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Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 132 Exploring The Academy
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The doors were wide open, so entering the school was no problem at all. Though I wondered why it was open, I just concluded that somebody forgot to close it due to carelessness.

I can start by wandering around the campus since I want to take a look at everything.

The school was beautiful. Almost everything was made from quartz and only the floor was made from a very polished rock that seemed to be close to granite. There were small gardens placed throughout the school, filled with all types of plants.

They looked like their own miniature habitats with one single tree as the center. Everything was well taken care of, which is why everything was lush and green. When I walked on the grass, I could practically feel life energy radiating off of it. It felt comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time.

It's probably due to my unique properties. If I'm correct, this grass should have been made and grown by Mother Nature. She uses blessed energy which half of my tattoos use, but my other half uses cursed energy which is the arch-nemesis of blessed energy… creating the comfortable yet uncomfortable feeling.

Wait, I don't even have my tattoos right now so how could I even be feeling it… maybe cause it's still a title…? I don't know…

I continue to walk around the school and check on the classrooms. The new beastman species was a surprise to me, but I connected the dots with the werewolves and it all made sense.

They're most likely the next evolution…

I tried my best to avoid all the students… which I was able to do. But I eventually ran into an unfamiliar teacher. She was a Child of the Forest and she was wearing a tight white suit. Her white hair was tied into a bun and she was wearing… glasses?

"Oh, little chick. Where is your mother? You need to go back where you came from," The teacher says, walking towards me.

I had already sensed her long ago but my feet couldn't take me far. Eventually, she ran up to me and scooped me into her hand. She locked her thumbs around my back so I couldn't escape.


I kept slapping and pecking the teacher's hands but it did absolutely nothing with my feeble strength. She just continued to giggle as she brought me to one of the in-school gardens.

Damn it, I can't expose myself yet. If I use my skills then I'll be revealed instantly. I can only wait for her to put me down.

The amazonian soon placed me onto one of the trees, long branches, and walked off. I waited for a few minutes until I jumped down from my branch and took off once again.

This time I was going to be much stealthier than before. I used [Concentration], allowing me to sense any slight movement throughout the entire school. My head wasn't hurting too bad from all the information so I kept it on.

Suddenly, I felt an explosion of information entering my brain. There was too much so I immediately turned off [Concentration] and sat on my feathery butt, exhausted. A few seconds later, I could hear the chatter of 100s of students coming towards me.

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I looked around and saw students flooding the hallways, trying to get to their next classes. Some decided to just loiter around, some decided to relax in the gardens.

Without looking back, I immediately ran towards the garden in front of me which attracted many eyes. Diving into a shrub, I was finally able to catch my breath.

This is much harder than I thought. One wrong move and I'll get crushed… well, I'll be using a skill before I die. But, that will be exposing me and I won't be able to spy on my children.

A few minutes passed and I felt a familiar presence on the roof of the school. They were my maids, which means, my children are somewhere near.

I close my eyes and focus on my senses while activating [Concentration]. I then concentrated it on a smaller space rather than the entire school, allowing me to sense without getting a headache.

Not here. Not here. Not here… Found you.

I open my eyes and peek my head out of the bush. In front of me were Luna, Freya, and some of their friends. But, it seemed Luna and Freya were having an argument which suddenly broke into a fight… right in front of my eyes.

2 fire harpies sighed and held the both of them back. Thankfully they weren't using any skills so nobody around them was injured.

"Oh, look. There's a chick right there," One of the fire harpies says, pointing directly at me.

Lucy, Freya, and the rest of the group of friends look directly at me. The fire harpy then walks towards me and scoops me into her hands. I didn't resist this time because I wanted to know if she would take me to her next class or put me back on the tree.

"It's so cute. Hey, do you think we could bring her to Magic Training? Mother Nature will surely agree, right? Since chicks are a part of nature…" the fire harpy says.

"I don't mind… Anyway, why are our schedules flipped?" Luna asks.

"I think they're trying something out so they need the time in the morning. You know, some teachers don't have classes in the morning so I think they used their rooms for something," the other fire harpy says.

"Okay, well let's hurry. Class is about to start," Freya says with the fire harpy bringing me with her.

Mother Nature huh? Seems I'm gonna have to make sure she doesn't expose me.

Part of the group of friends split off, leaving only the 2 fire harpies, Luna, and Freya. They soon arrived in a classroom that looked like a much smaller college classroom. The long seats were elevated the farther you went back.

"Good afternoon Miss Treyni," The fire harpy says.

Wait, didn't you just call her Mother Nature earlier?


[Name: Treyni]

[Race: Mother Nature]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 102/150]

[HP: 500/500  MP: 900/900  SP: 100/100]

[Strength: 60]

[Defense: 60]

[Magic: 450]

[Speed: 80]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Jungle Magic] [Ancient Forest Magic] [Mother Nature's Kindness] [Solar Beam] [Domain of Mother Nature] [Plant Manipulation] [Plant Growth] [Summon: Elite Dryad] [Summon: Elite Trent] [Summon: Hydra Chomper] [Forbidden Magic: Chloris]

[Mastered Weapons: [Plants]

[Titles: [Mother Nature] [Queen of the Dryads] [Servant]

"Good morning girls, oh who is tha-"

'Treyni, it's me. Don't expose me. Teach class like normal,' I mentally say while using [Grand Mind Magic].

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Treyni nods her head slightly before gesturing for them to sit down.

The group of friends then sat down at what seemed to be their usual seat.

"Okay, it seems everybody has arrived. Thankfully nobody was late and before we go to the arena, I'll be asking one question, it should be easy for the ones who've paid attention… What is the basis of all skills that produce a physical output?" Treyni asks the class.

Many kids raised their hands including the 2 fire harpies, Freya, and Luna. Treyni ends up calling on a beastman who said,

"Activating the skill through the system," The beastman says.

"Close… but I'm talking about after you activate it through the system. What do you need to create the physical output?" Treyni asks.

She then calls on the fire harpy that was currently holding me in her lap.

"Imagination. If you can't imagine what the outcome of the skill looks like, it won't form,"

"Correct. It usually comes instinctively because you get a good idea from the name of the skill, but for more advanced skills such as forbidden magic, you need a lot of imagination and control. Take our main queen, for example, we know she uses forbidden magic that petrifies things and she can spread it extremely far. Do you know why?" Treyni says.

Treyni calls on Luna since she raised her hand.

"She has a lot of control over her skills and has a good imagination,"


I looked around and saw Freya was glaring at Luna for some reason.

Did she want to answer? Is their rivalry or hate for each other so much that even over a mere question they'll get heated?

Seems like I was right since Freya kicked Luna's leg under the table to where Treyni couldn't see. Luna kicked back while taking glances at Freya. The fire harpies tried to stop them but my daughters climbed over the table and sent a punch flying at each other.

Both fists collided with their faces but they didn't stop there. Both of my daughters tried to kick each other but vines soon erupted from the classroom and held them in place.

"Now, now. Calm down. You can duke it out at the local arena. Just wait a bit," Treyni says as my daughters un-ball their fists.

… What the hell are they doing? I need to teach them a lesson. I would be so embarrassed right now if this entire class knew who Luna and Freya were. Also, what did Treyni say? Local arena? Are they going on a small field trip?

This will be interesting.