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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest-Novel

Chapter 823 Druids
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Chapter 823 Druids


The Domain Elayne created was much more important than she could have ever imagined. The presence of the Domain extended several times the Domain's own size.

It reached many people, especially those that could "sense it", to an extent… Although newly Awakened People, Hunters, had very low magical sensibility, that wasn't the case for those that were very used to magic since a young age.

Especially Spiritual Essence, one of the purest and strongest of essences and energies in the world, which helped life flourish and blossom with its radiance.

"I'm finally here…"

A large hawk sat down over the ceiling of a house in near Elayne's neighborhood, although it resembled an animal, this creature was, in fact, not an animal.

"It has taken me many days to finally reach her, but I am here, at long last." The hawk seemed to smile slightly. "The new Domain made by a powerful Pseudo Divine Spirit… I've arrived first before everyone else! Ahh, such a glorious aura! Merely being here, it feels like all my exhaustion is being washed away by her endless source of Spiritual Essence."

The hawk closed his eyes and smelled the scent of the air. As someone very used to magic and spiritual energy, he could even sense the scent of magic.

And the scent of this Spiritual Essence was sweet, calming, and welcoming… It truly washed away all his exhaustion and made him feel healthier than ever before.

"Now, where should I make a small nest for myself?" He wondered. "Just staying here would help me grow so much stronger. And if I could have a meeting with the growing Divine Spirit, I could even gain her Blessings! I have to work hard and gain her trust first. Even as a Druid, I cannot simply expect every spiritual being to trust me."

"Oh, you're finally here, Rudras!"

However, the thoughts of the hawk were interrumpted by a squirrel that was just passing by… The hawk glared at it with shock!

"Wait, huh?! Emilio?!" 

The hawk almost vomited blood out of shock, frustration, and anger!

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"Yeah, the very same! You sure took a while even with your wings, happens because you live so far away from human society… Come on, we've been waiting for ya."

"We?" Rudras asked. "Wait, don't tell me there are even more Druids here?!"

"Of course! There's Old Man Jose, and then Lady Judith, and of course, even Grandma Janny is here too! They've gathered around for a few weeks now, only watching things occur. The domain was made just recently." 

"A-Ah, I see…"

Rudras was shocked he wasn't the first one to arrive here, he who always thought his Polymorphing abilities were top notch in terms of speed… He had been beaten by his elders!

"Wait, Emilio, have they set up some sort of society?!" Rudras realized what the Squirrel meant.

"Oh? Not yet, I mean, Societies can only be created by the Divine Being or Spirit." Said the Squirrel. "But we've made some sort of Cult around it, ya dig it?"

"Don't "ya dig it" to me!" Rudras, the overly serious Druid, groaned. "Lead me where the rest are!"

"Okay~ Come then." The squirrel was munching on some acorns, rushing down the streets into the neighborhood.

There was a small park where children played, it was also filled with many trees and bushes. Right inside an old tree, there was an entrance, which was dug down into an underground hideout.

The underground hideout was filled with roots holding everything together, mushrooms and all kinds of vines and flowers.

There were many crevices where the sun descended from above, so it wasn't as dark as Rudras had imagined.

In there, he was greeted by four more Druids, gathered around an Altar, all of them on their polymorphed appearances, as it was much easier to enter this place in animal forms.

"So this is the little hideout you've built, huh?" Rudras was trying to play it cool, but he was filled with frustration he wasn't the first one that got to make one.

They were surrounding a huge altar they had built, made out of wood and engraved with runic inscriptions using their blood.

It was in the shape of a beautiful and voluptuous woman, with wide hips and large breasts, resembling a fertility idol.

It had long hair, and horns resembling branches.

She also had animalistic traits, such as her arms which had scales, and sharp claws, and also a long, crocodile-like tail.

Rudras was weirded out by their Idol's appearance of the Divine Spirit being born in here…

Did she really look so weird and aberrant?

"Oh, if isn't the rash Rudras." Giggled a black crow.

"Hmm? So you've finally arrived, for calling yourself the fastest Druid, you're quite slow…" An old-looking gray fox giggled.

"Come on now, you don't have to bully Rudras like that." Sighed the panther in there.

The beaver with them remained in silence, it looked very old…

"As you can see, we've been meditating around the Idol we've built for her." Said the squirrel. "The more we meditate, the more enlightened and connected to nature we feel."

"Is that so? The idol is quite bizarre though, does she really have such features?" Wondered Rudras, raising one of his feathers as eyebrows.

"Of course, it isn't completely the same as hers." Said the crow. "But Grandma Janny saw her, right grandma?"

"Indeed, I polymorphed into a street cat and saw her the other day. She looks and acts like a normal human woman, she is very beautiful and graceful too. She has her own family as well, so we better not disturb her." She said. "However, although she seemed normal in the outside, inside… Her Soul was enormous, I could only see but a glimpse of it, but she resembled a gigantic dragon composed of all of nature! It was… a sight I could never forget. She is truly a developing Divine Spirit, whoever she truly is."

"A Dragon made of Nature…" Rudras muttered. "Don't tell me, like the old tales from Europe's Druids?"

"Indeed, I don't know if its truly her, but it could be possible that she is… Someone connected to the Ancient Yggdragon."

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The Druids fell into silence after such a statement…

"We must protect her Domain from the malefic forces that are approaching…" Grandma Judith said. "Young Rudras, I am counting on your aid."

"Very well, I shall help however I can." Rudras nodded obediently.

As he nodded, the Druids invited him to "commute" with the Altar, which would further connect them with Nature and their lady's Domain.

He sat there, closing his eyes and connecting his Soul and Mana with the Altar.


And then, he was able to see it clearly, the beauty of Nature and the endless source of energy she generated… 

It felt as if they have been absorbed into a different Realm, one of endless Nature and beauty. There were strange beings there too.

Magical creatures he had only read from fairy tale books.

Brownies, Mushroom People, Fairies, Treants, and Squirrel People…

"What is this place?"

Druids had the ability to connect with Domains and Realms of Nature, often created by ancient or mythic nature beasts or spirits.

And by connecting to their new spiritual deity's realm, they were temporarily transported into a completely new world…

A world of endless natural beauty.

And a gigantic tree resting in the middle of it all…

"The Spirits call this… The Forest of Beginnings." Grandma Judith smiled. "It appears to be a Realm all of its own!"

"A Realm… in here?!" Rudras was left utterly perplexed. 
