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Billionaire, Let's Divorce! by BELLA

Chapter 360
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Chapter 0360 AIDEN I heard her sigh deeply. Then, "Thank you so much for coming. I really appreciate this." I gave her a stiff nod, my gaze trained on my daughter, "So," she began awkwardly. "We'd need to go see the doctor so the process can start immediately." 1 heaved a breath. Yeah, the process. It was the reason why I was here... the reason why she was forced to tellthat she borea child... the only reason I was allowed access to my flesh and blood was because she was on the verge of dying.

I felt my insides begin to boil with anger all over again. At the stime, I could still feel the stab of betrayal and hurt if what she'd done.

With one fast look at Amie, I chucked down all the anger and I nodded. "Let's go then." We needed to begin immediately so thatbeing introduced to my daughter would not all be worthless at the end.

She led the way. The short trip to the doctor's office was silent, tense. But we survived it.

"It's here," she muttered unnecessarily as she stopped before a door that read, 'see the doctor.' The moment we stepped in, the doctor's gaze zeroed in on me. With a professional smile pasted on his face, he pointed to the seats on the other side of his desk.

After we were seated, he fixed his gaze onand asked, "I presyou're Amie's father?" I swallowed. "Yes, I am." I just couldn't swallow the fact that I could be referred to by the title only because the poor girl was dying. God. My chest hurt just from the thought of it.

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"Very well then, let's get into it immediately," he flattened his palms on the desk, his smile brightening." I'm sure she must have explained to you but I'd also give you a brief explanation of everything. "First of all, there are the documents that would need to be signed. Then the testing, we are going to need to take several tests to ensure that you're both physically fit to undergo the entire process. After we're sure that you are in good condition, health wise, then we can begin to test the embryo and go ahead to implant the best match in her." I asked a couple of questions to clarify sconfusions that I had while Ana remained quiet beside me. "When would you both be free for this to begin? I know it's your child and it's really important but work is also important and I'd need you to be really present with undivided attention while we get all these things done." His gaze alternated between Ana and I. Ana said she was free anytI was ready.

mentally moved a thing or two in my schedule. Actually more than a thing or two. More like a dozen or two. Then I told him when I'd be free-l just needed the tto inform the management, business partners and clients about my unplanned unavailability. Work would have to wait.

1/2 Chase Ba +25 BONUS He then picked a date that would be convenient for the both of us.

"On that day, all processes will commence." "Thank you, doctor," Ana said as we stood up and left the doctor's room.

Neither of us said anything to the other as we headed to Amie's room.

Amie was still fast asleep. She didn't look like she was in pain anymore. She looked at peace.

As I stared at her, I could glimpse the subtle resemblance between Amie and I. I could also see the resemblances she had with Ana. She looked more like Ana. But if I had taken a longer look that day in the hall, perhaps, I would have spotted the similarities.

Perhaps, she might have even mentioned her mom.

Ana hadn't said anything. She just stood by Amie's side and stared down at her... or me? I had a billion questions to ask her. What was behind the idea to nher Amie? What were her first words? What was her favorite color and food? What was this? What was that? But I wasn't ready to break the tense silence. I didn't want to have to do so.

Even though I'd accepted that this was one of the many unluckiness that life had for me, I was still mad at her. I had every right to be and I wanted to remain mad at her... but could I? It doesn't matter. I was here only for Amie, When she wakes up, I would ask her the questions I could.

I wondered if she remembered me. My lips tilted in a slight smile, would she still think I was rude? What if she doesn't like me? What if she refuse- Okay, stop there.

Let's leave the 'what ifs' till they will matter. And that would be after she gets better. For now I would be in her better life as a savior sibling is made for her whether she liked it or not. Afterward, we'll decide if I stay or not.

"Umm, please, givea minute, I'd be back." Before I could even look up to show that I heard her, Ana was already striding out of the room.

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I watched her open the door and step out.

I returned my gaze to Amie. She made a faint sound in her sleep and let out a ragged breath.

Slowly, I took her hands in mine. They were small and fragile Definitely thinner than the fingers that curled En.

around my pen that day. I intertwined our fingers wishing she'd open her eyes and flashthat mischievous smile or the happy one when she got the pen.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to the back of her hand. When I opened my eyes, there was a drop of water on her hand.

I sniffed and wiped it but more fell. I wiped the tears off my face but they My face but wouldn't stop pouring ut. So I gave up, lowered my head to the bed and sobbed quietly. х