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Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Chapter 1126: Legendary summoning: lce Phoenix
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"Lich King?" Bai Zemin looked at the hooded figure and a glint of wariness shone in his eyes. Even if the other party was speaking in Russian, the words 'Lich King' were spoken in English therefore Bai Zemin had no trouble understanding that part.

It wasn't that he feared the power of the being in front of him, the real problem was its vitality. Bai Zemin and the others had seen firsthand how a Shadow Lich would rise again even after its bones were crushed to dust.

"Its Majesty used a large portion of its power to raise me from the dead. Although it is true that my life expectancy is not particularly high unless I continuously absorb mana from inside the Undying Forest it should still be good enough to deal with a few human children." The figure that called itself Lich King waved its staff outward as the bone dragon stopped at 1000 meters above the ground.


The dragon's roar was powerful enough to violently shake trees that even a Second Order soul evolver couldn't move with one punch; that's how tough those trees were after they had been absorbing mana in large quantities constantly.

Raise from the dead? Xia Ya's eyes suddenly glittered as she thought of something.

She signaled Little Snow to approach the Jiaolong carefully and slyly, and when she was close to Bai Zemin Xia Ya whispered, "Leader, I think this Lich was probably human until not too long ago."

Bai Zemin gave her a sidelong glance before turning his attention to the enemy ahead. He had silently gestured for her to continue.

"A Fourth Order soul evolver like this Lich should be known somehow but our satellites never saw undead movements. It wasn't until a while ago when this forest appeared that some weird things started to happen in Russia, which naturally forced the enemy Leader to make his move to confirm that the new mutant forest was not a major threat to his territory." Xia Ya whispered as she looked at the Lich King who was muttering something, "Just now, the Lich King said that someone raised it from the dead using a lot of power... If we remember what happened with the gargoyles from before, it's not too hard to draw obvious conclusions."

Russia, Russian Leader, mutant forest appearing overnight, unknown danger, Mana Eater Tree, Russian soldiers, raising from the dead... In fact, after listening to Xia Ya's analysis, Bai Zemin and the other two ladies had no difficulty whatsoever in identifying the Lich King in front of them.

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"You must be a Russian soldier who was killed in here after being unable to get out, am I right?" Shangguan Xinyue who had already calmed down enough to become herself again questioned. She spoke in fluent Russian, in fact.

"There were Russian soldiers among those who dared to venture into the Undying Forest, but I used to be just a captured prisoner of war who was sent here and forced to scout." The Lich King finished charging a sort of skill. As he spoke, the mana in its body exploded outward causing its black robe to flutter fiercely.

"It was Its Majesty who gave me new life, power, and the ability to kill those who pushed me to my death in my previous life." A bony arm revealed itself beneath the cloak as the Lich King tapped the lower part of the black branch it held as a magic staff on the head of the bone dragon lightly.

"Time to finish the talk, human invaders! Undead Armor!"

Under the well-attended eyes of the group, the white bones of the bone dragon suddenly rippled like ripples of water on the surface of a lake. The beast's body grew to twice its size in a short time, coming to look like an extremely terrifying hill.

The most terrifying thing was that on the surface of the bone dragon's body, it had grown a kind of black armor from which hands extended out as if to grasp something. Bai Zemin could even faintly hear wails and whines echoing from the bone dragon's armor.

A glint of worry shone in his eyes. Although he could naturally win, the bone dragon's defense was definitely extremely high to the point where it was comparable to the Leviathan that Bai Zemin faced on the shores of Shanghai long ago.

Shangguan Xinyue gave Bai Zemin a sidelong glance, and sensing what his concerns were she looked at King Lich before saying in a serious voice, "You all continue to advance... I will take care of our friend All Bones."

"That won't happen." Shangguan Bing Xue was the first to refuse, and rightly at that, "Your level is only 187 at present, and even if you can take on a Fourth Order soul evolver thanks to the purity of your Soul Power and equipment you definitely can't fight two at the same time."

Shangguan Xinyue was extremely powerful, but she was still not able to defy natural laws to the extent that Bai Zemin was able to do. She would probably have no problem dealing with the Lich King or restraining it at the very least, but the bone dragon was definitely the nemesis of Shangguan Xinyue whose main skills were all lightning.

"My dear baby Bing Xue, you are smart enough to take the first place in a great university but there are things that are not taught there." Shangguan Xinyue pursed her lips in a smile and stretched her hand toward the sky, "In this world, there is positive energy and negative energy, those we call Yin and Yang."

The sunlight suddenly receded as purple lights began to shine in the sky.

"If this dragon didn't possess that armor it might be hard for me to beat it, but now that it has this armor filled with negative energy..." Shangguan Xinyue's small but graceful and charming body was suddenly enveloped by hundreds of small lightning like snakes flashes and a tennis ball-sized ball of lightning formed over her outstretched palm. "After fire, lightning is the best purifier... Lightning World!"

