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Bad Love an Alpha’s Regret by Elise Sinclair

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

I round the last stairwell and bust her

bedroom door off the hinges.

“I own you.”

She holds her ground in the middle of

her bedroom.

The walls are pink.

There is a pile of stuffed animals in a far corner. She hasn’t bothered with them in years-not even when

she first came here-but she refuses to part with them.


ordered all those years ago when she

was presented as the ‘only option for



There are no photos. No art.

But parts of Leah manage to invade the


Hair ties are scattered on a dressing

table. And at least one or two are on

the floor. Her hair is an impossibly thick riot of curls that hang halfway down her

back. One of the ties is in her hand and

she plays with it. A nervous habit she’s

never outgrown.

Workout clothes are piled in a hamper.

The sweat on them only heightens my


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Books are everywhere.


On the bed. On the nightstand. In stacks

a dozen high on the floor.

“There is nowhere to go, Leah.”

She squares off with me.

This isn’t the first fight we’ve had.

Stubborn woman that she is, sometimes I think she provokes me just because she can, to see how far

she can push.

No doubt, in her mind, seeing me lose control gives her a modicum of it.

But that will not happen again.


Not anymore.

I grab her arms and lift her off her feet.

I don’t smell another male on her. I sure

as f*ck sniffed her while we were in the

library. If I did, I don’t want to think of

what I’d do.

To him.

To her.

I continue to hold her off the ground. She

meets my level gaze.

5/12 Normally her legs would sling around my waist. She’d grind that hot p**sy of hers against my c**k

and we’d be lucky to make it up off the floor. After a long standoff, her eyes glisten. “Are you going to

force me, Aaron?” I search her face. This is…not our usual script. Always, I dominate. She fights, then

yields. I pleasure her until she can’t bear it any more. Wash. And repeat. See you next week. Chapter 4

But this time… her eyes are cold. She’s aroused, yeah, I can smell it rising off 6/12 her skin and from

the heat between her thighs, but she resents that. If it’s possible, today she resents me more than she

ever has before. This is no game between us right now. It’s more significant. And I don’t know what’s

changed or why. I only know that I

don’t like it. Not one bit.

But I can change too. If life has taught

me anything, it’s to adapt.

And there is no f*cking way we’re going

to leave things like this. I lower her to the ground and gently draw her close. “W-what are you doing?” I

smooth back her hair and kiss her forehead. Her eyes. Her cheeks. That too-lush mouth that invades

my dreams. Instead of force…I cherish. Instead of hard and fast, I go achingly slow. I can honestly say

that I’ve never made love to my wife before.

But I’m about to. 8/12 She sees the change in me and her whole body shudders. “Aaron, no-” I catch

her lips, my tongue tracing hers with a reverence I’ve never bothered to feign. My hands hold her in

place. I kiss her face, her neck. The freckle on h forehead and the one on her shoul She has two just

like it behind her rig knee and another freckle on her left h I’ll get to those too. But now, I worship her

breasts with my hands and use every

method I can to knock her off balance.

We’ve f*cked on most every surface in this room, but this time, I carry her to the


Her eyes have that glassy, captivated

glow she gets when she’s ready. But

instead of a sultry smile or arching a

challenging brow, she looks…pensive.


Not mad or sad like before. But not

happy either.

I kiss her again, determined to wipe that

look off her face.

To banish…whatever foolish thoughts are

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in her head.

“The door?” she whispers.

I laugh against her mouth and peel her

clothes off her body. “You should’ve

thought of that before you ran from me.”

She swallows hard.

Then there’s no more room for

conversation. Just my mouth and hands,

teeth and tongue, taking her over the

edge, once, then again, with steady


Her body bows with pleasure. Clenching and pulsing around me. Her screams

fill the room, and no doubt travel all the

way down to the first floor.

She wanted to run from me.

Well, the whole pack can hear her now,

and know where she belongs.

I pour my seed into her and she comes


When I finally draw back, she’s sated. Her eyes glazed with wonder.

I’ve been too predictable with her, I


“Tell me where you went,” I whisper.

Her heart is still hammering.

But as she slowly comes back to her

senses, she shakes her head and laughs

darkly. “No. Oh, and, Aaron, I want a


Bad Love: An Alpha’s Regret