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All Her Secrets By Chestnut

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271 Battle of Fans

The recital ended up having a massive crowd with the addition of Catherine. Not only did Bryan go, but

even Ronin followed. The appearance of several attractive people drew the attention of many of the

fans in attendance.

A big fan recognized Yesenia, as she had thrown a lot of money into supporting her favorite idol.

“Ms. Yesenia, you’re here! Are these guys all your friends?”

The fact that the fan did not recognize Catherine somewhat annoyed Yesenia, and she made an

introduction to the fan at the first opportunity.

“Don’t you know Super Catherine? She’s Peerless Grayson’s regular composer. Those famous songs

of Peerless Grayson are all written by Super Catherine. Don’t you even know that?”

There had been rumors on the internet before that Catherine, the sister of actress Audrey, knew

Grayson because she was Grayson’s arranger.

But it was all rumors, and no one had any solid information, so people weren’t sure. After all, many

people liked to boast and would end up getting exposed and humiliated.

The big fan glanced at Catherine and treated her kind of politely for Yesenia’s sake. “Super Catherine,

please take a seat. The recital is about to start!”

Catherine ignored the fan and sat down where Yesenia pointed. She had no interest in unfamiliar

people. At the last celebration gala, although her identity had been publicly exposed, Branden blocked

all the news on the spot.

The news that she was Sugar, a great composer, did not explode on the internet; only a small portion of

the netizens knew about it. Because of Yesenia’s introduction, Catherine had caught quite a few

people’s eyes.

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On their left side, a girl wearing a short pink shirt said to her friend at the side, “This is Catherine.

Previously, when Peerless Grayson was on the variety show, she was sticking herself to Peerless

Grayson, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to climb to the top!”

“That’s her. Now she’s rushing to the recital. Does she want to create more gossip so everyone knows

about her and she can take advantage of the opportunity to get to the top?”

“I’ve heard that she and Audrey aren’t that close either. It’s all for the show. They are related by blood,

yeah. But because of her bad luck, she was brought to the countryside by her parents as a child to fend

for herself. Other people called her a jinx, the kind that even her parents didn’t want her!”

“Really? So exaggerated? How can a child from the countryside like her be a great composer? Could

she be another one of those tricksters? After all, no one has ever seen Sugar in person!”

The girl in the pink shirt snorted. “Who knows? I won’t believe anything else unless Peerless Grayson

personally certifies it!”

The sound of their discussion was light but still reached Yesenia’s side. Yesenia was furious as soon as

she heard that someone was dissing Catherine. But just as she was about to stand up, Bryan pulled

her back.

Yesenia turned back and looked at Bryan with a puzzled expression. ”

What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re trying to stop me. Didn’t you hear them bad-mouthing Boss?”

Bryan swept a glance in Catherine’s direction and said in a cold voice, “Do you think Boss cares about

that? Stay out of trouble and listen to Boss’s arrangements.”

Hearing his words, Yesenia glanced in Catherine’s direction, only to find Catherine had a calm look and

focused on her cell phone with an expressionless face the entire time. It was obvious that she wasn’t

affected at all.

It wasn’t that Bryan wasn’t generous, but he looked at the problem from a deeper perspective than


They had plenty of opportunities to clean up these people. However, given Yesenia’s dramatic

personality, she wouldn’t stop until she made a scene.

The recital was about to start, and perhaps Catherine didn’t want to ruin Grayson’s recital. Yesenia sat

down somewhat reluctantly, extremely annoyed.

Bryan leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t worry. Just wait until the recital is over, and then

you can make as much of a scene as you want!”

A few more minutes passed, and the recital hadn’t started yet. The recital should have started five

minutes ago, but nothing had happened. The crowd was chattering in groups inside the venue, but no

one was complaining.

After all, these fans were used to waiting. Generally, this kind of small- scale fan recital could hardly

start on time due to various factors, and a delay of one or two hours was the norm, not to mention five

or six minutes.

The head fan who had gone out to inquire about the news returned. She told the crowd of anxiously

waiting fans about the latest news she had learned.

“I’m telling you guys, Peerless Grayson shot all night yesterday for today’s recital. He’s already

backstage and will be ready to start the recital in about ten minutes. He’s a bit late because it’s a long

way from the set, plus the traffic is a bit more congested on Fridays. Everyone should be more

understanding of him, okay?”

At these words, the crowd of Grayson’s fans let out sighs, feeling heartbroken that their idol was

working so hard.

For people like Bryan, it was already for Catherine’s sake that they could come to see Grayson’s

recital, and as a result, they now had to wait.

When he heard that another ten minutes would be required, he couldn’t help but complain about it.

“Why couldn’t he have left earlier when he knew that there would be traffic jams on a Friday? Is

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Grayson so unreliable in his work?”

Yesenia, a perennial star follower with a lot of experience, looked at Bryan with disdain and said in

disgust, “You just know nothing! It’s called a big star! The more famous one is, the later he appears.

Waiting for the stage too early will mean disgrace, you know?”

“Why should I know it? Is Grayson different from us? Does he have one more nose or two more eyes

than we do? I can be friends with Grayson, but it’s better to kill me if I’m told to follow some celebrities,”

thought Bryan.

Not only Bryan but Ronin also couldn’t wait any longer. He suggested to Catherine in a low voice,

“Boss, we can find a separate time for Grayson to sing for you alone if you want to hear him sing. Or

maybe we can wait until later and celebrate the birthday together when his recital is over, just before

twelve o’clock. I don’t believe he won’t come.”

Then he added, “It’s almost seven now. Let’s grab some food. You’ll have a problem with your stomach

if you starve too long.”

Catherine’s stomach had some minor problems, so she had to eat on time. Ronin knew it was all

because of him, so he was more concerned about this than anyone else. Hearing Ronin’s proposal,

Bryan was in favor of it. “I agree!”

Before Catherine could reply, she heard the girl in the short pink shirt from before say mockingly, “Do

you really think you’re something? How dare you let Peerless Grayson sing for you guys alone? Are

you serious?”

Another girl on the side immediately added, “That’s right. I don’t even know if she’s that great

composer, but she dares to be so arrogant! Who do you think you are? You still want Peerless Grayson

to celebrate your birthday with you. How dare you?”

“Times have changed, really. Anyone can brag about anything now?”

The later ones went further overboard, and what they said got harsher and harsher. Ronin was about to

explode with anger.

“You bastards, how dare you diss Boss? It looks like you guys have a death wish! shouted he inwardly.