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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 749: Back Home
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"Soul Eaters?" I wondered. "What's that? Like the Undead we fought back then?"

"Undead such as ghosts and so on are different than Hollows." Said the Great Spirit. "Hollows are beings born originally from negative energies and corruption. Because of that, they might desire a soul and life even more than Undead, who once had it. Soul Eaters are incredibly dangerous Hollows born every dozens of years. It takes several Life Draining Hollows to devour one another to reach this form. A Soul Eater not only can drain Mana and Life but devour Souls. The more it devours, the stronger its own soul will become. With this, they also become incredibly intelligent, cunning, and malicious!"

"You're scaring us now…" Rita sighed. "Well, let's make sure something like that never shows up in here. We can always just hunt a few every week, that should do it anyways."

"It's not like we're the only ones hunting either." I said. "Rose and the others from SWORD, there are several members scattered across the city, they hunt them regularly as well."

"Then there's little to worry about!" Rita nodded. "Now let's get done with these guys, I need to go make lunch already."

"Alright…!" I nodded. "Monica, if you don't want to fight, it's alright. You can just watch for now."

"I-I can try fighting a bit more…" Monica said, it felt like she was forcing herself. "The only way I'll ever get over this fear I have is by doing this."

"Well… Alright, just do it slowly and don't force yourself." I smiled, trying to guide her.

Her abilities were amazing, but also very dangerous. I had to make sure to guide her through the right path, so she doesn't end up growing corrupted by her powers alone.

We managed to defeat the Hollows in a couple of minutes, Monica ended finishing a few more with her strange curse magic, although after the third one, she got tired and couldn't conjure anymore spells.

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After collecting the Hollows mud and their corrupted crystal, we moved back home, where we had a nice lunch together. Rita and Lily went back home, and while we were washing the dishes, I asked my daughter a few things.

"So when are you getting to the Luminous Kingdom's capital? Been a couple of days already… Is it that hard to travel?" I wondered.

"Well… We were really, really far away. And Elisa is always complaining about being bored, so we usually take some stops and explore new towns, or sometimes when there's a dungeon, I immediately go to explore it so… We've been delaying it a bit, haha…" My daughter took it really carefreely.

"Oh well, I hope you can make it in time before the big boss is already defeated." I giggled, teasing her a bit.

"The big boss?! You've already fought it?" She asked in surprise. "Wait, how strong is it?!"

"We haven't, haha… And Elena, remember this is still a real world. There are a lot of dangerous things happening there. The Cult of the Demon King of Miasma, and perhaps even the Demon King of Death cooperating with them. We're slowly trying to track everything down. But some extra help from some top tier players would help a lot too!" I said, washing her plate.

"Right, I'll try to tell everyone to hurry a bit, we can't miss this World Quest either… A-And as you say, if that's all really… real, I also want to help them." Elena sighed. "I've lived in that world myself, and I love that world as well, so I want to see if I can help the people there. Especially the innocents that might be victims."

"Well said." I nodded.

Knock, knock!

Suddenly, however, someone knocked on the door. Mark, who was cleaning the table, quickly went to see who it was, only to be greeted by a redheaded girl, Anna.

"Yo, Mark. Is Elena here?" She asked.

"Oh, Anna, yes, yes, come in." Mark happily let her in.

"Hey, you're a bit late for lunch." Elena greeted her with a slightly angry expression.

"Elena, don't be so rude…" I sighed.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I was busy with mom… I helped her make lunch, something we've not done in ages and… I ended having lunch with her instead." Anna apologized.

"Well, that's actually wonderful, dear." I smiled.

I noticed her clothes weren't the usual either, she was using mostly new clothes, black jeans, a red blouse, a black choker, and some bracelets too. And what seemed to be a red bow over her head?

Also her hair seemed much silkier too… Did she get all tidied up for my daughter, I wonder?

"Are you two going somewhere, by any chance?" I broke the awkward silent.

"Y-Yeah… I came here to looking for her…" Anna blushed a bit. "W-We're going out… to like, do what friends do, ahah."

"Is that so?" I smiled. "Dear, you don't have to wash the dishes, go get ready for your date." I whispered to my daughter.

"Really?" She asked.

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"Yeah, yeah, you can also take some money from my wallet too, so you can have some physical cash." I told her.

"Thank you mom." She gave me a kiss in my cheek before rushing to her bedroom, where Monica was throw out from, she was playing Smash Bros.

"Oh, Monica's here, what's up?" Anna tried to make some conversation.

"S-Sup…" Monica said. "Is Elena in a hurry?"

"Kind of." Anna laughed a bit, she was a bit tense.

After Elena came from her bedroom, wearing a beautiful black and white dress, some black boots, and a black bow over her beautiful silky black hair, Anna was left rather paralyzed.

"Do I look alright?" My daughter asked, oblivious of her beauty.

"Y-Yeah, I mean… Of course." Anna smiled a bit sweetly. "You're beautiful, actually."

Damn, she was really in love with my daughter, wasn't she? It was so obvious. I can't believe it took me this long to realize her crush.

"W-What are you talking about?" My daughter felt embarrassed. "A-Anyways, let's go… Bye mom, bye Mark, bye Monica!"

"Bye, have fun, dear!" I waved my hand. "Morpheus, make sure to watch over the girls."

"Very well, milady." Morpheus disappeared as I gave him a command.