Although the bone dragon was clearly not alive, it still had basic intelligence. When the ball of lightning in Shangguan Xinyue's hand exploded releasing thunder and lightning that in less than three seconds covered an area of over 5 kilometers, the bone dragon made a freak sound and the black armor that seemed to be made of countless souls began to sizzle.

"Looks like you didn't see my initial attack, All Bones." Shangguan Xinyue let out a rather chilling chuckle as she glanced at the shocked Lich King, "Because I'm sure if you had, you wouldn't have activated that armor-like skill."

Armor-type skills, for the most part, only meant advantages for the user. However, this did not mean that they did not have disadvantages which, in most cases, were only minor disadvantages but disadvantages nonetheless.

For example, an armor-like skill such as Shangguan Bing Xue's Luminous Ice Armor skill increased defense and repelled certain magical skills as well as increasing defense against certain types of skills such as Light-type skills and so on. However, this skill also weakened her against dark and shadow attacks, and also decreased her Agility.

The thing about armor-type skills was that they could not be deactivated, so once they went into effect the user had to wait for them to go into cooldown or go out of combat mode completely for the skill to turn off.

In short, the Lich King could not deactivate the Undead Armor skill it used on the bone dragon to increase its physical and magical defense, and add a corrosive effect on its body.

If King Lich had seen the lightning-like attack that Shangguan Xinyue used earlier it definitely would not have used Undead Armor on its bone dragon.

"Go." Shangguan Xinyue did not look at Bai Zemin but her words were clearly directed at him. "That little fire lady will finish her task and you need to be facing the Mana Eater Tree for your plan to work, don't you? Leave this skeleton and its dragon to me."

Bai Zemin frowned as he really was in a hurry and couldn't afford to delay too long in this place. However, could he just go and leave Shangguan Xinyue behind? Shangguan Xinyue was not only Shangguan Bing Xue's mother but she was a person that Bai Zemin himself respected and valued for her principles and great strength.

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"Even if I can't win, it definitely won't be a problem for me to fight for a few hours with my Mana filled to the brim." Shangguan Xinyue gave Bai Zemin a sidelong glance and said in a strangely serious voice, "Little King, men who doubt their own actions are not attractive at all."

Bai Zemin ignored the last part but after analyzing everything carefully at lightning speed he realized that just like Shangguan Xinyue had just said, it should be no problem for her to fight for a few hours.

"Alright, just delay these two for now. After we take care of the Mana Eater Tree we can finish off this skeleton and its mount." He finally stopped hesitating.

Shangguan Bing Xue hesitated before nodding. However, she approached her mother and handed her a small sphere of ice that was as big as her pinky nail. She explained in a soft manner, "You can release gusts of frost capable of freezing a large village up to a total of 10 times... Just use it to protect yourself when you need to."

She had spent several nights investing her own Mana in the second activation of her Ice Maker skill to create this small item. Shangguan Bing Xue planned to use it against the final boss, but given the circumstances, there was no way she would feel comfortable leaving her mother behind just like that.

Shangguan Xinyue did not delay or stand in ceremony. Since the other party was her precious daughter, she did not hesitate and took the ice item with a smile.

Although the Lich King wanted to attack them, in reality, it was a bit cautious as well, so taking advantage of the other party talking, it focused on casting various skills on its bone dragon to buff it with curses. A scratch of the bone dragon at this moment could kill a Third Order soul evolver below level 150 due to the more than seven curses it had on its body!

Just when Bai Zemin was in a dilemma as he needed another mutant beast to use as a mount since Little Snow was not suitable for combat with more than two adults on her back, Shangguan Bing Xue surprised him and saved the day again.

Without waiting for him to say anything and knowing what the problem was, the beautiful Shangguan Bing Xue stood on the edge of the flood dragon's head, and at the same time as an ice blue magic circle glowed in the air, she remarked, "This summoning doesn't last long... but I think it should be almost enough."

At first, Bai Zemin, Shangguan Xinyue, and Xia Ya were not sure what kind of creature Shangguan Bing Xue was summoning. However, the three of them were dumbfounded when they saw a legendary creature with the opposite attribute from the norm.

There were certain extremely deep records that Bai Zemin did not have access to even though his soul with Shangguan Bing Xue's was almost as compatible as it was with Lilith's; he even suspected that as she became more perfect and her level higher they would probably be on the same level. Therefore, it was only natural that he did not know about some of her skills.

But what Bai Zemin did not expect was a summoning-type skill not to mention a legendary summoning.

It was a phoenix.

An Ice Phoenix.

* * * * * * *