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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28



The day had been nothing short of chaotic, especially with the task of transferring newly arrived artworks into the

vast storage room. Agatha and I were on a mission to get everything organized swiftly. I had delegated her to

concentrate solely on the reconstruction, while I took charge of handling the company’s paperwork.

David was diligently overseeing the receipt of the artwork, ensuring everything was accounted for and handled with


With my hair neatly tucked behind my ear, I meticulously read through each document, making sure to sign them

promptly. As I was working my way through the fifth document, my phone suddenly buzzed, diverting my attention.

Glancing at the phone screen, I quickly recognized the caller as Presley, Daisy’s nanny. My heart ski pped a beat,

fearing something was wrong. Without hesitation, I answered the call, my voice filled with concern. “Presley, is

everything okay?” I could hear my daughter’s distressed cries in the background. “What’s happening? Why is Daisy

crying like that?”

“That was why I called ma’am,” she responded, “she has been crying that she wants to see you, and I’ve tried

everything to get her to calm down, but it’s not working.”

My heart ached as I listened to Daisy’s desperate cries through the phone. I could feel the weight of my remaining

workload, but my daughter’s distress took precedence over everything else. I firmly pushed the files away,

determined to address her needs.

“Put her on the line,” I instructed Presley, my voice filled with compassion. I heard some shuffling before Daisy’s

tearful voice filled my ears, and it broke my heart even more. “Hey, princess,” I said soothingly, hoping to offer her

some comfort. Surprisingly, her cries lessened a bit at the sound of my voice.

“What’s wrong, princess?” I asked gently, wanting to understand what was troubling her so deeply.

“Mummy…” she sobbed, “I want mummy…”

My resolve to finish my work wavered as I knew I couldn’t leave my daughter feeling this upset. “Shh, my darling,” I

tried to console her, “how about we go get some ice cream together? Mummy will be right there with you.”

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But my words seemed to have little effect, and her cries only intensified. Presley attempted to calm her down, but it

only seemed to upset Daisy further. “I want my mummy!” she wailed, her little voice full of longing.

Despite my attempts to comfort Daisy, her crying persisted, and it seemed like my words were falling on deaf ears.

Determined to break through to her, I raised my voice a little, calling out her name firmly, and finally, it seemed to

get her attention. “Daisy!”

She sniffled, responding to my stern tone. “Mummy is on her way home,” I reassured her.

The relief in her voice was evident as she asked, “Mummy is coming home?”

My heart swelled with love and joy at the sound of her voice. “Yes, baby, mummy is coming home,” I confirmed, a

genuine smile spreading across my face. I couldn’t help but reflect on how fortunate I was to have Daisy in my life,

and how much she meant to me.

With her reassurance, I could feel the warmth of her affection even through the phone. “I love you, baby girl,” I

said, my voice full of tenderness.

Her response melted my heart. “I love you too, mummy.”

“See you soon, princess,” I said before disconnecting the call. My focus shifted entirely to the task at hand – getting

home to my daughter as quickly as possible.

With the files now neatly packed into a larger folder, I grabbed my coat and purse, ready to make my way out of

the office.

Chapter 28

But before leaving, I made a quick stop at David’s office to inform him of my early departure. He looked up from his

laptop, offering a warm smile as he greeted me.

“I’m going to head home early today,” I explained, knowing that he and Agatha would handle things efficiently in



His brows furrowed out of concern. “Is everything okay? Are you feeling sick?” He got off the seat and rounded his

desk to meet me. “Did something happen at home?”

Waving off his concern with a smile, I waved the files. “Everything is fine. I just have to take work home because my

baby misses me.”

David exhaled with relief. “I imagined the worst scenery when you walked in and told me you’ll be clocking out


“Why?” I questioned with a teasing while. “It could be good news you know.”

Scotting, he slipped both hands into his pockets. “You never leave work early, unless it is an emergency with Daisy.”

He glanced at the pile of work on his desk. “You want me to walk you to the parking lot?”

“It’s fine.” I took a step back. “You should go back to work, I only stopped by to inform you that I’m leaving.” He

took a step forward, probably to hug me and I involuntarily took one step back. He halted and stared at my feet.

“I’m sorry.”

He lifted his gaze. “You don’t have to apologize Hazel.” He smiled weakly at me. “Slow and steady right?”

Right. I cleared my throat. “I should get going.” Not sure how to handle the tension in the room, I quietly walked out

of the office. Suddenly tired, I dragged my feet into the elevator. Whilst in the elevator, my phone chimed,

indicating a chat from Agatha. Engrossed in responding to the text from Agatha, I got off the elevator and blindly

headed for my car.

“You should pay more attention to your environment while walking.”

Yelping loudly, I loosed hold of my purse and file, placing a hand on my chest to calm my erratic beating heart.

“Christ! Are you trying to make my heart stop Ravel?!” What is he even doing here?!

The ba stard had the audacity to smile. “It wasn’t my intention to scare you.” He slowly made his way towards me.

“You know you can always respond to that text when you get into your car right.”

Staring at him for a moment, I made a prompt decision; he was not worth my time. Ignoring him, I picked up my

purse file, fished out my car key, and hastily ambled toward my car. I don’t know what he’s doing here, and I don’t

care to know.


“Are you ignoring me?” His silly question went unanswered and when it dawned on him that I was making an

escape to my car, he raced towards me and slammed my door shut the moment I opened it. “Hazel?”

Closing my eyes, I took deep long breaths before opening it. Dropping my purse and file on the roof of my car, I

glared at him. “What is this Ravel? Are you stalking me?”

He licked his lips. “Don’t flatter yourself, Hazel.”

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Don’t flatter myself? Is he kidding me right now?! Blinking rapidly, I folded my hands. “If this isn’t stalking, then tell

me what it is Mr. Southwark. You are in my company’s parking lot, can you tell me what exactly it is that you’re

doing here.”

He tried to take a step closer to me. “Don’t you dare!” I snapped, “Don’t you f ucking dare!”

Lifting his hands, he took a step back. “I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable,” He apologized, “I was just in the

city and I thought to see you before I leave tomorrow.”

“Why?” I challenged. “What reason do you have visiting me?”

He bit his lower lips. “We don’t have to be enemies just because we are divorced, Hazel.”

“We don’t have to be friends either.” I retorted. He winced at my words but I remained indifferent to his emotions.

Once upon a time, I would have cared, but not anymore. “I heard you are holding your next exhibition here in


me, Hazel?”

Irritated by his audacity, I scoffed. “You wish. I had dinner with your sister a few weeks ago and she mentioned it.”

“I’ll be sending you an invite.”

“That won’t be necessary.” I countered, declining his invitation. “The reason I mentioned this exhibition is to confirm

from you if I’ll be needing a restraining order placed on you.” His smile slowly morphed into a frown. “I do not like

the fact that we run into each other more often.”

“You want to place a restraining order on me, so I won’t be anywhere close to you during my stay here in Seattle

throughout the exhibition?”

I jutted my chin out. “I’m glad you get the picture.”

Boring his gaze on me, Ravel took a step forward. “You honestly think a restraining order can keep me away?”

“That’s a psychopathic thing to say.” I retorted angrily. “If you make me feel unsafe, I’m reporting you to the cops.”

“Feel unsafe?” His eyes narrowed with disbelief. “If anyone is making you feel unsafe, it’s that silly boyfriend of

yours who allowed you to walk into a parking lot all alone.”

I really should get back to Daisy. “You’ll stop speaking about my boyfriend that way, and just so you know, I’m

getting that restraining order on you.

“It won’t be able to keep me away,” He argued, “You know why? Because I f ucking miss you.”