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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 736
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England with me, Carlos will beat you to a pulp.”

Jared’s face darkened.

“Then what will I do? Are you so cruel that you’d dumphere? We used to fight against others, play truant, and drink together. Without you, everything will be so boring. Dixon is leaving too. Kasie has a boyfriend. Kristina and I will be left behind.”

It had never occurred to Jared that they would part ways with each other so soon. Yes, he had long known that they would eventually graduate, work and have a family, and that they would have less time to spend with each other. But he had thought that they would all stay in

Alorith together. But now, two of them were going abroad already.

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Debbie’s eyes reddened. She forced a smile and said in a feigned cheerful voice, “Con, Jared. Don’t act like a little girl. You sound like I’m never coming back. My husband is here. I will be returning to Alorith quite often to keep an eye on him.”

Although Carlos had promised her that he would keep her company in

England, she knew that it would be difficult for him to leave Alorith in such a short tbecause of his hectic work schedule.

Seeing Jared’s long face, Sasha suggested in a low voice, “Why not find a girlfriend to keep you company?”

Jared snapped back impatiently, “A girlfriend is no comparison to my friends. I will always value Tomboy, Dixon, Kasie and Kristina over any girl.”

Little did he know that what he had just said would be a slap in his face in the future.

Jared’s harsh voice made Sasha feel embarrassed. She lowered her head in dejection. The reason why she was here, dining with Debbie and her friends, was that she had called Debbie and told her that she wanted to join them too.

Debbie was pissed off by Jared’s tone towards her cousin.

“Jared, Sasha was just trying to console you. Don’t yell at her!”

Jared, who was also in a horrid mood, was instantly provoked. He cast a burning glance at Sasha and snapped again, “Don’t followaround ever again. You’re a real pest!”

No one had ever called Sasha “a pest” before; she was hurt beyond belief. Her eyes brimming with tears, she moved towards Debbie to stay away from Jared.

Debbie banged her chopsticks on the table and shouted, “Jared! Have you completely lost it? I know you are not happy right now, but that’s no excuse for treating Sasha this way. I’ll have you know that she has many admirers. You think she’s pestering you? Hah! You’ve got to be kidding.”

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Seeing that the two were about to have a fight, the rest of them stepped in. Kasie picked up sfood for Jared and coaxed them,

“Jared, Tomboy, the food is ready. Let’s eat.”

Kristina picked up a slice of pork for Debbie.

“Tomboy, hurry up and eat. The meat is over-cooked already.”

Dixon poured Jared a glass of beer.

“Let’s drink, man. I’ll call a cab for you later.”

“I have no appetite now!” Jared yelled angrily. He wasn’t going to be coaxed easily.

Debbie was enraged by his attitude. Glaring at him with fury, she reprimanded, “Are you insane? They are trying to appease you, yet you are so ungrateful.”