join us in the future."

The Flame Imperator made a small pause as he remembered his decisions during that war. When all of it started, he was confident that he would win and that the entire Alpha Universe would fall under his command with little effort.

Unfortunately, one woman made all of it much harder, forcing him to go all out and risk his life more than once.

"I use my power to send their broken souls through the Eternal River of the Afterlife into a location of the Prima Universe where they would be safe. I was not certain if it would work, that is why I did not say anything before, but it seems that everything turned out fine."

Chrollo, Fenrir, and the other Empyrean Primordials showed smiles full of thrill after hearing the Flame Imperator's words. Even if they did not regret their actions, knowing their brothers were still alive made all of them extremely happy.

"By the way, I should be making something clear. The one that emerged from the blood moon is not Ragnarok."

The Flame Imperator spoke again, shocking the Empyrean Primordials. The nine focused on the Chaos-Order Unity Formation only to see the demonic dragon and the Neo-Demon looking at each other with wide smiles before laughing in unison.