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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 754 The Five Powers of Five-River Freeport
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Chapter 754 The Five Powers of Five-River Freeport

Five-River Freeport was located relatively close to the center of the Divine Martial Continent, and was nestled in the middle of a sprawling set of mountain ranges. Five massive rivers, each miles wide, meandered from over the horizon towards each other, eventually meeting at a massive central lake, which itself was dozens of miles wide. Three of the rivers flowed into the central lake, while two seemed to flow away from it.

Hundreds of massive boats, some nearly a mile long, meandered up and down all five rivers, transporting goods to and from the city. Several roads led towards the city as well, each almost a mile wide, as thousands upon thousands of cultivators, caravans, and transportation beasts roamed to and from the city.

A wall nearly a mile high surrounded the outmost outskirts of the city, and one more wall was visible further on in the city, directly around the lake itself. A gargantuan city stretched from the lake outwards as far as the eye could see, containing an uncountable number of buildings of differing levels of style and quality, of which both increased as it got closer to the central lake.

At the connection of each of the rivers to the lake was a massive singular building, which had been built directly over the river, allowing the river to pass by underneath. Massive bridges from either riverbank connected to the buildings that stood directly over the river, about two hundred yards above it.

These five buildings each had different styles and colors, and each of the five buildings were by far the most eye-catching part of the city. Two looked like towering pagodas, one looked like a palace, one like a temple, and one like a gothic styled castle. Each building was several miles tall and towered over every other building in the massive city., which itself sprawled out in all directions for dozens of miles.

Clearly the main powers of the city belonged to whoever controlled these five buildings, and the differing styles indicated that they were all differing powers. The buildings were like river guards, only allowing approved ships to pass underneath towards the central lake, which contained another marvel.

A large and seemingly man-made island was built over the lake itself, hovering in the air above the lake through unknown means. The circular island was several miles wide, and contained thousands of buildings on top of it, far more grand and luxurious than those found in the rest of the city.

Water crashed down from the edges of the floating island, creating an endless waterfall that stretched the entire perimeter of the island, adding to its majestic beauty.

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Finally, at the very center of that floating island was a massive spherical building, which was over a mile wide and tall. It was deep blue in color, and even from the distance John was at, was very eye-catching. As the building in the very center of the entire city, it was no doubt very important for the city.

John and Kirii left the flying ship, and after putting it away, John couldn’t help but marvel at the distant city once more. Although it was not as large as Alliance City, it was most definitely far more luxurious, as if the city was the center of all wealth.

“What now?” Kirii asked as they hovered in the air far above the ground below, gazing at the distant city. While they hovered in the sky, dozens of other flying ships and cultivators passed by each minute, each eventually landing on the road below. Clearly none dared to fly directly into the city.

“We land, and enter through one of the gates,” John replied as his gaze shifted down to the road far beneath their feet, which led to one of the many large gates leading into the city. Each gate was over half a mile high, and nearly as wide, allowing for even the largest of caravans and beasts to make their way through.

John and Kirii proceeded downwards to the road below them, and landed roughly a mile away from the city gate, which was where the line to enter the city was backed up to. Thousands of other cultivators, traveling by foot, caravan, or beast, stood in line, waiting to enter the city.

“Pfffff,” John sighed through pursed lips, as he could tell it would take quite some time to get to the front of the line and into the city. However, just as he arrived in line, a man appeared next to John, appearing like a blur.

“Greetings, Young Master Fenix. I am pleased to see you have arrived here safely,” the attendant John had met back in Alliance City said as he bowed his head slightly.

“Oh, its you,” John said, not expecting to be greeted outside the city walls like this. “Were you waiting here for me?” John asked curiously.

“Indeed. Young Master Caz has placed paramount importance on attending to you with timely haste,” he replied.

‘They had no idea when I would arrive, and yet Caz stationed this man to look out for my arrival. It seems as though the tea leaves did even better than I expected,’ John mused internally.

“If you will follow me, I shall escort you to the Mystic Trade Hall,” the attendant said, to which John nodded his head in acknowledgement.

“Lead the way,” he replied, happy to skip the long line, which would have taken hours to get through.

The attendant started walking near the side of the road towards the distant gate, while carts and caravans passed by in both directions. John and Kirii followed closely behind, to which the attendant gazed at Kirii with a peculiar expression.

“This is?” he asked curiously, as he had not been expecting anyone else with John.

“A close friend of mine,” John replied.

“Ah, very well then,” the attendant nodded his head as he continued to lead them towards the gate. Envious eyes from those in line glanced at John and Kirii as they passed by without waiting in line, but none dared to say anything as they recognized the attendants clothing as belonging to the Mystic Trade Hall.

Upon arriving at the large front gate, the attendant walked by the guards stationed out front, who let him and John through without any trouble. As they walked through the gate, the sprawling streets of Five-River Freeport came into view.

A vibrant and lively atmosphere filled the streets, as vendors hawked their wares, and shop merchants tried to entice passersby to enter their shops. The group made their way through the busy streets, which was filled with boisterous trade wherever they went.

As they walked deeper into the city, the attendant explained a bit about it to John.

The city was one of the largest trade cities in the entire continent, where merchants from all over the continent came to sell or buy things. Anything from the most menial cultivation supplies up to the most heavenly treasures were ever present in Five-River Freeport, which attracted buyers from all over.

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The city was not controlled by any singular power, and was not affiliated with any power or alliance, which is why it was aptly named a freeport.

“There are very few rules in this city,” the attendant continued to explain the city to John and Kirii, “but the only ones you should pay attention to are this. There is no fighting whatsoever within the city limits, and fighting is punishable by permanent expulsion from the city, while killing is punishable by death.

These rules are strictly enforced by the five main powers of Five-River Freeport, who oversee law and order within the city together,” he explained.

“Five main powers? I’m assuming those five massive buildings belong to the five main powers then,” John mused.

“Exactly,” the attendant nodded his head.

“Well, that shouldn’t be so hard to follow those rules,” John replied casually, as he saw no reason to start a fight with anyone here, as he knew no one.

“I’m afraid it might be a bit tougher than you would expect,” the attendant replied.

“Why’s that?” John asked curiously.

“Because…the five main powers of this city are our Mystic Trade Hall, the Divine Merchant Palace, the Eternal Weapons Temple, the Forbidden Merchant Guild, and the Black-Vault Monster Faction,” the attendant explained.

“What? Two of the powers controlling this city are from enemy factions?” John asked, as the Forbidden Merchant Guild and Black-Vault Monster Faction were the two largest trade factions from the Forbidden Alliance and Monster Race respectively.

“Indeed,” the attendant replied with a swift head nod. “Five-River Freeport is a free city, with no restrictions at all when it comes to allegiances. As such, you will most definitely run into members from both those factions,” he replied as the group arrived before one of the five massive buildings that was built over one of the rivers.

The building was a pagoda in design, exactly the same as the Mystic Trade Hall in Mystic City, only larger and grander. Stunningly designed bridges stretched up to the building, upon which hundreds of cultivators were walking in both directions, while massive ships traveling by river sailed by underneath.

“Welcome, to the Mystic Trade Hall Headquarters in Five-River Freeport,” a familiar voice sounded out before John, and he nodded his head in greeting as Caz arrived before them.