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All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 206 [Bonus ] The Seagull’s Nest
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Damian couldn't shake off the strange feeling that the sword he had taken from the castle gave him, but he decided to keep quiet about it. It was not the time to worry about such things.

They loaded the carriage with some supplies from the castle, such as food, warm clothes, and blankets. The winter was harsh, and the snow was falling heavily that day.

"We're lucky to have this carriage. So, tell me more about yourself," Lila said.

She didn't know that the woman who was driving the horse was a succubus named Shareva. Shareva had concealed her horns and other features that would reveal her true nature.

Only Damian, Natasha's sister, and Lila were in the back of the carriage. Shareva had volunteered to control the horse, since she was less affected by the cold than the others.

"Damian," he said, taking Lila's hand and kissing it gently. "I'm a friend of Natasha, the former captain of the guard in the castle."

"I know her!" Lila exclaimed, opening her eyes wide.

"Right. And this lady here is her sister," Damian said, pointing at the blue-haired woman wrapped in fur blankets.

"What's wrong with her? Poor thing…"

Lila liked Natasha very much, so she felt sorry for her sister.

"We don't know for sure, but we suspect it's something related to magic. It's not natural, that's for sure," Damian said.

They chatted for a while, but Lila soon fell asleep in the blankets. She was exhausted after everything that had happened.

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Damian knew she was hiding her grief. She had lost her father, so how could she be fine?

Shareva lifted the cloth that covered the small window of the carriage and asked, "Where did you say we were going?"

"Near the sea. I think it's a village or a town, I'm not sure. But it will take us some time to get there."

The good thing was that Shareva could stay awake for a long time, but the horses needed to rest occasionally, so their pace was slow. It took them four days to see the sea on the horizon.

"Look, Damian! It's beautiful! I've never seen it before!"

"What? You live so close to it and you've never seen it?" Damian asked in disbelief.

"Yeah… So where are we heading now?"

As they approached the sea, the temperature dropped even more as the cold wind blew on their faces. It felt like being cut by a knife.

It was easy to spot the town that Natasha had mentioned. It was the only one around.

"There it is! Let's go!" Damian said eagerly

They reached the town after a few more hours of driving. It was a small fishing village with a few wooden houses and a pier. The people looked friendly and curious as they saw the strangers arriving.

Damian got off the carriage and helped Lila and Natasha's sister to do the same. Shareva stayed with the horse and the carriage, pretending to be busy with something.

"Let's find an inn where we can stay for the night," Damian suggested. "We need to rest and warm up."

They walked along the main street, looking for a sign that indicated an inn. They found one that looked cozy and inviting. It was called "The Seagull's Nest".

They entered the inn and were greeted by a cheerful woman behind the counter. She had brown hair and green eyes, and wore a simple dress.

"Welcome to The Seagull's Nest! How can I help you?" she asked.

"Hello, we're looking for a room for four people," Damian said.

"Of course, we have one available. It's on the second floor, number seven. It has two beds and a fireplace. It's ten silver coins per night."

"That sounds perfect. Thank you," Damian said, handing her the money.

She smiled and gave him a key. "You're welcome. Enjoy your stay. If you need anything, just let me know. I'm Anna, by the way."

"I'm Damian. This is Lila and this is… um… Lily," he said, making up a name for Natasha's sister.

Anna nodded and looked at them with interest. "Where are you from? You don't look like locals."

"We're from… uh… far away," Damian said vaguely.

He didn't want to reveal too much about their origins or their destination. He didn't know who he could trust in this town.

"I see. Well, you must be tired from your journey. The room is ready for you. Just go up the stairs and turn left."

"Thank you, Anna. You're very kind," Damian said.

Damian had to carry Natasha's sister around, and that caught the attention of the many people inside the inn, but Damian was not worried about it.

They reached their room and closed the door behind them. It was a cozy and warm place, with a wooden floor, a stone fireplace, and a window that overlooked the sea. There were two beds with soft pillows and blankets, a table with two chairs, and a wardrobe.

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Damian helped Natasha's sister to lie down on one of the beds. She was still unconscious, but she seemed peaceful. He covered her with a blanket and checked her pulse. It was steady and normal.

He turned to Lila, who was sitting on the other bed. She looked tired and sad, but also curious and hopeful.

"Are you okay?" he asked her softly.

She nodded and smiled faintly. "I'm fine. Just a bit cold."

He walked over to her and sat next to her on the bed. He took her hands in his and rubbed them gently.

"Here, let me warm you up," he said.

She looked into his eyes and felt a surge of emotion. She didn't know much about him, but she felt a connection with him. He had saved her life, and he was kind and brave.

She leaned closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's warmth and comfort.

They heard a knock on the door. Damian got up and opened it. It was Shareva.

"Hey, I'm here," she said.

She entered the room and closed the door behind her. She had changed her appearance slightly, making her hair darker and her eyes lighter. She also wore a cloak that covered most of her body.

She looked around the room and saw Natasha's sister on the bed.

"Is she okay?" she asked.

Damian nodded.

They put all their belongings inside the room, and left to look for Natasha.