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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43

Dylan couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried. Sounds of approaching footsteps

could be heard as he considered whether he should risk his life to ask Noah about it. The

door was already open before Dylan could get up to open it.

Noah entered with an unconscious Madeline in his arms.

Dylan's jaw dropped when he saw that. "Noah, what's going on?"

"Dylan, she's running a fever. Please hurry and check on her."

Noah carried Madeline into the laboratory and carefully placed her on the laboratory bed

after saying that.

"Running a fever?" Dylan was a doctor first and foremost, so he put his curiosity aside for

the time being and hurriedly followed him.

Dylan conducted a preliminary examination and discovered that Madeline had a high fever

from an infection in a wound on her arm.

Sterilization and subsequent treatment are required to treat the infection brought on by

the wound.

Noah stood there watching Dylan remove the gauze from her arm. His focus was on her

bloody wound when suddenly a gleam of fire appeared in his eyes. "Does that look like a

burn injury to you?" he asked.

"Well, it does appear that way, and a significant impact must have caused the injury to the

bone," Dylan explained as he cleaned the wound.

Noah didn't say anything else as he listened to Dylan's explanation, but his heart was


A burn injury with significant wound trauma!

That means Madeline was in the car that broke into Quincy residence that night before the

car got detonated in Clearwater Lane!

Why did she go to Quincy residence? Was she there to see their kids?

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Perhaps she was there to see him?

When this thought struck him, he thought he was going insane.

It was even crazier than when Dylan showed him the DNA test results!

After carefully disinfecting and rebandaging Madeline's wound, Dylan gave her an anti-

inflammatory drip. He exhaled a sigh of relief and left the laboratory after that.

Noah sat on the sofa in the living room outside the laboratory. He was deeply lost in a

daze, which was unusual for him.

He was so engrossed that he didn't notice Dylan approaching.

"Noah, when did you get so close to Madeline? Why wasn't I aware? I texted her the day

before yesterday to invite her out to dinner. No wonder she ignored me. You were the one

who was impeding my relationship. Why? You decided to move on with a new woman after

discovering Angie's true nature, huh?"

"You want to ask her out?"

"Of course I do! She's stunning—exactly my type!" Dylan made no secret of his feelings

for Madeline.


"Why not? Noah, please don't tell me you like her."

"She's Madeline." Noah's words had a heavy weight on them.

"I know. I added her on Instagram that day at the hospital's entrance..."

"As I said, she's Madeline!" Suddenly, Noah repeated it in a grave tone. Dylan's sloppy

smile instantly froze when he looked at him!

"Noah, are you saying..." Dylan realized that Noah wasn't against the name but that this

woman was the Madeline from before.

The one and only Madeline Grant.

"Yes, my ex-wife is still alive."

"Damn it! I thought the woman looked familiar, but I didn't expect her to be Madeline

Grant!" Dylan almost cried out with excitement.

He would have jumped up if Noah hadn't stopped him in time for fear of disturbing

Madeline's sleep!

What black magic fuckery is this? Someone who had been dead for several years came

back to life!

That is so out of this world!

"What's next, Noah? Do you still intend to exact vengeance on her?" Dylan suddenly

posed a serious question after a burst of excitement.

"If she truly killed Grandpa, she must pay!"

"You don't hate her, though. You nearly lost your own life when she passed away in that

manner back then. Now that the person you sorely missed is back, why do you still want


Dylan unintentionally sighed. He had no choice but to keep quiet when he saw Noah's

darkened face.

Others might not know, but how could he not be clear about this?

Noah cared about Madeline.

Even though Madeline was the one who killed his grandfather, he was depressed for a

while after learning of her passing.

Noah couldn't sleep for nights during that time, and he was dragged to drink with him

every day. Noah's excessive drinking ruined his liver during that time. He couldn't cure

him, no matter how good his medical skills were.

Later, when Colt began to act out, he pulled himself together and focused his entire heart

and soul on Colt.

Dylan wanted to climb mountains and supplicate to the gods to bring back Madeline when

he saw Noah's miserable condition.

He had no idea that the gods would answer his prayer and return Madeline to them.

However, Noah was just going up the blind alley again!

"Despite being an outsider and having never been married, Noah, I still have something to

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say. Not everyone is so fortunate to be given a second chance. If you still miss Madeline,

let's not go down a dark alley. Okay?"

Despite his many conflicting ideas, Dylan eventually felt compelled to offer advice.

"You're one to talk. How long will it be before she wakes up?"

"Since daybreak is only an hour away, I'm guessing she'll be awake by tonight! Can I go

upstairs and sleep for a while, given our years of friendship? Just for a little while..."

"That's up to you." Dylan's under-eye circles caught Noah's eye, and he decided not to

keep him there.

He was the only person left in the lab with Madeline, who was asleep. After giving it some

thought, Noah finally went over and sat beside her bed.

As he looked at the completely different face from five years ago, he was filled with


Why did she change her face?

Was it done so he wouldn't recognize her?

Noah just sat there blankly, holding her hand tightly while she slept.

Meanwhile, the Grant family has been in disarray for the past few days due to the cash

flow constraint.

To avoid Bruno having to bring her back forcibly, Angie initially pretended to be ill and hid

in the hospital.

Angie wanted to beg her father's forgiveness as soon as she walked in, but Bruno was so

angry that he slapped her hard.

She couldn't even put on a show.

"Even after ruining the Grant family, you still want to escape accountability. How could I

have given birth to such a brat like you?"

The slap sent Angie sprawling to the ground. Her face swelled instantly. She saw stars as

her head buzzed. She immediately cried out in protest, "What are you doing, Dad? I am

your biological daughter. How could you lay your hands on me with such force..."