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Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Chapter 427
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Chapter 427: Thousand Ghost Shadows

The battle continued on the walls of Joymount City.

There were heaven-shaking roars, the odor of sweat and blood, and flashes of water and fire.

Flying back to the city wall, Tang Jie casually grabbed a Faceless Serpent that was shooting toward Shen Ningming and crushed it. He shouted, “What’s the situation?”

“It’s you?” Shen Ningming was surprised when he saw Tang Jie. “Why did you come back?”

“Why wouldn’t I come back?” Tang Jie countered. “I said that I was only leaving for a bit to take a piss.”



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Everyone was speechless.

He really had gone to take a piss!

“Why are we wasting time talking? Kill these beasts!” a Spirit Master shouted. He chopped a palm down, killing several Faceless Serpents.

But a moment later, a Faceless Serpent that had grown larger from eating many people broke into several snakes, thus replenishing the losses.

There was just no end to these damned things.

This single fiend was holding down all the cultivators and soldiers.

Meanwhile, the turtle, the crab, the school of Shuttlefish, and the other countless fiends were surging at the walls.

The loss of Joymount City was imminent, and everyone began to despair.

At this moment, an invisible existence began to approach the battlefield.

It did not immediately enter the battle, instead finding a human corpse.

It dragged the corpse into a nearby hut, and then it plunged its claws into the corpse.

The flesh began to drop from the corpse, and at the same time, flesh began to grow from the black bones of the Heptademon Ghost Guard. Countless nerves emerged, and blood began to flow. Even organs began to form.

The flesh moved up to the ghost guard’s face, gradually forming a young and handsome face. It appeared rather similar to Mei Huaping’s face in life.

Finally, hair sprouted from the skull, and a handsome man was born.

The Flesh Attire!

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This was the first spell Tang Jie had added to the Heptademon Ghost Guard when he was refining it.

The Nine Executions Immortal Formation had only solved the problem of the Heptademon Ghost Guard’s refinement. The Flesh Attire resolved the problems that might crop up when the Heptademon Ghost Guard was in battle.

The Flesh Attire was the best solution that Tang Jie had been able to find. It could not only let the ghost guard take a different form, it added another defensive layer. It was essentially a defensive spell art, all of the flesh acting like a suit of armor.

But in order to better conceal the ghost guard, Tang Jie had decided to sacrifice some defensive power for authenticity. He had even had the ghost guard grow useless organs so that someone wouldn’t see an empty cavity if the ghost guard were to be wounded.

At the same time, so that observation spell arts wouldn’t be able to see through the Flesh Attire, Tang Jie had strengthened the spell art so that Divine Wills couldn’t tell if it was real or fake unless they observed from a close distance. Of course, t

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Interesting observation, Tang Jie, but don’t you think masochism and necromancy are enough for your kinks?