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Blood Assimilation

Chapter 230
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230 Fury Of The Demon General

Others may not notice it but as a mage who manipulated supernatural power such as mana to conduct various spells, Eliana’s perception of energy was extremely high.

And yet for some reason, she couldn’t tell how much mana that young man had, almost as if he could casually hide the mana within his body.

However, although she couldn’t detect everything, for just a moment, she was able to sense his mana, and that was only possible when Gutz had grabbed onto him.

She assumed that he most likely lost control of his technique to hide his energy due to the unexpected action from Gutz.

Regardless, what she sensed then shocked her as that young man’s aura seemed to contain chaos itself.

It was almost as though he had different kinds of energies within his body at once. Those different energies within his body were constantly on the verge of oppressing each other, creating a chaotic ripple around his body.

This was very unnatural and extremely dangerous if he lost control of himself someday. Thus, she wanted to talk to him about it. However, she was afraid that they might already know about it, and that by doing so, she would only intrude on their privacy.

Right after the young man left and they were alone with Society Leader, she reluctantly inquired about his identity from the Society Leader after they were done with their meeting.

However, the Society Leader only gave a mysterious smile and said that he was a new member of the society and a possible recruit from their branch.

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‘A possible recruit...?’ She murmured inwardly.

The only time the term recruit was used was when the society was recruiting Dungeon Hunters to partake in the unending war between races. And the criteria were high as one could easily lose their life on the battlefield.

Despite that, the Society Leader said that the young man was a possible recruit. This meant that his talents were exceptional enough for the Society Leader to have such high expectations of him.

After thinking about this, she then opened her mouth and said: “We should take that blood with us for now. Maybe we can use it to track the owner faster this way.”

“Oh! You’re right! I didn’t think of that since I wasn’t adept at using those kinds of magic spells. But if it’s someone like you, who is considered a genius magician, then we’ll surely be able to find that person. Maybe there’s more than one person, who knows. Hehehe!” Tiana said, seemingly overjoyed for some reason.

Confused by her overly excited reaction, Eliana hesitantly asked: “Uhm... Why are you so excited, Tiana?”

“Oh, about that... Don’t you know that if we manage to accomplish this possible unprecedented feat, we won’t have to work anymore with the status and money we’ll be receiving from the royal family through the Society?”

‘So that’s why she was excited...?’

Eliana inwardly shook her head and walked away, as Tiana took out an empty potion bottle to collect the cleansed blood.



A muscular but bulky dark-skinned man sat with a dignified and stern expression on his floating watercraft that rocked back and forth from the tidal waves of the sea. The vessel was spacious enough to fit 100 men excluding him.

At this moment, the dark-skinned bulky man frowned and impatiently inquired: “What happened to Gleat and Farlorn? Why are they taking so long to capture some weak humans? These shouldn’t be their first time, right?”

“My apologies, my Lord. We seemed to have lost contact with them just now.” A middle-aged-looking man with pale-white skin who seemed to be his subordinate respectfully responded.

“Just now? So I wasn’t imagining things. Those two actually lost their lives in the middle of capturing some weak humans? How pathetic. I could understand the stupid Farlorn, but what was his name again? I just said it. Was it Gleet?

“It is Gleak, my Lord.” The subordinate corrected.

“Damn it! Now I am even forgetting my own subordinates’ names. If it wasn’t for that idiotic Farlorn who kept referring to Gleak as Gleat, how could I make such a mistake?”

The dark-skinned man started cursing non-stop for a good minute.

Meanwhile, the subordinate simply stood there with his head bowed as he waited for his lord to give his next instructions.

After realizing his uncharacteristic antics, the dark-skinned bulky man cleared his throat and said: “In any case, for the cautious and sly Gleak to lose, the opponent this time might be terrible.”

This dark-skinned bulky man was called Jarkoffin, a Demon General of one of the divisions of the demon army. This time, his division had been tasked with a vital secret mission from their King-The King of the Demons.

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The most advantageous part was that it was a recurring mission. This meant that the more perfectly they completed the mission each time, the more resources and rewards they would receive from their King.

Not to mention that his reputation would only soar from successfully completing this secret mission. He might even be allowed more men under his command as well as more territory to govern.

At that time, none of the other generals could afford to look down on him. Thus, upon receiving this mission, he intended to complete it with the greatest degree of steadfastness.

The task of the secret mission itself was simple, as they only needed to procure some fresh humans that would be used as sacrifices necessary for their recently acquired special technique- Flesh Separation Technique.

This was a cloning technique that sacrificed their lifespan, flesh, and blood to create a separate entity with 70 percent of their combat strength. This cloning method was brutal and fiendish, and so, they needed human sacrifices to replenish their lost lifespans and vitality every time it was used.

Their purpose was to send and use those entities to face off against the persistent humans who refused to yield to their control. Meanwhile, their original body would take those times they are not present on the battlefield to slowly accumulate their power and prepare for the final battle.

So far, their targets have mostly been small villages unattended by the human populace in general. They would always disguise it as the doings of the magical beasts by killing off some in a brutal manner and then proceed to take the remaining survivors away.

Naturally, the humans were not aware of their schemes. Otherwise, they would’ve already taken drastic measures against them.

They had been completing this task with relative ease all this time, as the humans did not pay much attention to the villages around the Meistic forest.

Originally, he thought that today would just be the same as usual, so he didn’t bother to go with his subordinate to complete such a tedious task.

As things stood, however, an unexpected variable managed to kill the subordinates he sent and prevented the mission from being completed this time.

This caused him to become filled with endless rage, as this would count as a humiliation to his name. Moreover, it would affect his work ethic if known.

Furthermore, this task was regarded as a quick and easy way to accumulate merits. Therefore, there shouldn’t have been any problems, as they had already done this task a few times already.

If he, a Demon General, was unable to complete such an easy task assigned to him specifically by their King, where would he put his face?

The thought of his fellow generals laughing at his failure filled him with boiling fury at the one who got in his way.