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All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 242 Selling Items, and New Plans for the Future
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Chapter 242  Selling Items, and New Plans for the Future

Damian watched as Emma slept for a while, gently touching her face and giving her a goodnight kiss. She was so exhausted that she didn't even stir. The peaceful expression on her face, after finally seeing that Damian was alive, was priceless.

After making sure there was no one around who might pose a threat to her, Damian left the mansion and returned to the city. It was nighttime, and the moon shone brightly in the sky.

Silence enveloped the surrounding area, and only skilled hunters would venture out during this time. Despite the forest teeming with dangers, not a single creature or human attempted to attack Damian.

Of course not! Who would be foolish enough to do so? A guard stood in front of Lemoria's gate.

The guard appeared tired, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Night shifts suck," Damian thought as he approached the guard.

The guard looked at him and quickly recognized who he was. "Damian? Why are you out so late?"

Damian didn't feel the need to explain his reasons, especially to a guard, so he replied, "Just getting some fresh air. The festival was wild!"

The guard chuckled. "Tell me about it! I almost came to work drunk."

The city still bore remnants of the festival: dirt in the main square and inebriated people stumbling through the streets. It was a comical sight, and Damian was relieved not to be one of them.

Why was Damian in the city instead of being at his temple? Well, he wanted to check on his store, and on his way there, he noticed that Frederic had opened another potion shop in a different part of Lemoria.

"I bet he's planning to expand to other cities as well!" Damian speculated internally.

His enchantment shop was still standing, looking just as it always had. The exterior was impeccable because Ingram had sent people there to ensure its good condition.

But the interior? Ingram did not want to invade a personal space, so he did not send anyone there to clean. So when Damian stepped inside, he couldn't help but sneeze from the overwhelming amount of dust.

"This place looks like a tomb!"

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Initially, Damian had planned to return to his businesses the next morning, which was just a few hours away. However, with the shop in such a state, it was impossible. Instead of sleeping like most people, he decided to stay awake and clean the entire place.

There was dust on the floor, furniture, and walls. The weapons on display were covered in so much dust that their appearance had changed, making even gold look like trash.

The sun rose, replacing the moon, and Damian continued his cleaning and organizing, determined to make everything neat and orderly. Fortunately, his shop wasn't particularly large, so the task at hand was more manageable.

However, it was evident that no one had cleaned or organized the shop in many days, and its appearance was quite appalling. Despite its small size, it still took Damian several hours to restore order.

"Finally done," Damian exclaimed, stretching his tired muscles and admiring his incredible work. Satisfied, he turned around and headed towards the door, peering through the glass. Although the shop was still closed, there was a crowd of people forming a line, eagerly waiting to enter.

"Why are there so many people here? I don't have that many weapons left on display!" Damian pondered.

The legend of the hero who had saved Lemoria from a demonic army had spread far and wide, and everyone wanted to visit Damian's shop and purchase his renowned items. Perhaps the enchanted swords he crafted were believed to possess the strength to vanquish demons.

Essentially, the war and Damian's triumphant return had become two of the most exceptional marketing strategies, all without any cost.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in Damian's mind—a way to maximize his profits. Since he had only a few weapons remaining on display, he contemplated not opening the shop. However, he quickly dismissed that thought.

Why? Well, those weapons would undoubtedly sell rapidly, and he could inform customers that they would need to wait a few days for him to restock. This strategy would create anticipation and excitement, as people would think about the shop every day, eagerly awaiting the chance to acquire a weapon for themselves!

When it was time to open, Damian slowly swung open the door of his shop, capturing the attention of everyone in the line. Their expressions were a mix of awe and excitement.

"Damian!" "Lemoria's hero!"

who had eagerly arrived early in the morning to meet him and purchase his items.

Damian approached the line, greeting and shaking hands with those who had eagerly arrived early in the morning to meet him and purchase his items.

"Since the shop is small, only a limited number of people can be inside at once," Damian explained to the waiting customers.

Everyone understood and no one argued. Damian returned to the interior of the shop, taking his place behind the counter and observing as customers examined the weapons and inquired about them.

"How can I determine the enchantment on this weapon?" one customer asked.

The weapons were displayed inside glass cases, and Damian pointed to a small text in front of each display. "I personally write down the enchantments. Take a look there."

It was the most practical solution he had found. Although it might not have been aesthetically pleasing, it allowed for easy changes whenever a new weapon was put on display.

Damian stood there, answering questions and ensuring that no one attempted anything foolish, such as stealing or causing trouble for other customers. The chances of such incidents occurring were slim, given that the shop was located in the affluent part of Lemoria, with top-notch security. Besides, who would dare steal from a legend like Damian?

The items began selling rapidly, and money poured into Damian's pockets. After a while, a few familiar faces approached.

"Frederic, Raikono, Aurora!"


They chatted with Damian briefly, but it seemed they had something to discuss privately. Damian had to wait until the shop closed, which didn't take long due to the limited supply of enchanted weapons.

"Don't worry, we'll open again in a few days! Thank you for choosing my shop!" Damian assured his customers as they departed.

Once all the customers had left and the shop was closed, Damian and the others gathered inside and sat around a table to talk privately.

"So, what's going on?" Damian inquired.

Frederic shook his head. "Nothing bad, don't worry."

Aurora took the lead in explaining, "There are two main points we need to discuss. We had a temple meeting and decided this would be the best course of action."

"Firstly, you, me, and Serana will explore the deeper levels of the dungeon together. Vanessa and the others have chosen to stay at this level, focusing on increasing our influence and power here. But all our efforts would be futile if we don't have powerful warriors backing us up. We need to showcase our achievements, and that requires delving deeper into the dungeon."

"Magnus has made a similar decision, although he has opted to venture alone for some reason."

"Will Vanessa stay at this level? Why isn't she joining us in the exploration?" Damian questioned.

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Aurora explained, "Vanessa will stay, but not entirely. She is putting in a lot of effort to locate Hazel and will likely collaborate with us in the search. Frederic mentioned that you gave him a communication ring. Is it possible to acquire more of them? It would be great to have one for each of our teams!"

The ring Aurora referred to was one that Damian had obtained from the system shop. Given his surplus of Erotic Coins and his decision not to spend them, it would be feasible to acquire additional rings for each team, as suggested by Aurora.

"I believe I can obtain them," Damian replied, feeling relieved after Aurora reminded him about the rings. Having a means of communication with his friends while exploring different levels of the dungeon would be beneficial.

Additionally, Damian was eager to delve deeper into the dungeon. Everything remained shrouded in mystery. Who had created the dungeon? What had happened to the giants and dragons? What significance did the golden key on his chest hold? And most importantly, would they ever reclaim Earth?

Numerous questions lingered, yet answers were scarce.

"Moving on to the second topic, the Skyfall Tower will open tomorrow, and we are considering entering it. Our members who will venture deeper into the dungeon need to perform well in that challenge, but others simply wish to explore the initial levels," Aurora continued.

The mention of the Skyfall Tower ignited excitement within Damian. The last time he had visited, when it had just opened, he had become a legend there. However, after that initial visit, he had encountered numerous complications that prevented his return.

"Alright, I'm on board with the idea!" Damian exclaimed, doing his best to conceal his bubbling enthusiasm. He yearned to test his newfound level of power. He was a different entity now, brimming with potential.

<Name: Damian Romero>

[Erotic Coins: 635]


<Strength: 98>

<Agility: 98>

<Endurance: 98>

<Ability Power: 104>

"I am so much more powerful!" Damian smiled, as he checked his attributes.

They were high, yes, but at what cost? Would the blood absorption technique come back to haunt him?