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Chapter 427: Warm Up Battle
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"Kill him," The captain said to the group before walking towards the pond.

He could sense the treasure was inside the pond, and close to the pond was Ellis' aura

'That brat, he's trying to get his hands on something I've set my sights on. Hmph! If not for the fact that we need him to get out of here, I'd have killed him immediately,' He snorted coldly.


He suddenly retreated two steps back, an attack landing on where he was previously standing.

"Are you that tired of living?" He glared at Grey with an angry face.

"Do you think the likes of you can kill me?" Grey smirked.

"You shouldn't be so full of yourself, I don't know who you are, but whoever gets in our way dies," The captain turned around, no longer interested in going into the pond.

He wanted to join hands with the others and kill Grey quickly.

"Heh! I can say the same for you four," Grey chuckled.

"Make sure he suffers before he dies," The captain changed his order.

Previously, he just wanted Grey to die, now, he wanted him to die in the slowest possible way.

The two ladies were the first to attack, one of them was a Fire Elementalist, while the other was a Wind Elementalist.

With the first attack, Grey knew the battle wouldn't be easy, the coordination between the ladies was insane, what was more terrifying was their ability to amplify each other's attacks.

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The wind element increases the intensity of the fire element attacks, making it far superior when compared to a normal Fire Elementalist's attack in the same stage. Even Grey's blue fire paled in comparison.

Boom! Bam! Bang!

Grey managed to block the attack, but the force of the attack pushed him almost ten meters backward.

Grey squinted his eyes, and for the first time in a while, he reevaluated his opponents.

He took a step forward and exploded out with blue flames. His attacks shot towards the two ladies, but before they got there, an ice wall formed in front of them, blocking the attacks.

Just as his attack was blocked by the ice wall, multiple lightning spears shot in his direction.

Boom! Bam!

He dodged the attacks, but for some reason, the attacks didn't die down, instead, they kept getting fiercer.


'Huh? When did water get here?' Grey, who was focused on dodging the lightning spears didn't know when the ground he was standing on got covered with water.

His pupils dilated when he suddenly recalled something.

'Oh crap!'


The lightning current was transferred by the water, and for the first time, he was electrocuted by lightning.

The blue vest he was wearing managed to block most of the lightning attacks, but he still felt the last part of the attacks.

Immediately after he was electrocuted, he was picked into the air uncontrollably by a rising tornado. The tornado was then fueled by the fire and lightning element, giving off a beautiful red tornado with silvery lines flashing across it.

Ice shards appeared mid-air, shooting into the tornado repeatedly.

GWhoosh! Bang!

A large blue ball of fire exploded out from the middle of the tornado, forcefully blowing the tornado apart.

Bam! Boom!

The fireball spread out further in all directions, but the group easily dealt with the ones coming in his direction.

Grey soon appeared in front of the group, his hair was a mess and his clothes has some burn marks which indicated that he sustained some damages from the fiery tornado.

"You look alright, lets see how many more you can take," The captain of the group said with a snicker.

Although he was impressed by how Grey was able to forcefully break their attacks, he knew that attack wouldn't be able to deal with him since he was able to cross the passageway and even save someone in the process.

"I was just getting warmed up," Grey replied while looking at his tattered clothes.

'Luckily, I always bring multiple sets of clothes, else, I might've started robbing pants again.' He shook his head when he recalled his experience in the trial land.

With the storage ring, he has space for keeping multiple sets of clothes. Presently, he usually keeps most of his clothes in his storage ring.

"Oh, we haven't even started to warm up." The captain said, before turning to the others, "Let's show this fool how we take care of passersby who poke their noses in other people's business,"

"Gladly, captain,"

The trio said simultaneously.

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They moved to four different positions, putting Grey in the middle of the formation they made.

With opponents in four different locations, Grey didn't panic. When he sensed the group coming, he made two inscriptions since he knew he would be fighting against a group of four.

Swoosh! Boom!

He was the first to attack, targeting the Wind Elementalist amongst the group.

The lady was able to dodge his attack, before sending out an attack. The others followed suit, attacking Grey from behind, forcing him to block their attacks.

Bam! Bang!

They kept exchanging moves, but Grey was at a disadvantage from the get-go. Although this wasn't the first time he was fighting against a group, this was the first time he was fighting against one this well organized and strong.

He suddenly thought of what would've happened if the others were still alive, he would've most likely escaped, or even started using his space element from the start.


Grey was forced back by a lightning attack, and the direction he retreated was where the Fire Elementalist was standing. With Grey's back turned to the lady, and given that he lost his bearing from the lightning attack, she didn't hold back when she unleashed a terrifying fire snake towards him.


The fire snake was stopped halfway by a lightning attack.

"Huh? Who did that?" The Fire Elementalist looked at the Lightning Elementalist suspiciously, but she knew he wouldn't block her attack.

"There's no need to think too much about it, look up," The captain of the group said while looking up.

The others did the same, and they saw the lightning inscription hanging in the air.

"An Inscriber, this will be fun," The captain said.