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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 276 - Abandoning The Body
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As Neteri escaped, Faye saw that numerous allies had arrived. 

"I'll take Father-In-Law. Get the bodies of your siblings! It's still possible to save them through the Temple!" Martha suddenly appeared next to her and grabbed Mezal before flying with incredible speed towards the Temple. A strange layer of time magic followed her. She was headed for the Temple. She knew that it was dangerous to pass through the Separated Realm at the current state of Mezal.

Faye instantly moved and flew towards where her siblings fought and sought their bodies.

Kyros stood at the entrance of the Temple and watched. He saw Martha arrive and quickly placed Mezal's body on the Temple.


With a mighty leap, Reptilia landed and was carrying the unconscious body of the limbless Aron.

Gojirrah landed as well, bringing a dried-up body that belonged to the Vampire Commander and the weapons that the Vampire Commander had.

"Martha. Help Faye get her siblings. Make it quick. Grandfather is dying." Kyros ordered.

Martha quickly moved and teleported out. She knew that Kyros was urging her to move out quickly as he called her directly, disregarding his usual 'aunt' greeting.

Kyros took out a massive skull scepter and a sword with various skulls making the hilt. These were the weapons of the enemy.

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"Can Father's soul be restored?" Branze asked as he noticed Mezal's dying state.

"It should be possible... The [Death Stane] is similar to the magic the Champions did. They abandoned the body for power. The Temple should be able to link it back." Dyne answered and willed that the Temple start healing.

The light began to glow. But the Temple was focusing on healing Mezal. The mysterious powers of the Soul began to work, and the entire Temple was glowing.

Mezal's eyes opened, and he saw the people around him.

"I'm alive..." Mezal sighed.

"You seem sad, Father." Branze frowned.

Mezal turned to the side and could see the limbless body of Aron.

"How cruel of Destiny. It really wanted to make Aron a limbless and useless soldier."

"Don't worry, Grandfather. The Temple can heal him.:

"And even without arms, it brother uncle who gave that wretched vampire the devastating blow that led to our victory. We would have lost if not for that. The Vampire Commander could use his blood to create a clone that had all of its might and strength."

"So he could make us fight two Commanders at the same time? What a freak. No Commander could do that!" Kyros recalled that when all the powerful forces marshaled against the Omega Kingdom, the real freak of nature appeared in his previous life. Only vampires over level seventy could do what the Vampire Commander did. And yet here, it was one of the first few level 40 creatures they fought!

"When are we healing Aron?"

"I'm just waiting for Faye and Aunt Martha to return..." Kyros sighed in relief as he saw his grandfather's status stabilize.

"The Temple is somehow able to slow the effects of [Death Stance]... What a peculiar power." Mezal could not help but sigh.

"I have... failed the Champions. The enemy was very strong." Mezal did his best to keep him from weeping.


Martha arrived with Puff carrying three skeleton remains with Faye with incredible speed. 

The moment they stepped into the Temple, Kyros made the Temple pour out the energy it got to heal the two.

The Temple glowed, and a great amount of energy was absorbed.

"Interesting..." Kyros saw several notifications and glanced to the great distance as the lights disappeared.

"I'm... still alive?" Demerus asked. He still was made of bones. But he was shocked that his [Over Mana] didn't cause his soul to be drained out anymore.

"My arms are back!" Aron laughed as he awoke.

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Martha rushed and hugged Aron. 

"I was..." Martha could not contain it anymore and began to cry. She did her duty and followed Kyros's orders, but the sight of his husband broke her heart.

"It's alright... I'll be better next time." Aron laughed and returned a tight hug to Martha.

The moment Faye saw her brother move and her two sisters stand up in shock, Faye's heart wept in joy. Then, the surprise and relief caused her to fall faint.

Mezal caught her as she fell.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you all..." Mezal apologized and turned to the three Skeletons.

"How are we alive?" The Skeleton Triona asked.

"Your [Over Mana] was an incomplete spell. I'm guessing that this spell is something you guys tried to complete based on whatever heritage you found." Kyros approached the group of Skeletons.

"Yes. We studied it and considered the dangerous scenarios we found ourselves in. We had to make an ace as this. It was because of that spell and the sacrifice of our father that we were able to secure our position." Demerus revealed a secret of their family.

"So that's why you don't despise the bones. You must have seen your father fight in all of his glory and see that form as a mark of bravery. This makes it easier. This Temple is not a Temple of the Light but contains both the powers of Gods and Fallens. There are two reasons why you guys are alive. The truth is, you and Grandfather would definitely have died. The first is that the Temple can perform soul recovery. The fact that it could rebuild and even improve the soul of Mardock and my friend Calaminus already assured me that it could heal the soul. In your case, it could bind it. You were already halfway through the spell, and the foundation you laid was used by the Temple and fixed it. Don't worry. There should be a way to revert our human forms." Kyros explained.

"What's the second reason that we are alive?"

"The souls move differently in this land. This place is not a normal planet. We are somewhere outside the normal universe that we live in. That's why the soul cannot move or journey to the afterlife. Hence, your souls lingered longer in the body and allowed me to resurrect you. Gojirrah. Reptilia. I'm sure you've noticed it as the sun now shines over the land."

"Yes. The more we moved, the more we didn't understand. This is the world, the planet beyond the Nephilim Sealing Mountain. The portal that we emerged out of was the very place where the Nephilim Sealing Mountain stood!" Reptilia explained.

"What do you mean?" Mezal asked.

"Let me put it this way, this place in the future world beyond the Nephilim Sealing Mountain.. The Temple did not teleport us into a different world. It teleported us into a different time!"