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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 804
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Chapter 804 At this point, many of Jenna's fans had taken their seats in the audience, having come from far and wide to see her compete in the finals.

The audience for this final match was packed to capacity, even more so than the piano finals a few days prior.

This was especially true since Jenna had used an ancient instrument during her last qualifying round, which had piqued the interest of music lovers worldwide and turned many into die-hard fans. Some had even traveled from all over the world just to witness her performance.

Many of these fans held up glow sticks or light-up signs that read "Jenna!" or "Go Jenna!" Ashlyn sat in the front row watching with intense jealousy and hatred flashing through her eyes.

She hoped that Jenna would fail miserably during this competition so that she could lose all of her fans and become an outcast.

But soon enough, the competition began. There were only eight contestants who made it to the finals, so there were other performances besides just playing music such as singing and dancing or giving speeches mixed with interviews. They also showed some VCRs for interaction between contestants and lucky audience members who won prizes on site.

Finally came Jenna's turn after all VCRs were shown. She looked stunningly beautiful wearing simple white shirt paired with half- length skirt while sporting natural makeup.

"My brother and my godmother both support me wholeheartedly,” she said on camera.

"They love me very much; they care about me deeply; | feel very fortunate.” "I don't want to disappoint them." After finishing up with VCRs came first contestant performing his original composition using saxophone which sounded melodious yet soulful indicating his deep musical background expertise.

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The music he produced was truly moving.

After performing his piece, it was time to showcase his own talents, which would also be scored. He sang a song with a tenor voice and did fairly well.

The judges gave them an average score, not too high but not too low either.

Once the contestant left the stage, the host came back up to begin the first round of raffle drawings. They started by drawing from the live audience in attendance before moving on to those watching on the livestream platform.

In total, six lucky viewers were chosen for prizes.

Afterwards, they resumed with more performances from two contestants before starting another raffle drawing. The fans were starting to get impatient.

"Why is this taking so long?" "I really want to see Jenna!" "Yeah seriously! She's supposed to be last.” "Just wait!" Once all of the drawings were done, a guest singer was invited onstage to perform a popular song. But no one really cared about listening attentively; everyone just wanted Jenna's performance and became even more curious about her talent.

"What do you think Jenna will perform?" "She's amazing at piano; maybe she'll play that for us?" "But... she won Graley Piano Competition and videos of her playing are all over online. Maybe she'll show us something else new?" "You're dreaming! How could she possibly have any other talents? Being able to compose and play piano is already something most people can't achieve.” Ashlyn listened as these discussions pierced her heart like needles with every word spoken.

"Auntie, you have got to help me bring Jenna down," she pleaded while grabbing Allie’s arm. "You don't know how much she used to bully me when we were in H Rovirsa. With Sylvia backing her up, even my mom couldn't do anything about it." Allie patted Ashlyn's hand reassuringly as if telling her not to worry too much yet. "Just wait and see. Why isn't your mom here?" "Jenna's just some little nobody trying way too hard for international fame by using our Ashlyn as stepping stone," Allie sneered coldly despite being unmarried herself due in part because of being vice president of Global Piano Association along with good looks that attracted many suitors worldwide.

Recently, the most aggressive pursuer of Allie is Antwan Spencer, the CEO of Spencer Group.

If she marries him, she will become a part of the Spencer family and have access to their resources and connections in Aettosa.

Allie knows that at her age, having a child on her own is impossible, so she relies on Ashlyn for her future. Antwan has a son who will inherit Spencer Group in the future. If Ashlyn becomes his wife and enters into the Spencer family as a young lady, it would be even better.

As another contestant finishes playing piano on stage during an intense competition with male groups singing and dancing to attract female fans' cheers from below; Sylvia sits quietly without any emotional fluctuations while Franklin remains calm beside her.

Brayden seems nervous.

Sylvia teases him by saying, "What are you nervous about? You're not competing." Brayden responds by expressing his concern about Mrs. Ritter's interference last time which could happen again this time around.

Sylvia calmly reassures him that Mrs. Ritter will eventually face consequences for her actions.

Soon enough, it was Jenna's turn to perform on stage. As soon as she stepped out onto it, the crowd erupted into cheers: "Jenna! Go!" Jenna had never expected so many people to support her like this before; she looked stunned but quickly regained composure when greeting judges before starting performance preparation.

Suddenly, a man rushed onto stage and tackled Jenna down unexpectedly causing chaos among everyone present at once! The scene immediately became chaotic, with everyone on and off stage shocked by the man's behavior.

Jenna's head hit the stage floor hard, causing her vision to go black for a moment. She was wearing a long dress and tried to kick the man holding onto her tightly, but he wouldn't let go.

Finally, the staff realized what was happening and rushed over to pull him away.

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The man continued shouting at Jenna in a crazy and creepy manner: "Jenna, | love you! Marry me!" Brayden was furious and charged onto the stage like a madman, kicking the man away from Jenna before helping her up.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly as Sylvia joined them on stage.

Jenna's face had turned pale as she looked at the man being taken away by security guards.

Her head hurt badly but she tried not to show it. "It's okay... just feeling dizzy." Brayden held her hand tightly while Sylvia checked on her injury. "Is it serious?" "It's just a bump,” Jenna replied weakly. She knew that this incident wasn't an accident; someone must have been trying to sabotage her performance in some way.

"If you're not feeling well enough we can skip this round,” Brayden said anxiously.

Sylvia also expressed concern for Jenna: "Can you still compete?” Jenna gritted her teeth despite feeling unwell; she knew that giving up now would only give satisfaction to those who wanted to see her fail. So she nodded bravely: "I can do it... let's continue.” The fans watching both online and in person were all worried about Jenna after witnessing what happened on stage.

Only Ashlyn and Allie seemed pleased with themselves since they had finally managed to get one over Franklin and Sylvia after multiple failed attempts before this incident occurred.

Despite their concerns for Jenna's health, even some of the judges were impressed by how determined she was when they asked if she could continue competing or needed medical attention first.

If she withdrew, they would be disappointed. But they still believed that her health was more important.

"I want to compete,” Jenna stood in the center of the stage now. "I have worked so hard to make it to the finals, and there's no reason for me to give up now. | may have been forced into this competition, but since I'm here, | will give it my all and take it seriously." Sylvia nodded at her before heading down with Brayden.

Jenna pulled out a harmonica with a pale face.