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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Chapter Volume 2 37: Conundrum
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Bi De raised an eyebrow at the rude question. The rabbit's voice was far harsher than her appearance, filled with heat at his presence. Even now, he could feel her Qi focused upon him, and he could see the tenseness in her muscles.

He nearly rose to the harsh words and implied threat. Instead, he took a step backwards from the grave, and raised his wings in greeting. He was trespassing, and in resting places of the honoured dead at that. Some hostility was only natural.

And it would be a shame to do battle with the only honourable and respectable awakened one since his fellow disciples. She was not full of lust for violence. Instead, behind the heat and wrath at his trespass, beyond the imperious command, there held a curiosity.

Her eyes widened briefly in surprise, whether at his manners or at his respect. Almost involuntarily, her head dipped slightly in acknowledgement.

Bi De winced. He had been impolite, not entering through the gate. How shameful!

He waited for her to finish. And together, they stood in front of each grave, and bowed once to the dearly departed.

The rabbit turned from the graves, and set off back into the destroyed village. Bi De followed after.

Bi De entered the coops behind the rabbit. It had been partially repaired on the inside. Leaks patched, and things fixed as best as they were able. But it was still draughty, and still run down looking.

Liang Yin’s Master was lying in the middle of the room, and slowly uncurled as they entered. He was not a particularly large snake, yet he had a presence about him. He felt dangerous, but Bi De saw the slight kink in the snake’s back, two thirds of the way down his body. Broken and crippled. Some scales shone bright jade-green. Others were dull and charred, like they had been subjected to fire.

One eye was missing, burned out by the same flame that had scarred his scales, while the other was exhausted and dead looking. He took in the rooster before him, his eyes lingering on Bi De’s pendant and vest. A soft smile overtook his face, before it died, and the snake slumped, a sigh escaping him. He inclined his head to Bi De.

Yin, who had been inspecting the wall, scoffed.

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The snake hissed as their intents swelled, filling the room.

Both glared at each other and squabbled as Bi De stood awkwardly, unsure if he should intervene. He idly wondered what this fight was about, but thought it best not to press in case the reason was private.

Instead, he took off his pack, and revealed some of his newly replenished victuals. Rice and eggs. These ones looked as if they had little. He coughed.

Both froze in their staring contest, and turned. Yin looked curiously at the rice, while Miantiao stared at the eggs with a complicated expression on his face.

,’ the snake whispered.

Bi De prepared the rice, as Yin looked on curiously. Like she had never had a cooked meal before.

He puffed up proudly at the words. Indeed, his Great Master was correct as always. He was learning and growing upon his adventure.

He turned his smile to the snake and the rabbit staring at him. The rabbit looked intrigued, while the snake looked stricken. Miantiao shook his head again, snapping himself out of whatever memories took him.

Bi De retrieved his map, and began his tale. Really, this was like being among his fellow disciples again as they ate, and he told the story of the Torrent-Rider.


The night had been pleasant, though Bi De had still been cautious. Trust, but verify. Yet Miantiao and Liang Yin both seemed unconcerned, the rabbit slumping over onto her master and beginning to mutter in her sleep, while the snake kept watch for her.

It was quite cute. Yin’s hard lines softened immensely once the dreams claimed her, while her Shifu rubbed her head with his tail.

Bi De dozed for a while, some of his alertness fading, until it was time for him to rise. He went to the roof, to properly greet the sun. To his surprise, Yin awoke at the same time, joining him on the roof, her Shifu coiled around her and deeply asleep.

Her body went through morning movements, as His Great Master did. She was a graceful one. Her movements fluid, as she slid through the morning mist.

Bi De took a breath, and as the sun crested the horizon, he greeted the new day. Yin jumped from beside him at the loud noise, her body tense, but pausing at the brief tap on her head by her Shifu’s tail.

He stared out over the village, while Yin looked at him curiously.

The rabbit nodded at this explanation, as her Shifu finished uncoiling, laying down in the dawn light.

The rabbit hopped off the roof, and onto the ground, where she immediately walked to a rather beaten up tree, commencing her morning training.

Her eyes were pure and focused, as she kicked and struck at the tree. Bi De had to admit, her kicks were powerful and graceful, each flowing into the next.

The snake watched, pride mixed with sadness.

At that, the snake, fully warmed by the sun, turned his head up to the sky. He looked old and worn. Like the weight of the world was upon his back.

The rabbit nodded, determined.

Curious, the rooster followed. He wondered what he was to witness. More training? He supposed that this was her learning a new technique, judging by the mangled and shattered logs.

The rabbit nodded, using her teeth… and absolutely mangling the wood. The rabbit glared, and grumbled.

Bi De knew not what his plan was, in making her build this. Yin obediently went about her work, as the snake’s eyes drifted far away.

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There was something here that he did not like. The lie. The lie the rabbit did not notice. But he held his tongue. He didn’t know enough about the situation to intervene just yet, and Yin’s Qi flow seemed normal enough.

A chance to aid two loyal spirit beasts… and a chance to get to the bottom of this strange circumstance.

Yin frowned at another piece of mangled wood.

Yin was intrigued by his technique.


It was strange, working with the two other beasts. Yin was cold and standoffish, her words crude and aggressive. Almost like Tigu, but lacking some of her predatory energy. Instead, the rabbit was constantly sneaking glances at the snake. Miantiao was either possessed by the mania of work, struggling as much as his crippled body would allow, or slow and lethargic, just staring off into space.

Pride the imperious looking rabbit did not seem to be learning. She grumbled like Disciple Gou Ren, clearly not enjoying any of it… but doing it all the same to please her master.

Bi De could relate to the feeling.

Yet he was the odd one out. The Master and Disciple worked with familiarity. They had clearly known each other for a long time. There were the occasional gentle touches, or Yin would tap at her master, or kick at him to make him snap out of whatever space he wound himself in.

The lie here… it was not the lie of Chow Ji. The snake had too much affection for the rabbit to wish to consume her. But he was hiding something from his disciple anyway.

Bi De pondered this, as they finished their labours for the day. The finding and stripping of an oak would be tomorrow. He remembered clearly the design of the other shrines.

He nodded his head at the careless statement. Said without thought. The snake was directly empowering Yin. He apparently was giving her every bit of Qi he coul lay his coils on.

Bi De could not make sense of it. So he asked.

‘Why would you be a weapon?’ he questioned.

Her lines hardened again.

Bi De watched her go, unsure of what to say.