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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 231
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Shi Lang had just stopped the array formation. The Adjudicators were watching the war progression from a monitoring ship. They could see how both sides were engaged in the battle and did they violate any rules established before. Adjudicator Joru said, “That leading group with the bot, from the Terran side. Commendable courage and battle skills.”

The other person was similar to him, dressed in overalls, and nodded. He said, “In my whole life, I, Benelize Karde, have never been so impressed. We should talk to the Terran fleet, and have them integrate this team into the Galactic Council’s strike force.”

Adjudicator Joru nodded and said, “Karde, you have a good idea, but do you think the Terrans will agree, after all, this soldier must be the crown jewel of their race. Why should they send this guy over to some distant part of the galaxy? You do know that strike force is stationed in a special location.”

Karde nodded and said, “We will know when we talk to them. Let us watch the rest of it before deciding the course of approach.”

The two people reached a decision and focused on the task at hand. Meanwhile, Shi Lang had just issued the final instructions. He decided to let the mech team and the puppets take a step first and get back on the spaceships for the final battle. The rest of the ground forces were to prioritize search and rescue.

They were to search for any living fish that might have slipped past and rescue the soldiers who were critically hurt, and transport them back to the medical camp. He had just finished when Deputy General Sikar communicated with him, “Sir, the fleet battle can start any minute now, the Zergs do not have anything to prepare, I have dispatched a ship to pick you up, please tell me what to do in the meantime.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Have the warships enter the mandala formation. When the maneuver is complete, place the battleships and other damage-dealing ships between the warships. Do you see the console beside the commanding chair?”

Sikar had noticed this console as soon as he came in here but no one knew the use of it. This was a newly made attachment. He replied, “Yes, sir I see it”

Shi Lang replied, “Keep Envoy Shashi away from the command center. If the zergs initiate attack then place a spirit stone inside this console, the rest will happen on its own.”

Sikar did not understand at first but he realized that this was another formation and should be practically defensive. The old man replied, “Yes sir. The ship will pick you up in five minutes.”

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Shi Lang agreed and the connection was disrupted.

Following the order of the General, the ground troops began to kill each and every Zerg they found to be alive in the piles, while the mech team and the puppets were all controlled to board the carriers and move back to join the fleet first. Shi Lang and his team were picked up by a scout vessel and they reached the Prima, the first warship of the fleet, before anyone else.

Shi Lang came inside the ship removed his helmet and when someone was about to congratulate him, he said, “It has not yet ended.”

This person was Envoy Shasha, trying to be jolly like always. Shi Lang had doubts about why this person was placed in the galactic council seat for the federation. Shashi asked, “What do you think are the chances to deal with the Zerg fleet?”

Shi Lang shrugged his shoulder and said, “We have our strategies and we have our backups too. Let us see. Also, Mister Shashi, if you do not mind, I would like you to watch the rest of the war from the observation deck. The command center is strictly forbidden for non-military personnel.”

Shashi found it odd, he said, “Why do you do these things, General Lang? Do you not trust me?”

Shi Lang smiled and said, “It is not like that, but you see, the soldiers have superstitions. Non-military personnel, even the president himself would be told the same. You are the guest and the highest designation after the president. I have to make sure that you are not harmed in any way. That is why I have to do these things. I apologize.”

Shi Lang was a natural beaureucrat. Shashi was a child in front of him. After coaxing this guy, Shi Lang entered the command center. The lieutenant on guard duty said, “Officer on deck!”

Everyone stood up and saluted Shi Lang. The boy saluted back and said, “At ease. Give me a status report.”

Deputy Sikar said, “The fleet is assembled in the mandala formation, sir. The Zergs are approaching in ten minutes.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Deploy all fighter class ships from the bays, have them enter the stealth mode, and as soon as they detect the zerg fleet, insert a spirit stone inside the small console in the cockpit. Then position themselves below the zergs, we will use a plane spike head as the secondary engagement.

After the Zerg fleet is hit, have the heavy artillery focus on their chief warship. I want that taken down before anything else. Understood?”

“Sir, Yes, Sir.”, said the cabin crew. Shi Lang began to lead the fleet’s preparations for the attack situations.

The zergs choose the venue for the ground battles. So, in the fleet battle, the Federal side held the advantage. Shi Lang said, “Order the tug miners to draw over the meteors and position them above the zerg fleet area. They must have learned how to deliver those meteors into the enemy fleet and that will be our primary engagement.”

The people agreed and the instructions were passed on. Shi Lang was going to keep the mechs for the time when the zergs use their own mechs to attack the ships and break the lines. With all that done, Shi Lang leaned back in the chair and saw Amelia standing nearby with anxiety spelled clearly on her face. He smiled and said, “Deputy General Sikar, let me introduce you to my fiance, Colonel Amelia Knight.”

Amelia heard this and was surprised, while the rest of the people were shocked, however, they did not dare to stop or diverge from what they were doing. Deputy General Sikar nodded and with a smile, he said, “Congratulations sir. Colonel Knight is a gem.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “I know right. I love her the most. We planned to get married in a few years, but I think I should propose to her right after the war ends and then get it done once and for all. What do you think?”

Deputy General Sikar said, “Fortune favors the bold sir.”

Shi Lang nodded and cast a gaze at the girl and found her ears turning red. When has Amelia ever been comfortable with a public display of affection? Suddenly, the operator said, “Sir, we have visual contact.”

Shi Lang raised his head and looked at the screen in front of him. A cluster of light and metallic luster appeared, slowly moving in closer. Shi Lang used his hands to move the screen view and found that the tug-mining ships were lined up with the zerg fleets.

He said, “As soon as the war signal is given have them drop the meteors to the zergs.”

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The operator on the side quickly relayed the order. The soldier responsible for communications said, “Sir, the Adjudicator’s vessel is hailing us.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Accept the connection.”

The connection was established and Joru’s face appeared on the screen. Shi Lang asked, “How may I help you, Adjudicator Joru?”

Joru said, “The Zergs wish to discuss terms again.”

Shi Lang raised his eyebrow and asked, “What term do they want to discuss?”

Karde spoke up from the side, “General Shi Lang, I am Adjudicator Karde. The zergs want to surrender, and they would like to cede twenty percent of their territory to the Federation.”

Shi Lang did not care how the other people were tempted, he said, “The entire populace of the Zergs is made up of warriors and cannibals. I would not take the barren territory. In the past, they have committed a lot of actions to violate the respect of my military and my brethren. If it was my fleet that has been crushed by them, they would not have agreed anyway either. No matter what their conditions are, I will not agree.

As for their territory, will I not have it all after I am done dealing with them.”

His attitude was clear. There will be no settlement with these creatures. The Adjudicators were helpless, Karde said, “General Shi Lang, I do not think you would like me to go behind your back and discuss this with your president.”

Shi Lang’s eyes became cold and he said, “You can try, I will wait here, but after the call with the president, I would like you, Adjudicator Joru, to call it in with your authority, that your fellow Adjudicator tried to do more than just bridging the communication with the enemy.”

Adjudicator Joru was shocked and so was his colleague. They did not realize this young man to bind them down like this. The operator said, “Sir, the Zerg fleet is locking their weapons on our warship.”

Shi Lang did not respond but kept looking at the screen. The operator said, “Sir, they are ready to fire in five, four, three, two…”

Before he could say one, Joru said, “I understand, General Lang. Please go ahead, I will deal with this situation.”

Shi Lang said, “Initiate defense protocols, and let it hail down on the Zergs.”