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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 574
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Has this brat found out about it? Otherwise, why would she mention about my children?

But that's impossible!

Susan's face turned as pale as a sheet, feeling unsettled and anxious.

Noticing her guilt, Natalie folded her arms and sneered. “So what if Jasmine did become his legitimate child

afterward, it still doesn't change the fact that she was an illegitimate child for over a decade.”

“You...” Susan raised her hand in anger, preparing to slap Natalie.

However, before she could, Harrison grasped her hand with a furious expression. “Enough! Stop causing a scene!

You're humiliating the two of us!”

“I'm humiliating you?” Susan twisted her hand away from Harisson's grasp. “Who have I humiliated? Her words

were horrible. So why can't I teach her a lesson?”

“Because she is my daughter! You don't have the right to teach her anything.” Yulia spoke from Natalie's back.

Natalie turned around and smiled. “Mom, you're here.”

Yulia nodded in reply, took a few steps forward, and stopped beside Natalie. She glowered at Susan, then turned to

look at Natalie. “Baby Girl, did these two idiots bully you?”

Natalie shook her hand. “Nope.”

More like me bullying them.

“They'd better not.” Yulia let out a sigh of relieve.

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Harrison gazed at Yulia with a complicated expression. “Yulia, why would you think so badly of us? Nat is my

daughter, so how could I...”

“Save your b*llshit.” Yulia scoffed, “You only think of treating Nat as your daughter now? Have you forgotten what

you said seven years ago when you chased the three of us out of the house?”

Has this brat found out about it? Otharwisa, why would sha mantion about my childran?

But that's impossibla!

Susan's faca turnad as pala as a shaat, faaling unsattlad and anxious.

Noticing har guilt, Natalia foldad har arms and snaarad. “So what if Jasmina did bacoma his lagitimata child

aftarward, it still doasn't changa tha fact that sha was an illagitimata child for ovar a dacada.”

“You...” Susan raisad har hand in angar, praparing to slap Natalia.

Howavar, bafora sha could, Harrison graspad har hand with a furious axprassion. “Enough! Stop causing a scana!

You'ra humiliating tha two of us!”

“I'm humiliating you?” Susan twistad har hand away from Harisson's grasp. “Who hava I humiliatad? Har words

wara horribla. So why can't I taach har a lasson?”

“Bacausa sha is my daughtar! You don't hava tha right to taach har anything.” Yulia spoka from Natalia's back.

Natalia turnad around and smilad. “Mom, you'ra hara.”

Yulia noddad in raply, took a faw staps forward, and stoppad basida Natalia. Sha glowarad at Susan, than turnad to

look at Natalia. “Baby Girl, did thasa two idiots bully you?”

Natalia shook har hand. “Nopa.”

Mora lika ma bullying tham.

“Thay'd battar not.” Yulia lat out a sigh of raliava.

Harrison gazad at Yulia with a complicatad axprassion. “Yulia, why would you think so badly of us? Nat is my

daughtar, so how could I...”

“Sava your b*llshit.” Yulia scoffad, “You only think of traating Nat as your daughtar now? Hava you forgottan what

you said savan yaars ago whan you chasad tha thraa of us out of tha housa?”

Harrison opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out.

Yulia ignored him and held Natalie's hand. “Let's go, Baby Girl. Let's ignore them and try our best to avoid them in

the future. After all, it'd be bad if we were to contract any of their idiocy.”

“Got it.” Natalie chuckled in agreement.

With that, Yulia and Natalie entered the courthouse, leaving only a glum-looking Harrison and a glowering Susan

standing there.

Susan pinched Harrison's arm. “They've already left, so what are you staring at? Are you regretting your decision to

divorce her and chasing both your children out of your house?”

Harrison remained silent with his eyes lowered.

He was indeed regretting the decision he made. Back then, he had felt that Yulia was too pushy. She would

comment on everything he did, even matters relating to Smith Group. In the end, he couldn't take that kind of life,

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so he decided to divorce Yulia and marry Susan.

What he didn't expect was Susan turned out to be a parasite. The only thing she knew was spending money. She

couldn't contribute to anything at all, whether in getting more connections nor helping Smith Group. The same

applied to Jasmine. After managing to replace Natalie as Shane's fiancée with much difficulty, she couldn't catch

Shane's heart even after five years of trying. In the end, Natalie was the one who ended up owning his heart and

even married him.

If Harrison had known things would turn out this way, he wouldn't have listened to Susan's advice to divorce Yulia

and chased both his children out of his house. If he didn't listen to Susan, Smith Group wouldn't have gone bankrupt

either, and Thompson Group would even help Smith Group for Yulia's sake since Shane was now her son-in-law.

As all these thoughts raced through Harrison's mind, he got gradually angrier as he glared at Susan.

He wholeheartedly thought that everything that happened was all due to his marriage to Susan.

Not once had he realize his own faults.

Even though Susan was Harrison's lawful wife for seven years, they had been together for two decades. As such,

she knew Harrison very well. Just a glance from Harrison, and she would know what his thoughts were.

“What? You're blaming me now?” Susan laughed, her face twisted in anger.

Harrison's face darkened. “Enough. It's pointless to talk about this any further. The court session is about to begin.

Let's head inside.”

Supported by the walking cane, he walked toward the entrance of the courthouse with a hunched back.

I have to find a chance to divorce this woman so that Natalie can return to the Smith Residence.

After all, she has married Shane. I must find a way to win her over.