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Chapter 578 A surprise
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Chapter 578 A surprise

Having wrapped up his call with Lyla, Erik stepped into this hive of activity, a familiar landscape. The guild hall constantly buzzed with unmistakable energy: a cacophony of mercenaries discussing quests, blades clanging, and the omnipresent hum of the holographic quest boards that stood like pillars of opportunity in the grand room.

As he moved deeper inside, his gaze naturally shifted to where Vance was a few minutes earlier. However, now the old man was busy, engaged in a lively conversation with another customer. Erik, not wishing to interrupt, decided this was the right moment to check the quest board.

Walking up to one of the holographic panels, he turned it on, the air before him filling with windows and panels detailing quests, each represented by vibrant icons and accompanied by brief descriptions.

He began scrolling, fingertips grazing over the holographic interface. As he skimmed through the quests' names, his practiced eyes darted from one quest to another, searching for something that would pique his interest. His abilities were far superior to these quests' difficulty, so he wasn't worried about the outcome, only about how much time he would waste.

After that, he came across a hunting quest with good opportunities for financial gain. The mission was easy to understand but annoying to complete: find and eliminate as many Verandors as possible.

The creature in question and the potential reward the quest could provide made it stand out from the others.

Despite being a very common Thaid in these parts of the world and not a very worthy opponent, the young man was interested in the Verandor because of the creature's unique brain crystal power.

According to what was known about the creature, the Verandor could zero in on the mana signature of a particular target and lock onto it, allowing the Verandor to find the target within kilometers.

If Erik were to get such a power, it would prove to be an extremely useful ability for him, mainly when he was on a mission that required him to hunt or search for something.

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This is because he would be able to locate and follow a target precisely, regardless of the distance between them or the obstacles in their path, simply by locking onto the mana signature of the target. Erik could not turn his back on the opportunity to acquire such an ability; It was too useful.

Erik touched on the information about the quest, further submerging himself in its particulars.



Quest Name: The Verandor Menace.

Goal: Kill Thaids, known as Verandors.

Quest Type: Hunting (Periodic).

Location: Testrovsc's Rest's forest.

Guild Reward: 15000 Eurems.

Minimum Kills Required for Completion: 30 Verandors.

Average Market Price for Body: 6000 Eurems.

Thaid Level: ξ1-ξ3.

Quest Briefing: Verandors have recently surged in numbers within the region. Known for their unique reproductive capabilities, they have the alarming ability to breed with other Thaids, invariably resulting in Verandor offspring. This has led to an imbalance in the ecosystem, with Verandors swiftly dominating in numbers and often attacking nearby settlements. Their strength, combined with their high reproductive rate, poses a significant threat to the area. This quest seeks skilled mercenaries to control their population.


Making up his mind, he accepted the quest. The hologram responded with a brief confirmation message before the quest details disappeared, replaced by the guild's insignia and a text saying "Quest Accepted."

Now committed, Erik felt a surge of adrenaline, a mix of anticipation and excitement.

As he was about to turn away from the board, his eyes caught another hunter examining the same quest.

Their eyes met for a split second, a mutual understanding passing between them. For the guy, the only gain from hunting such creatures was their monetary worth.

Sunlight pierced through the high windows of the guild hall, scattering across the floor as Erik fished out his phone from his pocket. He needed a driver for the newly acquired vehicles—someone reliable and skilled.

Without hesitation, he dialed one of the numbers of the new logistics team members Lysa had recruited for him. The call connected swiftly, and a familiar voice echoed from the other end.

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"Hello!" Erik's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the voice. "Thorne?"

On the other line was a brief chuckle and then a voice dripping with its customary confident tone. "I wondered when you would have called me," Thorne retorted, amusement evident in the tone of his voice.

Confused, Erik adjusted the grip on his phone. "Thorne, why—how are you part of the new recruits?"

Thorne sighed, the sound reminiscent of rustling papers. "It is not just me, but the rest of my team is here as well. We decided it was time we found better opportunities. We quit at Lustrous Haulers and thought your guild might be a good opportunity, a fresh start."

"Why?" Erik pressed, genuine curiosity coloring his words. He and Thorne had a reliable working relationship during the past months, but the sudden workplace change was unexpected.

There was a brief pause on the other end as if Thorne had chosen his words carefully. "For now, let's just say it's a hunch on our part," Thorne began, a hint of his smirk audible. "Besides, the pay was noticeably better than what the haulers were shelling out. You can't blame a man for wanting more Eurems in his pocket, right?"

Erik let out a small laugh. "No, I can't. Guess we're in the same boat then," he said with a smile.

Cutting through the brief moment of levity, Thorne's voice became more businesslike, "So, why'd you ring me up?"

Shifting his attention back to the task, Erik responded, "I'm heading out on a quest to hunt Verandors. I need as many vehicles as we have available to transport the bodies."

There was a momentary rustling on the other end, likely Thorne checking the available vehicles. "Alright, give me an hour to see how many vehicles I can gather. Meet me at the city gate."

"Sounds good," Erik replied, his voice steady and filled with a renewed sense of purpose.

"See you then... boss," Thorne said, the term filled with jest and genuine respect.

Erik looked around the guild hall as the call ended, absorbing the familiar surroundings. With each passing day, things were falling into place. He had his guild's trusted allies like Mira; now, even Thorne was part of the crew.