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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 60
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Mu Tongrui woke up and due to the aftereffect of the drugs, she was still in a daze and could not

differentiate if she was now in a dream or in reality. The first thought that came to her mind was that

she needed to rush home for Sweetheart's birthday celebration.

As she started to wriggle, she realized that her hands and feet were bound up and she looked out of

the car frantically. The sky had turned pitch dark. Her intuition told her that she was now on a

mountainous trail due to the turbulent, bumpy car ride that she was in.

“Who are you! Why do you kidnap me!”

Perhaps she did not talk for a long time. The moment she opened her mouth, she realized her voice

was hoarse as if a thousand blades were stuck in her throat.

The man driving the car had a lecherous look. He smiled lewdly, “Miss, who asks you to offend

someone that you cannot afford to! But do not worry, I am going to bring you a scenic place now with

men to serve you!”

Mu Tongrui shivered violently. Offended someone that I cannot afford to?

Could it be Shen Wanyue? I have ruined Shen Wanyue's wedding. Has Shen Wanyue sent her men to

kidnap her?

“Did Shen Wanyue send you to kidnap me?”

“You do not need to know who sent me! Just stay still and do not think of escaping!”

The man looked at her through the rearview mirror and gave a satisfied smile. This woman is young

and pretty with fair skin. Once they enter the mountains, a lot of people would pay for her!

Mu Tongrui struggled with all her might to loosen the ropes around her hands and feet. She was

extremely terrified, and demanded, “Where are you bringing me to? How much is Shen Wanyue paying

you! I will pay you double the amount so long as you let me go!”

The man sneered, “Do you think I am stupid! If I let you go now, you will report me to the police when

you return to Bei City! Not only will I not get a cent, I even have to go to jail!”

Looking at the vast mountains around her, Mu Tongrui grew even more desperate and helpless.

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A name flashed through her mind. Fu Lingye...

“Do you know Fu Family in Bei City? I am his wife! If I go missing, he would surely send a lot of men to

find me! You better let me go! Otherwise, if your scheme is foiled, Fu Lingye would not let you off! You

should be aware of the power Fu Lingye wielded in Bei City!”

She was only trying to scare that man, but she herself was not confident. After all, she was only faking

her marriage with Fu Lingye. Fu Lingye might not even know that she had been kidnapped, how could

he send his people to find her?

“Humph, I do not care how important your husband is! I do not know who Fu Lingye is! I only know that

you can fetch a good price! Little girl, I advise you to be obedient! Give birth to a few children for the

men in the mountains, and you need not worry about your living in the future! But if you dare to try to

escape, the men in the mountains would have a lot of ways to lock you up!”

Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach.

She saw from the news before, that several young women were kidnapped and sold to bachelors in

such deserted places by human traffickers. If the women were obedient, they might get to live but even

so, they would turn crazy sooner or later. If they tried to escape, they would be locked up and left

starved for days so that they had no more energy to attempt another escape. After they were forced to

bear a few more children, they would indeed have no chance to escape in the future. Their whole lives

would then be ruined... Shen Wanyue is indeed vicious! She might as well kill me! Rather than letting

me live such a horrible, torturous life!

The man checked the time on his phone as he drove, “We have left Bei City for 2 days already. It is

already 22nd now. Looks like no one will find you!”

Mu Tongrui trembled with fear, “You kidnapped me on 20th?”

“Stop hoping anymore! Even the police cannot find you here!”

A faint memory flashed across Mu Tongrui's mind. The day when she gave birth to the child 3 years

ago was also on the 20th...

Sweetheart shared the same birthday as the child...

Mu Tongrui felt her heart racing. She was not sure whether it was out of fear or agitation. Her mind was

a twisted and tangled web of emotions now.

All she could think of now, was Sweetheart's wide eyes, her adorable little face and the way she called

her Mu'mu. It was all clear to her now.

Was it a coincidence or...?

Mu Tongrui did not dare to further speculate.

But now thinking of Sweetheart, she felt even more depressed. She had no family in Bei City and most

probably, no one would look for her even if she was to die tomorrow.

At this moment, she felt so sorry for herself...

Tears streamed down her face.

I really miss Sweetheart...


Bei City, Fu Mansion

Xu Kun was reporting with a solemn face, “Boss, according to Ms. Mu's GPS, she was last seen at the

last toll booth of Bei City's expressway. The police have checked the surveillance camera footage of

that toll booth and believed that that black car was the most suspicious.”

Fu Lingye hit the pause button and zoomed in on the car plate number on the screen. Standing beside

him, Xiang Nanqian turned pale when she caught the clear image of that car.

Fu Lingye ordered calmly, “You continue to check in Bei City. I will join the police to track down that


“Boss, should I go too? What if there is danger...”

Before Xu Kun could finish, Fu Lingye cut him with determination in his voice, “She is Sweetheart's

biological mother. I will not let anything happen to her.”

Xiang Nanqian was shocked and felt that her legs were turning into jelly. She pulled Fu Lingye's arms

tightly, “Lingye, you cannot go!”

Fu Lingye turned his sharp gaze onto her, “Sister-in-law, you don't look good.”

His glare made her hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Xiang Nanqian instinctively let go of him

and averted his gaze. Panicked, she explained, “Do I? I, I am only worried about you...”

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Fu Lingye simply glanced at her and turned around to leave the house.

Sweetheart hugged Fu Zhengyuan's legs from behind. Looking at her father leaving, she asked

inquiringly, “Grandpa, where is Daddy going?”

Fu Zhengyuan patted Sweetheart on her shoulders, “Your Daddy went to find Mu'mu. They will be back

soon. Do not worry.”

Sweetheart pouted and nodded her head confidently, “Yes! Daddy will bring Mu'mu home for sure!”


Mu Tongrui had fainted out of hunger. When she woke up, she found herself being tied on a very hard

bed made of bricks.

In her dazed state, she was too weak to open her eyes and could only hear some people talking in

hushed tones.

As the curtains were made out of thin cotton sheets, through her blurred vision, she could see the faint

silhouette of a dark, burly man that seemed to be in his 30s. He did not seem bright and had turned

around to look at her through the sheer curtains, with lust in his eyes. He even giggled at her.

Mu Tongrui shivered. Is that human trafficker planning to sell me to this man?

She was jolted right out of her dazed state when she thought of this!

She overheard that human trafficker saying, “This woman is from a big city. Just look at her tender and

fair skin. Although her price is a little steep, she would be a pretty wife to your son and give you a few

fat grandsons in no time!”

That burly man pleaded, “Mum! I like her! See how fair and tender she is! Our babies would surely be

very beautiful!”

Mu Tongrui's face turned pale.

That conversation which she overheard on top of her dilapidated surroundings; she felt a wave of terror

flooding over her from all sides.

For inexplicable reasons, she was brought back to that time when she was pushed into the swimming

pool by Shen Wanyue in front of everyone. Fu Lingye had turned up miraculously to save her.

Fu Lingye, will he save me again?