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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 792: The Domain Of The Demon King Of The End
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Heaven and Hell, two "Planes" that are between a Realm or a Dimension, which coexists with Earth, which is the middle part of the two.

Like a sandwich, Hell is below and Heaven above, while Earth, the Mortal Plane, is the center of such a sandwich, both sides influence the one in the middle, while constantly trying to destroy each other with their own factions.

I experienced that firsthand when I accidentally turned myself into something like a half-angel by absorbing Angelina's materials… And the worst part is that, because they live between these Planes, not even Awakened people can normally see these entities.

The reason I was able to see them was because of what I ended becoming… But nonetheless, knowing that Hell might be somehow connected with Arcadia only brings me more questions.

Is Arcadia's hell different than Earth's Hell? Or are they one and the same? I have not been able to confirm that fact yet, but due to the strong connection that both worlds have, it wouldn't be far-fetched to say they're somehow connected.

But wouldn't that mean Heaven is also connected? Yet I have not found anything regarding that area yet, aside from knowing the existence of Angelic Races one can choose when creating an Avatar, like with Angelina.

And then what's up with the Underworld? It seems to be a completely separated area from Hell, and it also seems to be somewhere where souls go too, an afterlife of sorts… It is much different than Hell, but it serves a similar purpose.

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"Hell?" Lily asked.

"Wait, that Hell? Does that mean that this world also has one?" Rita wondered.

"It seems to be the case…" Mark rubbed his handsome face's chin. "Your majesty, would you be alright be revealing us more of this Hell?"

"I will, you've done enough to deserve that." He said. "I trust you won't be telling everyone about it, right?"

"We won't." I nodded. "I promise you."

"Very well, those eyes are strong enough for me to believe you for now, Planta." The King nodded. "And I've heard that you're also Yggdrasil's Successor, is it not? You're the priestess of the Ancient Tree, someone that governs the Forest of Beginnings."

"A-Ah, my façade as a normal commoner was broken already?" I felt a bit speechless.

"But of course, it would be stupid of my part to not realize how incredible of a being you are. Having you here is a blessing by itself." He smiled. "Now, to the topic at hand… What is Hell? Well what I've learned is only what I read in the only book in my library that has such information. It is a broken book with many missing pages, and incredible ancient. My father once told me it was inherited to us by a Group Known as the Overseers of Time."

"Overseers of Time?!" I asked. "Wait…. That's…!" I looked at Brisingra, who was just as excited.

"We are also aware that there are ruins down there, which are connected to their ancient inheritance, but it is so heavily protected nobody has ever been able to enter. It is also sealed together with what Ambil's family has been protecting, Hephaestus Divine Forge." The King explained, surprising us that he knew so much.

"Your majesty, please…! I… Do you know something else about the Overseers of Time?" Brisingra asked.

"Brisingra, isn't it? I also know you're the daughter of King Dainn of Svartalfheim." The King smiled. "It is nice to know that the Country of Dwarves is cooperating with us. King Dainn must trust his daughter's strength."

"E-Eh?! You know so much…" Brisingra was left speechless.

"I suppose you know I serve Queen Titania too." Nieve spoke with a cold tone of voice.

"Of course, Knight Nieve, you're a renowned knightess of your country." The king smiled. "I find this a joyous opportunity to rekindle the alliance we once had with these two countries, but I suppose that for that to happen, we better get rid of the problem at hand."

"First of all, about the Overseers of Time, we don't know more than that." Camilla said. "My husband has read that book many times, but we only know that they left an inheritance, and they once controlled Arcadia's fate."

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"And about Hell, well, this knowledge is deeply rooted with our world's myths. Especially the myth of the Seven Demon Kings of the past, which are now being reincarnated one after another." Sighed the King. "Hell is a Unique Realm, known as The Other Side, by some of us…"

"It is said in the book of the ancient overseers of time that when the Demon King of the End was born, his power was so strong Arcadia could not hold him." Camilla explained.

"And therefore, space and time distorted, creating a Realm to contain his endless prowess. This is The Other Side, a wicked reflection of our world, twisted, transformed, and filled with flames, death, and the Demon King of the End's children, True Demons." The King revealed the truth.


We were all left speechless… Because if this was the actual truth and not just some myth they made up, it meant that even the Hell back on Earth… was connected to the Demon King of the End!

But how?! It doesn't make any sense! Does it mean that Arcadia and Earth had a connection from much earlier than just recently? An even more ancient connection, that could date to before humans even started building civilizations!

Or maybe it's just really different than our Hell and I'm just overthinking things. Though, nonetheless, it really feels quite shocking that the Demon King of End has its own strange Realm.

"What the cultists are trying to bring to this world is even more dangerous than the Undead forces of the Demon King of Death himself…" King Luminous muttered, gritting his teeth. "They want to summon the Demon King of the End's forces, and accelerate this world's doom!"

"We can't let them get away with it, we already managed to survive against the Demon King of Miasma, and now we're dealing with yet another more, if there's a third… It's pretty much game over." Camilla, the strongest player, confessed. "This world… might truly be destroyed if that happens."

"We won't let that happen, no matter what!" I said.