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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 662
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She hung up on Carlos, and immediately dialed Gregory’s number. To her dismay, his phone was off, and the call went straight to voicemail.

She dialed the number again and again, but to no avail. She didn’t dare to call an angry Carlos; instead, she sent him a private message on

Facebook saying, “I’m sorry, Carlos. Both Gregory’s and Debbie’s phones are off.”

Of course, Carlos knew it. He had called his wife five times, but couldn’t get through. The last time, he slammed the phone down on the seat next to him in disgust. He’d seen his dad ruin enough phones to know that when he was that mad, he needed a cushion he could throw his phone at. He couldn’t call with a broken phone.

The tall, proud man sat in the back seat of his car, visibly upset.

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Suddenly, his phone rang, and it was Wesley.

“I’m at the hospital now.

Megan just woke up, and she’s asking for you. Where are you?”

Rubbing his arching brows, Carlos felt a little annoyed when Wesley mentioned Megan.

“I can’t make it now. Just keep her busy till I get there.” His wife was about to sleep with another man, and he was eager to find her. He had no tfor anything or anyone else.

“Hmm,” Wesley answered.

“What happened? How did Megan fall into the river? Was it Debbie?” His voice was as cold as ice.

“It’s not what it looks like. Debbie might be a brat, but she’s not psycho. She wouldn’t kill anybody.” Carlos’ head cleared after he took stto cool himself down. Debbie had always been square with him before, so he saw no reason not to defend her now. She tried his patience-a Lot-but in the end she always had a heart of gold. And now, he knew her spirit was broken. And her heart. He figured that maybe if he could clear the air, she’d believe that she was his one and only.

Wesley paused as Blair’s words entered his mind.

“If Megan’s so important to you, then marry her!” She had once yelled at him Like this.

None of the two men hung up, nor did they say anything. They were both lost in their own thoughts.

On the other hand, when Debbie and Gregory left the restaurant, she got into his car and made sure both of their phones were powered down.

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“If our phones were on, Carlos would call and find us, and then we’d be screwed,” she said.

Gregory couldn’t do anything but glumly retort, “I don’t think it’lL help.”

He knew Carlos far too well. Everyone did. The arm of his vengeance was long, and he had men who were quite efficient at carrying out his orders, whether they were to seize someone, break up a fight, or finish one. They were pretty ruthless, often as efficient as Carlos himself

If he couldn’t handle a situation personally, he put his assistants or bodyguards on it. Could he find two people with ease? Does a bear poop in the woods? Even if you hid in those swoods, it was just a matter of tbefore he found you.

Gregory’s words did make sense to Debbie. But she was stubborn… She murmured, “Carlos is too busy to look for us. He’s holding Olga in his arms right now. And he might go to the hospital to keep Megan company later.”

Gregory looked at the sad and dejected girl, and felt it necessary to console her.

“I really think you’re taking all this wrong. Carlos treats Megan well just because she’s his niece. But you’re different ”

“Gregory, you don’t know her…” Megan had once told Debbie that she would’ve married Carlos if it weren’t for her. She even tricked Debbie once, making her think that Carlos had chosen Megan over her. But