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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 358 - Meeting Allfiend
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"What? We're going to see Sect Leader Allfiend?" John couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Sect Leader Allfiend was very rarely seen within the sect, and most disciples would go their entire lives without seeing him. John's surprise was the natural reaction Elder Praxx was expecting, and he nodded his head in confirmation.

"Correct. You are now an Emperor. One of the pillars of our sect. While your power is not enough to influence the sect, you are a symbol of what our sect can produce. As such, Allfiend wants to see you in person, and judge if you are worthy or not," Elder Praxx replied.

"Oh, that makes sense," John replied.

'I'm not worried about Allfiend seeing through my disguise, as Sect Leader Thunderzen said only he was capable of doing so. I just need to keep my actions natural, and he shouldn't suspect a thing..'

"Do not do anything to embarrass yourself, or more importantly, me," Elder Praxx replied to John.

"I'm not dumb enough to do something like that," John replied.

"Good. Then follow me."

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Elder Praxx walked out of his mansion and instantly took to the sky. John quickly flew up as well, and followed closely behind.

Elder Praxx's mansion was located quite close to the Bloodfiend Citadel, which could be seen stretching high up into the sky before them. It was the tallest structure by far within the entire sect, and even rose above the very mountains themselves.

Elder Praxx flew to the base of the Bloodfiend Citadel. Clearly, even he was not allowed to fly directly up to the top floor where Allfiend resided.

Elder Praxx and John's arrival caught the eyes of all those in the courtyard, and many curious stares focused on John as they spotted him. He was the most discussed topic within the entire sect, and quickly found himself as the center of attention within the courtyard.

Elder Praxx ignored the stares, and strode up towards the Bloodfiend Citadel entrance. The entrance was guarded by several Elders, who greeted Elder Praxx with much respect as he walked by.

"Greetings, Emperor John," the Elder's also called out, surprising John slightly.

Elder Praxx noticed Johns surprised expression, and quickly explained it to John.

"You're an Emperor now, the highest of all disciple statuses. In fact, this position is so elevated in status, that you are now equal in status to any Meridian Forging Elder. While Heaven Tribulation Elders and above are of higher status, they must still treat you with respect," Elder Praxx explained.

"Emperors are valued this highly?" John replied. "I can get used to this!"

"Just do not let it go to your head. Just as you defeated Alix, someone else may come for your place. Do not get lazy and complacent," Elder Praxx replied with a stern voice.

"You won't have to worry about that," John replied with a slight smile. "I'm sure that before long, I'll surprise even you with how fast I'll rise."

Elder Praxx saw John's sly smile, and assumed he was overestimating his power and talent. However, such a thing was good for a youth, as they should move forward with absolute confidence in themselves.

"Good. I'll look forward to that surprise," Elder Praxx replied, before he looked forward once more and strode up the Bloodfiend Citadel stairs.

The main stairwell spiraled all the way up to the top of the Bloodfiend Citadel, and led directly towards a massive set of doors. The doors were guarded by two Elders, both of which had their cultivations shrouded. However, John could tell that both were quite powerful, yet they were acting as mere door guards.

"Elder Praxx, you've arrived," one of the Elder guards called out.

"Sect Leader Allfiend has been expecting you and your disciple. You may enter," the other said as he summoned his Qi to open the massive set of doors.

The doors slowly swung open, revealing the interior chamber. The chamber was quite large, and was empty except for a massive throne at the other end of the chamber. The throne was incredibly ornate, as well as incredibly foreboding.

Skulls, bones, gold lined the throne, making it incredibly unique. John and Elder Praxx entered the chamber, and John quickly spotted the lone person sitting on top of the throne.

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It was a middle aged man, with incredibly sharp features and a sharp, pointed strip of facial hair on his chin. His eyes seemed to pierce directly into John's soul, causing him to catch his breath for a moment.

John instantly recognized the man.

'It's the man who tried to invade our sect through the disciple during the entrance exam!'

John had seen Allfiend before, only it was when he was in soul form. Sect Leader Thunderzen had ruined those plans of Allfiend, greatly irking him. John had dismissed that man as weak at the time, as Thunderzen had easily eliminated his soul form.

However, seeing Allfiend in the flesh, John realized he couldn't have been farther from the truth. While he couldn't detect his cultivation level, he could tell that he was incredibly strong.

'He's just as strong as the Vice Sect Leader, maybe even stronger!'

John instantly felt an incredibly strong divine sense wash over him, inspecting every detail of his body. John did his best to maintain his composure as Allfiend scanned him, as there was nothing he could do to stop him.

The scan lasted for quite some time, while Elder Praxx stood to the side with an indifferent expression, as if he had been expecting such a thing. Only a while later did the scan subside.

John breathed out slightly in relief after the scan was over, as the power he felt from Allfiend was quite overwhelming. Silence descended over the chamber, and John felt like he was being stared at by a primordial beast.

After a while, Allfiend spoke out. His voice was deep and powerful, and shook John to his core. However, it was not the voice itself that shook John, but the words that were uttered instead.

"Who are you?"